- Section 11-80-1 Condemnation of lands for public building sites, roads, streets, construction materials, etc.
- Section 11-80-2 Relocation assistance for persons displaced by acquisition of real property under local land acquisition programs.
- Section 11-80-3 Contracts between counties and municipalities as to use and occupation, etc., of public buildings located in municipalities.
- Section 11-80-4 Appropriations for municipal bands, etc.
- Section 11-80-4.1 Appropriations and contributions to community action agencies.
- Section 11-80-5 Planning, establishment, administration, etc., of recreational, social and cultural facilities, services, etc., for senior citizens.
- Section 11-80-7 Authority of municipalities, counties, public corporations, boards of education, etc., with respect to letters of credit as security for bonds, notes, etc.
- Section 11-80-8.1 Enactment of ordinances, resolutions, etc., controlling rent charged for leasing private property prohibited.
- Section 11-80-9 Assistance to governing body of municipality or county when municipality or county declared disaster area; procedure; mutual aid agreements.
- Section 11-80-10 Licensing of junkyards located within and outside police jurisdictions by municipalities and counties.
- Section 11-80-11 Regulation of gun shows, etc.; authority to bring or settle certain lawsuits reserved to Attorney General.
- Section 11-80-12 Retention of judicially prescribed method of election and number of serving members for boards of education, county commissions, or municipal governing bodies.
- Section 11-80-13 Cemetery rehabilitation authorities.
- Section 11-81-1 Execution of mortgages to secure bonds and indebtedness incurred in purchase, construction, extension, etc., of school buildings or waterworks, gas, light, etc., plants.
- Section 11-81-2 Execution of mortgages or deeds of trust upon property acquired, etc., with proceeds of bond issues; recordation of same.
- Section 11-81-3 Issuance of refunding or funding bonds as to adjustment, etc., of indebtedness.
- Section 11-81-4 Issuance of refunding interest-bearing certificates of indebtedness, warrants or notes by municipalities; pledge of tax, revenues, etc., for payment of principal and interest on same.
- Section 11-81-5 Places of payment.
- Section 11-81-6 Maturity and payment - Generally.
- Section 11-81-7 Maturity and payment - Bonds issued and sold in series.
- Section 11-81-8 Estimate as to period of usefulness of improvement or property for which bonds issued.
- Section 11-81-9 Form; appointment of registrar and provision for registration and transfer.
- Section 11-81-10 Sale price.
- Section 11-81-11 Sale.
- Section 11-81-12 Determination of highest bidder.
- Section 11-81-13 Disposition of proceeds from sale.
- Section 11-81-14 Presumption as to validity of issuance, sale, etc.; limitation period for actions to contest validity thereof.
- Section 11-81-15 Levy, collection and disposition of special tax for payment of principal and interest on bonds and sinking fund payments.
- Section 11-81-16 Pledge of revenues from certain taxes, utilities, etc., for payment of principal and interest on bonds.
- Section 11-81-17 Pledge of revenues from waterworks system to secure payment of bonds.
- Section 11-81-18 Pledge of revenues from license, privilege, or excise taxes for payment of principal and interest on bonds.
- Section 11-81-19 Investment of sinking funds generally; reports as to investment or deposit of sinking funds; contracts for purchase of savings certificates.
- Section 11-81-20 Investment of funds received to credit of sinking fund.
- Section 11-81-21 Investment of funds obligation in which sinking funds may be invested.
- Section 11-81-22 Sinking fund bonds - Issuance, etc.
- Section 11-81-23 Sinking fund bonds - Designation; maturity and interest; disposition.
- Section 11-81-24 Sinking fund bonds - Creation of sinking fund; employment and duties of trustee of sinking fund.
- Section 11-81-25 Sinking fund bonds - Powers of trustee of sinking fund.
- Section 11-81-26 Mandamus proceedings.
- Section 11-81-27 Mortgages of public property for payment of debts.
- Section 11-81-28 Issuance, sale, etc., of negotiable notes in anticipation of sale of bonds.
- Section 11-81-29 Bonds and interest coupons exempt from taxation.
- Section 11-81-30 Irregularities in proceedings for issuance, etc., not to affect validity of bonds; properties, etc., of bonds.
