(a) Each horse racing operator shall pay to the treasurer of the commission licensing such operator a commission horse wagering fee for each calendar year during which it conducts any horse racing events. The amount of the commission horse wagering fee for an operator for a given calendar year shall be equal to the sum of (i) two percent of the horse racing handle of such operator for such calendar year to the extent that such handle does not exceed $150,000,000.00 and (ii) four percent of the portion of the horse racing handle of such operator for such calendar year that exceeds $150,000,000.00. Each operator shall make payment of its commission horse wagering fee for each calendar year to the treasurer of the licensing commission in monthly installments. For each calendar year, the monthly installment referable to any month (other than the month during which the final racing event for such calendar year shall be conducted) shall be equal to two percent of the horse racing handle for such month. The monthly installment referable to the month during which the final racing event for any such calendar year shall be conducted shall be equal to the sum of (i) two percent of the horse racing handle for such month and (ii) two percent of the portion of the aggregate horse racing handle for such calendar year in excess of $150,000,000.00. The installment of the commission horse wagering fee referable to any calendar month shall be paid to the treasurer of the commission prior to the end of the next succeeding calendar month.
(b) If at any time during a calendar year the aggregate horse racing handle of an operator for such calendar year exceeds $150,000,000.00, then such operator shall, in order to assure the availability of the moneys required to pay the final installment of its commission horse wagering fee for such calendar year, set aside and invest moneys in an amount equal to two percent of the portion of such aggregate horse racing handle in excess of $150,000,000.00 in investments of the kind in which the funds of a commission are permitted by Section 11-65-9 to be invested by its treasurer. Any such investments acquired by an operator shall be held by it in trust for the benefit of the commission licensing such operator in order to secure the payment of the commission horse wagering fee, but the operator shall be entitled to any interest earned from such investments until the due date of the final installment of the commission horse wagering fee for such calendar year.
(c) Each greyhound operator shall pay to the treasurer of the commission licensing such operator a commission greyhound wagering fee for each calendar year during which it conducts any greyhound racing events. The amount of the commission greyhound wagering fee for a greyhound racing operator for a given calendar year shall be determined as follows:
(1) For the period beginning with the commencement of greyhound racing by such operator pursuant to a license granted by the commission and ending ten years after the end of the calendar year in which such greyhound racing first commences, the amount of the commission greyhound wagering fee in each calendar year shall be equal to the sum of (i) two percent of the greyhound racing handle of such operator for such calendar year to the extent that such handle does not exceed $150,000,000.00 and (ii) four percent of the portion of the greyhound racing handle of such operator for such calendar year that exceeds $150,000,000.00; and
(2) For the period beginning ten years after the end of the calendar year in which such operator first commences greyhound racing pursuant to a license granted by the commission and continuing with each calendar year thereafter, the amount of the commission greyhound wagering fee in each calendar year shall be equal to the sum of (i) two percent of the greyhound racing handle of such operator for such calendar year to the extent that such handle does not exceed $150,000,000.00, (ii) six percent of the portion of the greyhound racing handle of such operator for such calendar year that exceeds $150,000,000 but does not exceed $300,000,000.00 and (iii) four percent of the portion of the greyhound racing handle of such operator for such calendar year that exceeds $300,000,000.00.
Each operator shall make payment of its commission greyhound wagering fee for each calendar year to the treasurer of the licensing commission in monthly installments. For each calendar year, the monthly installment referable to any month (the "subject month") shall be determined in accordance with the following procedure: first, determine whether, as a result of the passage of time from the commencement of greyhound racing by such operator, the provisions of subdivision (c)(1) or (c)(2) apply to such calendar year; second, determine the cumulative amount of the greyhound racing handle of such operator for the months of such calendar year preceding the subject month; third, determine the amount of the greyhound racing handle of such operator for the subject month; fourth, using the cumulative amount of the handle for the preceding months as a benchmark, allocate the handle for the subject month among the annual brackets specified in subdivision (c)(1) or (c)(2), whichever is applicable; and fifth, calculate the commission greyhound wagering fee for the subject month by applying the percentage applicable to each bracket to the portion of the handle for the subject month allocated to such bracket. The installment of the commission greyhound wagering fee referable to each calendar month shall be paid to the treasurer of the commission prior to the end of the next succeeding calendar month.No commission shall have the power to increase the commission horse wagering fee or the commission greyhound wagering fee above the limits provided in this chapter or to levy or impose any additional license fee or equivalent tax or charge against horse racing or greyhound racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon conducted under the provisions of this chapter.
(Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, §30; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, §25.)