All bonds issued under the authority of this chapter shall be sold at public or private sale as the governing body of the municipality or county may determine.
If the bonds are sold at public sale, the public sale shall be either on sealed bids or at auction. The notice of public sale shall state whether the sale is to be on sealed bids or at auction and shall also briefly recite the amount of the bonds to be sold, the maturities thereof, the amount payable at each maturity, any redemption or prepayment privileges, the frequency with which interest will be payable, either the rate of interest which the bonds are to bear or that the bidders are invited to name the rate of interest in their bids and the time and place of sale or for submitting sealed bids. Such notice shall be published once in each of two consecutive weeks in a newspaper published in the municipality proposing to issue the bonds, or, if there is no such newspaper published in such municipality or if the sale is of county bonds, then in a newspaper published in the county proposing to issue the bonds or in which such municipality is situated. The first of such two publications shall be not less than 10 days before the last date for submitting bids if the sale is on sealed bids or the date of sale if the sale is at auction. If there is no newspaper meeting the foregoing requirements, the notice shall be posted in three public places in the county or municipality issuing the bonds for at least a period of 10 days. The governing body shall have the right to reject any or all bids.
(Acts 1927, No. 478, p. 534; Acts 1932, Ex. Sess., No. 153, p. 172; Acts 1933, Ex. Sess., No. 70, p. 60; Acts 1935, No. 195, p. 575; Code 1940, T. 37, §259; Acts 1945, No. 397, p. 615; Acts 1987, No. 87-600, p. 1044.)