- Section 11-81-31 Ratification of certain irregular elections for issuance of bonds.
- Section 11-81-32 Issuance of duplicates for lost, mutilated or destroyed bonds.
- Section 11-81-33 Execution of bonds, etc., with engraved or otherwise reproduced facsimile of signature, seal or other means of authentication, etc.
- Section 11-81-50 Municipality defined.
- Section 11-81-51 Purposes for which bonds may be issued.
- Section 11-81-52 Ordering of election for determination as to issuance of bonds.
- Section 11-81-53 Notice of election.
- Section 11-81-54 Ballots.
- Section 11-81-55 Conduct of election generally.
- Section 11-81-56 Expenses of election; compensation of managers, clerks, and returning officers.
- Section 11-81-57 Board of canvassers.
- Section 11-81-58 Recordation of election results.
- Section 11-81-59 Election contest - Authorized; bond required.
- Section 11-81-60 Election contest - Notice and hearing.
- Section 11-81-61 Election contest - Limitation of action.
- Section 11-81-62 Issuance of bonds.
- Section 11-81-63 Execution and delivery of bonds.
- Section 11-81-64 Bonds for refunding or funding of bonds outstanding - Authority for issuance; sale or exchange; rights, etc., of holders thereof.
- Section 11-81-65 Bonds for refunding or funding of bonds outstanding - Security.
- Section 11-81-66 Bonds and coupons receivable for payment of taxes and dues.
- Section 11-81-67 Applicability of provisions of general election laws; mandatory and directory provisions of article.
- Section 11-81-68 Audits.
- Section 11-81-80 Purposes for which bonds may be issued.
- Section 11-81-81 Ordering of election for determination as to issuance of bonds.
- Section 11-81-82 Notice of election.
- Section 11-81-83 Ballots.
- Section 11-81-84 Conduct of election generally.
- Section 11-81-85 Expenses of election; compensation of managers, clerks, and returning officers.
- Section 11-81-86 Board of canvassers.
- Section 11-81-87 Recordation of election results.
- Section 11-81-88 Election contest - Authorized; bond required.
- Section 11-81-89 Election contest - Notice and hearing; representation of county.
- Section 11-81-90 Election contest - Limitation of action.
- Section 11-81-91 Issuance of bonds.
- Section 11-81-92 Execution and delivery of bonds.
- Section 11-81-93 Bonds for refunding of bonds outstanding or installments on serial bonds outstanding - Authority for issuance.
- Section 11-81-94 Bonds for refunding of bonds outstanding or installments on serial bonds outstanding - Security.
- Section 11-81-95 Bonds for refunding of bonds outstanding or installments on serial bonds outstanding - Special tax levy for payment of principal and interest.
- Section 11-81-96 Applicability of provisions of general election laws; mandatory and directory provisions of article.
- Section 11-81-97 Applicability of provisions pertaining to municipal bonds.
- Section 11-81-110 Issuance generally; pledge of proceeds of assessments, etc., as security for payment.
- Section 11-81-111 Maturity and payment; sale or delivery in payment for work.
- Section 11-81-112 Disposition of proceeds from sale.
- Section 11-81-113 Grouping of improvements for issuance of bonds.
- Section 11-81-114 Maintenance and disposition of sinking fund account for bond issues; enforcement of maintenance of accounts, payment of bonds, etc.; disposition of assessments securing bonds in cert
- Section 11-81-115 Bond of officer charged with collection of assessments; liability of officer and members of governing body for diversion, misappropriation, etc., of funds.
- Section 11-81-116 Redemption of bonds.
- Section 11-81-117 Refunding of excess assessments - Authority and procedure generally.
- Section 11-81-118 Refunding of excess assessments - Limitation period for presentation of claims; disposition of amounts not refunded.
- Section 11-81-119 Settlement, adjustment or refunding of bonds.
- Section 11-81-120 Sale or issuance to custodian of special fund, etc., of refunding bonds.
- Section 11-81-121 Consolidation of separate outstanding issues for issuance of refunding bonds.
- Section 11-81-122 Maintenance and disposition of sinking fund accounts for refunding bond issues.
