(a) Prior to the leasing of the medical clinic or clinical facilities, the board of directors must determine and find the following:
(1) The amount necessary in each year to pay the principal of and the interest on the bonds proposed to be issued to finance such clinic (which term, as used in this section, shall also include any clinical facilities covered by any such lease);
(2) Unless the proceedings under which the proposed bonds are to be issued provide that any debt service reserve fund which the board of directors deems it advisable to establish in connection with the retirement of the proposed bonds is to be entirely funded out of the proceeds from the sale of such bonds, the amount necessary to be paid each year into any such reserve fund;
(3) The amount necessary to be paid each year into any reserve fund which the board of directors may deem it advisable to establish in connection with the maintenance of the clinic; and
(4) Unless the terms under which the clinic or its facilities is to be leased provide that the lessee shall maintain the clinic and carry all proper insurance with respect thereto, the estimated cost of maintaining the clinic in good repair and keeping it properly insured.
(b) The determinations and findings of the board of directors required to be made in subsection (a) shall be set forth in the proceedings under which the proposed bonds are to be issued; and the corporation shall lease the clinic or its facilities to a lessee or lessees, under an agreement providing for payment to the corporation of such rentals as, upon the basis of such determinations and findings, will be sufficient:
(1) To pay the principal of and interest on the bonds issued to finance the clinic;
(2) Unless the proceedings under which the proposed bonds are to be issued provide that any debt service reserve fund deemed by its board of directors to be advisable in connection with the retirement of the proposed bonds is to be entirely funded out of the proceeds from the sale of such bonds, to build up and maintain such reserve fund;
(3) To build up and maintain any reserve deemed by the board of directors to be advisable in connection with the maintenance of such clinic; and
(4) Unless the agreement of lease obligates the lessee to pay for the maintenance and insurance of the clinic, to pay the costs of maintaining the clinic in good repair, and keeping it properly insured.
(c) Any revenues derived from the operation of the clinic, over and above the amounts necessary to meet the charges hereinabove specified, may be applied to the payment of the principal of and the interest on the bonds issued to finance the clinic, or for other expenditures in connection with maintaining, expanding, operating, or equipping the clinic, at the discretion of the board of directors.
(Acts 1955, No. 516, p. 1160, §7; Acts 1975, No. 755, p. 1525, §2.)