- Section 11-81-123 Liability, etc., upon bonds, etc., when municipalities consolidated.
- Section 11-81-140 Definitions.
- Section 11-81-141 Powers of municipalities or counties generally; provisions in instruments or deeds of trust creating pledges, mortgages, liens, etc., for payment of bonds; determination of costs of
- Section 11-81-142 Authorization of acquisition, construction, etc., of undertaking taking and issuance of bonds in anticipation of revenues.
- Section 11-81-143 Covenants in bond authorization resolutions; enforcement of provisions of division and bond resolutions.
- Section 11-81-144 Form, terms, denominations, etc., of bonds; maturity and sale; execution and delivery; issuance of revenue refunding bonds.
- Section 11-81-145 Evidence of validity of bonds.
- Section 11-81-146 Lien of bonds.
- Section 11-81-147 Liability of municipalities or counties on bonds.
- Section 11-81-148 Exercise of municipal or county taxing power, etc., for payment of bonds.
- Section 11-81-149 Exemption from taxation of undertakings, bonds, etc.
- Section 11-81-150 Establishment, collection, etc., of rates, fees, tolls, etc., for services, facilities, etc., of undertakings.
- Section 11-81-160 Definitions.
- Section 11-81-161 Acquisition, extension, repair, consolidation, etc., of waterworks, sewer, gas or electric systems by counties or municipalities authorized.
- Section 11-81-162 Estimate of cost of acquisition, extension, repair, consolidation, etc.
- Section 11-81-163 Adoption, amendment, recordation, etc., of ordinances or resolutions for issuance of bonds, segregation of revenues, etc.
- Section 11-81-164 Notice of adoption of authorization proceedings for issuance of bonds; limitation period for actions to set aside authorization proceedings, restrain issuance of bonds, etc.
- Section 11-81-165 Borrowing in anticipation of sale and issuance of bonds authorized; procedure therefor.
- Section 11-81-166 Revenue bonds - Authority for issuance; authorization proceedings generally; form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution and delivery generally; maturity and sale; payment generally;
- Section 11-81-167 Revenue bonds - Execution and delivery.
- Section 11-81-168 Revenue bonds - Negotiability.
- Section 11-81-169 Revenue bonds - Disposition of proceeds from sale - Generally.
- Section 11-81-170 Revenue bonds - Disposition of proceeds from sale - Proceeds to be used only for purposes for which bonds authorized; excess proceeds.
- Section 11-81-171 Revenue bonds - Redemption.
- Section 11-81-172 Revenue bonds - Exemption from taxation.
- Section 11-81-172.1 Revenue bonds - Issuance of bonds for refunding of principal of general or limited obligation warrants, etc.
- Section 11-81-173 Issuance of additional bonds; payment of same.
- Section 11-81-174 Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-81-175 Applicability of limitations, etc., in certain other provisions of chapter as to bonds generally.
- Section 11-81-176 Elections and publication of ordinances, resolutions, etc., not required for issuance and sale of bonds.
- Section 11-81-177 Investment in bonds by executors, trustees, savings banks, etc.
- Section 11-81-178 Statutory mortgage lien of bondholders - Creation generally; filing, recordation, etc., of notice thereof.
- Section 11-81-179 Statutory mortgage lien of bondholders - Duration; enforcement.
- Section 11-81-180 Appointment of receiver upon default in payment of principal and interest on bonds; powers of receiver.
- Section 11-81-181 Pledge of revenues from systems for payment of principal and interest on bonds; disposition of gross revenues from operation of system generally.
- Section 11-81-182 Payment of expenses of operation or maintenance of system out of general funds.
- Section 11-81-183 Designation of depository; disposition and disbursement of gross revenue account and special funds by depository.
- Section 11-81-184 Establishment, etc., of rates for services furnished by system.
- Section 11-81-185 Rates not subject to state supervision or regulation; supervision, etc., of operation, etc., of sewer systems by State Board of Health.
- Section 11-81-186 Payment by counties, municipalities, etc., for services furnished by system.
- Section 11-81-187 Determination as to operation of system upon calendar, operating or fiscal year basis, etc.
- Section 11-81-188 Maintenance of books of record and accounts, balance sheets, etc., as to properties, financial condition, etc., of system; inspection and examination of same.
- Section 11-81-189 Impairment, etc., of valid liens or contracts not authorized by article.
- Section 11-81-190 Construction of article.
- Section 11-81-200 Acquisition, extension, operation, etc., of power plants, power lines, electric systems, etc., by counties or municipalities authorized; acquisition of rights-of-way.
- Section 11-81-201 Election as to proposed undertaking.
- Section 11-81-202 Borrowing of money for acquisition, extension, etc., of plants, etc., by counties or municipalities authorized; limitations.
- Section 11-81-203 Pledges, etc., of plants, etc., as security for repayment of money borrowed with interest.
- Section 11-81-204 Contracts for security of lender; limitation as to charges for electric energy and service by counties or municipalities.
- Section 11-81-205 Form, terms, etc., of instrument evidencing loan.
- Section 11-81-206 Construction of article.
- Section 11-81-220 Definitions.
- Section 11-81-221 Filing of complaint for determination as to legality of proposed issuance of obligations.
- Section 11-81-222 Contents of complaint; order and notice of hearing to show cause why obligations not valid.
- Section 11-81-223 Hearing and entry of judgment; appeals from judgment of circuit court.
- Section 11-81-224 When judgment of circuit court final and conclusive as to validity of obligations, etc.
- Section 11-81-225 Legend to appear on validated obligations.
- Section 11-81-226 Costs of proceedings.
- Section 11-81-227 Article not applicable where validity of obligations in controversy in pending actions or proceedings.
- Section 11-81A-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-81A-2 Power and authority of grantees.
- Section 11-81A-3 Power and authority of municipalities, counties, and public corporations.
- Section 11-81A-4 Limitations and amplification of securities authorization.
- Section 11-81A-5 Exemption of securities from taxation.
- Section 11-81A-6 Legal investment status of securities.
- Section 11-81A-7 Effect of chapter.
- Section 11-82-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-82-2 Retention of option to redeem - Generally.
- Section 11-82-3 Retention of option to redeem - Securities maturing more than 10 years after date.
- Section 11-82-4 Limitation on redemption prices.
- Section 11-82-5 Option to redeem to be provided in proceedings for issuance of securities.
- Section 11-82-6 Applicability of provisions of chapter.
- Section 11-82-7 Validation of certain proceedings.
- Section 11-83-1 Maintenance of municipal streets declared county matter.
- Section 11-83-2 One half of road tax, etc., collected in county to be paid to municipalities therein.
- Section 11-83-3 Taxes paid over to municipalities to be used exclusively for maintenance of streets.
- Section 11-84-1 Authorized.
- Section 11-84-2 Provision of seedlings, transplants, technical assistance, etc.
- Section 11-85-1 Establishment of region and creation of regional planning commission.
- Section 11-85-2 Composition; qualifications, appointment, terms of office, compensation, and removal of members; vacancies.
- Section 11-85-3 Organization, staff, procedure, etc.; appropriation and expenditure of funds.
- Section 11-85-4 Adoption, etc., of master plan for physical development of region by commission; contents and purpose of plan.
- Section 11-85-5 Certification of plan to Governor and to municipalities, counties, etc., within region.
- Section 11-85-6 Adoption of plan by municipal planning commission; certification of proposed amendments to adopted plan to regional planning commission for approval, etc.
- Section 11-85-7 Proposed construction of streets, public buildings, utilities, etc., to be submitted for approval of commission after adoption of master plan; overruling of commission.
- Section 11-85-20 Definitions.
- Section 11-85-21 Establishment of region for advisory planning and creation of regional planning commission.
- Section 11-85-22 Composition; qualifications, appointments, terms of office, and compensation of members; vacancies.
- Section 11-85-23 Powers and duties.
- Section 11-85-24 Article not to impair right of eminent domain or rights under franchises, leases, etc., of utilities.
- Section 11-85-40 Powers of Alabama Development Office and local, regional, and joint planning commissions as to comprehensive advisory planning and research; comprehensive advisory planning defined.
- Section 11-85-50 Definitions.
- Section 11-85-51 Designation of state planning and development districts by Governor generally; designation of single county state planning and development districts.
- Section 11-85-52 Formation of regional planning and development commissions.
- Section 11-85-53 Composition; selection, terms and replacement of representatives; financing; procedure for addition or withdrawal of governmental units, dissolution, etc.
- Section 11-85-54 Officers; appointment of advisory committees.
- Section 11-85-55 Receipt of state financial support.
- Section 11-85-56 Powers and duties generally.
- Section 11-85-57 Joint planning agreements, etc., with adjoining counties, municipalities, etc., authorized; changes of boundaries of regional planning and development districts to include adjacent co
- Section 11-85-58 Use of planning and development districts and regional planning and development districts for other purposes and programs.
- Section 11-85-59 Effect of population changes upon establishment and operation of state planning and development districts or regional planning and development commissions.
- Section 11-85-70 Existing regional planning and development commissions ratified and confirmed.
- Section 11-85-71 Procedure for additional governmental units to become members of regional planning and development commissions.
- Section 11-85-72 General powers, rights, obligations, etc., of regional planning and development commissions.
- Section 11-85-73 Commissions authorized to enter into contracts with other agencies.
- Section 11-85-100 Definitions.
- Section 11-85-101 Incorporation of authority.
- Section 11-85-102 Application for incorporation.
- Section 11-85-103 Certificate of incorporation; fees.
- Section 11-85-104 Members; officers; quorum; vacancies; salaries; record of proceedings.
- Section 11-85-105 Powers of the authority.
- Section 11-85-106 Bonds - Issuance and sale.
- Section 11-85-107 Bonds - Authentication; redemption; sale; refunding; use of proceeds; security; investment of funds.
- Section 11-85-108 Appropriation and pledge of funds for authority obligations.
- Section 11-85-109 Administrative and recordkeeping functions of authority.
- Section 11-85-110 Duties of State Treasurer.
- Section 11-85-111 Dissolution of authority.
- Section 11-86-1 Creation.
- Section 11-86-2 Composition; qualifications, appointment, terms of office, and compensation of members; officers; adoption of rules and regulations.
- Section 11-86-3 Powers and duties generally.
- Section 11-86-4 Director of recreation and staff.
- Section 11-86-5 Appropriations; designation, acquisition, improvement, etc., of lands or buildings for recreational purposes; joint actions by counties and municipalities.
- Section 11-86-6 Construction of chapter.
- Section 11-86A-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-86A-2 Legislative findings of fact and declaration of intent; construction of chapter.
- Section 11-86A-3 Authorization and procedure for incorporation generally.
- Section 11-86A-4 Filing of application for incorporation with probate judge; contents thereof; recordation of application by probate judge; approval or disapproval by governing body of county of incor
- Section 11-86A-5 Contents, signing, and filing of articles.
- Section 11-86A-6 Authorization and procedure for reincorporation of existing park and recreation authorities and boards; continuation in office of directors; effect of reincorporation.
- Section 11-86A-7 Further authorization and procedure for reincorporation of existing park and recreation authorities and boards.
- Section 11-86A-8 Recordation of articles by probate judge; probate judge to receive no fees in connection with incorporation, reincorporation, dissolution, etc., of authority.
- Section 11-86A-9 Powers of authority vested in board of directors; officers and directors of authority; proceedings of board of directors to be reduced to writing and signed by two directors; admissib
- Section 11-86A-10 Members of the board of directors; terms; meetings; removal from office.
- Section 11-86A-11 Amendment of articles.
- Section 11-86A-12 Powers of authority generally.
- Section 11-86A-13 Issuance and sale of bonds.
- Section 11-86A-14 Execution of bonds and interest coupons; form, terms, denominations, etc., of bonds; validation of bonds; sale; refunding bonds.
- Section 11-86A-15 Security for bonds.
- Section 11-86A-16 Application of proceeds from the sale of bonds; source of payment; pledge of county's or municipality's credit; negotiability; exemption from taxation; pledge as security for
- Section 11-86A-17 Exemption from usury and interest laws.
- Section 11-86A-18 Exemptions from taxation.
- Section 11-86A-19 Limited liability.
- Section 11-86A-20 Transfer of funds and assets to authority.
- Section 11-86A-21 Dissolution of authority; title to property of authority to vest in county of incorporation upon dissolution of authority unless otherwise provided.
- Section 11-87-1 Creation, establishment, etc., authorized; promulgation of rules and regulations; joint operation.
- Section 11-87-2 Appropriations.
- Section 11-87-3 Contracts for services.
- Section 11-87-4 Fees.
- Section 11-87-5 Chapter cumulative.
- Section 11-88-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-88-2 Purpose of article.
- Section 11-88-3 Filing of application for incorporation of authority; adoption of resolution approving or denying application by county governing body.
- Section 11-88-4 Filing of certificate of incorporation, copy of resolution of county governing body, etc., with probate judge; contents and execution of certificate of incorporation; entry of order by
- Section 11-88-5 Authorization and procedure for amendment of certificate of incorporation.
- Section 11-88-5.1 Ratification of amendment.
- Section 11-88-6 Board of directors.
- Section 11-88-7 Powers of authority generally; power of authority to acquire, operate, etc., systems, etc., outside service area; provisions in schedules of rates and charges generally; powers of auth
- Section 11-88-7.1 Additional powers.
- Section 11-88-8 Bonds of authority - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; sale; execution and delivery; refunding; liability thereon; security for payment of principal and interest and payment thereof ge
- Section 11-88-9 Bonds of authority - Contracts to secure payment of principal and interest.
- Section 11-88-10 Bonds of authority - Statutory mortgage lien to secure payment of principal and interest.
- Section 11-88-11 Bonds of authority - Disposition of proceeds from sale of bonds.
- Section 11-88-12 Establishment and revision of rates, fees, and charges for services rendered by authority; applicability of provisions of section to authority organized to construct and operate sewer
- Section 11-88-13 Loans, sales, grants, etc., of money, property, etc., to authority by counties, municipalities, public corporations, etc.
- Section 11-88-14 Use by authority of public roads rights-of-way.
- Section 11-88-15 Furnishing of fire protection service by authority declared governmental function; immunity from tort liability of authority.
- Section 11-88-15.1 Soliciting contributions for local volunteer fire departments; monthly usage estimates.
- Section 11-88-16 Exemption from taxation of authority and property, leases, bonds, etc., thereof; payment of fees, taxes, or costs to probate judge for incorporation, etc.; imposition of license or ex
- Section 11-88-17 Exemption of authority from usury laws, etc.
- Section 11-88-18 Authorization and procedure for dissolution of authority; vesting of title to properties of authority and apportionment thereof upon dissolution of authority.
- Section 11-88-19 Existence of authority not to prevent subsequent incorporation, etc., of another authority.
- Section 11-88-20 Validation of prior defective incorporations under provisions of article.
- Section 11-88-21 When proceedings, notice, etc., for incorporation of authority, acquisition of property, issuance of bonds, etc., required; exemption of authority, etc., from jurisdiction and regulat
- Section 11-88-40 Definitions.
- Section 11-88-41 Legislative findings and declarations; powers granted authorities by article to be exercised only in resort areas and with the consent of county governing bodies.
- Section 11-88-42 Powers of authorities generally.
- Section 11-88-43 Adoption of resolution by board describing improvement, property benefited, etc., and directing drawing, etc., of details, drawings, plans, etc.
- Section 11-88-44 Filing of details, drawings, plans, etc., for examination by property owners; appointment of date for hearing of objections as to improvement, etc.
- Section 11-88-45 Publication of resolution and mailing of copies thereof to persons last assessed for taxation on property which may be assessed for improvement.
- Section 11-88-46 Hearing upon objections to improvement, etc.; confirmation, amendment, rescission, etc., of resolution by board; when unanimous vote of board required to approve resolution.
- Section 11-88-47 Publication of notice for bids; letting of contract; requirement of bonds, etc., from bidders, etc.; construction of improvement, furnishing of labor, etc., by authority.
- Section 11-88-48 Supervision of work.
- Section 11-88-49 Acceptance or rejection of work.
- Section 11-88-50 Payment of cost of improvement by board; specification of cost of improvement.
- Section 11-88-51 Levy of assessments for cost of improvement on abutting or benefited property authorized.
- Section 11-88-52 Manner of assessment generally; limitation as to amount of assessment.
- Section 11-88-53 Preparation of list of property owners proposed to be assessed for improvement.
- Section 11-88-54 Entry of list in assessment book of improvements; contents and status thereof.
- Section 11-88-55 Publication of notice as to assessment book.
- Section 11-88-56 Filing of written objections or defenses to proposed assessments; effect of failure to file same.
- Section 11-88-57 Hearing of objections and defenses to proposed assessments by board generally.
- Section 11-88-58 Subpoena, etc., of witnesses by board.
- Section 11-88-59 Board to hear and pass upon objections to proposed assessments.
- Section 11-88-60 Fixing of amount of assessment by board; assessment to constitute lien on property against which levied; reduction or abatement of final assessment by board generally.
- Section 11-88-61 Effect of defects in notice or proceedings; supplementary proceedings for correction of defects.
- Section 11-88-62 Reduction or abatement of assessments by board.
- Section 11-88-63 Transfer and assignment of liens by authorities.
- Section 11-88-64 Enforcement of liens by circuit courts; amounts recovered in civil actions to enforce liens.
- Section 11-88-65 Enforcement of lien on property for state, county, etc., taxes not to discharge or affect lien of authority for assessment; duration of liens.
- Section 11-88-66 Effect of enforcement of assessment lien upon other improvement assessment liens on property.
- Section 11-88-67 Appeal from assessments to circuit court - Authorization and procedure generally.
- Section 11-88-68 Appeal from assessments to circuit court - Establishment of amount of appeal bond and approval of sureties thereon; conditions of bond.
- Section 11-88-69 Appeal from assessments to circuit court - Entry of appeal on trial docket.
- Section 11-88-70 Appeal from assessments to circuit court - Transmittal to circuit court of transcript of proceedings of authority as to assessment; contents thereof.
- Section 11-88-71 Appeal from assessments to circuit court - Transcript deemed prima facie evidence of correctness of assessment, etc.
- Section 11-88-72 Appeal from assessments to circuit court - Conduct of trial generally; when costs of appeal and trial adjudged against authority.
- Section 11-88-73 Appeal from assessments to circuit court - Entry of judgment for amount properly chargeable against land where assessment defective; payment of costs.
- Section 11-88-74 Appeal from judgment of circuit court to Supreme Court - By property owner - Authorization and procedure generally.
- Section 11-88-75 Appeal from judgment of circuit court to Supreme Court - By property owner - Appeal to be heard on record.
- Section 11-88-76 Appeal from judgment of circuit court to Supreme Court - By property owner - Addition by Supreme Court of interest and damages to judgment of circuit court upon affirmance.
- Section 11-88-77 Appeal from judgment of circuit court to Supreme Court - By authority.
- Section 11-88-78 Issuance of execution on appeal bond and sale of property assessed when final judgment entered in favor of authority.
- Section 11-88-79 Manner of payment of assessments generally.
- Section 11-88-80 Entire assessment due and payable upon default in payment of assessment or installments thereof; advertisement and sale of property assessed for improvement generally.
- Section 11-88-81 Defaulting property owner may pay assessment, etc., prior to sale.
- Section 11-88-82 Cost of advertisement and sale to constitute charge against property to be sold.
- Section 11-88-83 Officer making sale to execute deed to purchaser; rights, title, etc., conveyed to purchaser by deed; disposition of surplus proceeds from sale; purchase of property by board.
- Section 11-88-84 Effect of mistakes in advertisement or sale; supplementary proceedings for correction of errors; enforcement of lien by purchaser.
- Section 11-88-85 Redemption of property after sale - Authorization and procedure generally.
- Section 11-88-86 Redemption of property after sale - Extension of redemption period.
- Section 11-88-87 Redemption of property after sale - Application for entry in record of deeds of certificate of warning to redeem; form of certificate.
- Section 11-88-88 Redemption of property after sale - Applicant to deliver copies of improvement assessment sale deed to probate judge; examination, etc., of deeds, etc., by probate judge; mailing of c
- Section 11-88-89 Redemption of property after sale - Performance of duties of probate judge; liability of probate judge for errors or mistakes in performance of duties.
- Section 11-88-90 Redemption of property after sale - Redemption during extended redemption period.
- Section 11-88-91 Execution of short term notes or issuance of bonds by authority prior to letting of contract or during progress of work on improvement generally.
- Section 11-88-92 Issuance of bonds by authority after completion of work on improvement.
- Section 11-88-93 Consolidation of improvements for issuance of bonds.
- Section 11-88-94 Form, terms, denominations, etc., of notes issued under article; sale, exchange, etc., generally; sale price; applicability of certain other provisions of law.
- Section 11-88-95 Notice of and sale or exchange of bonds.
- Section 11-88-96 Determination of highest bidder for bonds.
- Section 11-88-97 Disposition of proceeds from sale of bonds.
- Section 11-88-98 Bonds containing recital as to issuance under article deemed to have been issued, sold, etc., in conformity with same; limitation period for actions or proceedings as to issuance of b
- Section 11-88-99 Irregularities in proceedings authorizing issuance of bonds or neglect, etc., of duties by officers not to affect validity of bonds; bonds to have properties and protection of commerc
- Section 11-88-100 Exemption from taxation of bonds, notes, etc.
- Section 11-88-101 Replacement of lost, mutilated, or destroyed bonds.
- Section 11-88-102 Authorization and procedure generally for settlement, adjustment, or refunding of bonds.
- Section 11-88-103 Procedure where special fund used by authority in taking up bonds or coupons representing principal at maturity.
- Section 11-88-104 Consolidation of outstanding bond issues for refunding; disposition of assessments collected for improvements financed by said outstanding issues generally.
- Section 11-88-105 Separate sinking fund accounts to be maintained for refunding bond issues; disposition of same.
- Section 11-88-106 Maintenance of sinking fund accounts by official charged with duty of collecting assessments; institution of mandamus proceedings against officer failing to maintain separate sinking
- Section 11-88-107 Bond of official charged with duty of collecting assessments; liability of said official and board members for diversion or misappropriation of funds for payment of bonds and coupons
- Section 11-88-108 Redemption of bonds.
- Section 11-88-109 Refunding of excess amounts collected from assessments upon demand therefor; limitation period for claims for refunds; disposition of unclaimed amounts.
- Section 11-88-110 Acquisition of lands by authority.
- Section 11-88-111 Effect of annexation or incorporation of area in which assessments for improvement made upon assessments, liens, bonds, etc.
- Section 11-88-130 City prohibited from charging excessive rates to county customers; treatment of county customers.
- Section 11-88-131 Acquisition, etc., of water system of water and fire protection authority by city board of water and sewer commissioners - Inclusion of governing board of the authority in governing
- Section 11-88-132 Acquisition, etc., of water system of water and fire protection authority by city board of water and sewer commissioners - Conveyance of funds in trust for authority's fire prote
- Section 11-88-133 Acquisition, etc., of water system of water and fire protection authority by city board of water and sewer commissioners - Deposit of funds in escrow account for construction of wate
- Section 11-88-134 Acquisition, etc., of water system of water and fire protection authority by city board of water and sewer commissioners - Sanitary sewer service system plan; time frame.
- Section 11-88-135 Applicability of article; vote of consent; notice and hearing.
- Section 11-89-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-89-2 Purpose of chapter.
- Section 11-89-3 Filing of application for incorporation of district; adoption of resolutions approving or denying application, etc., by governing bodies.
- Section 11-89-4 Filing of certificate of incorporation, copies of resolutions of governing bodies, etc., with probate judge; contents and execution of certificate of incorporation; notification of Sec
- Section 11-89-5 Authorization and procedure for amendment of certificate of incorporation.
- Section 11-89-6 Board of directors.
- Section 11-89-7 Powers of district generally; power of district to acquire, operate, etc., systems, etc., outside service area; provisions in schedules of rates and charges generally.
- Section 11-89-8 Bonds of district - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; sale; execution and delivery; refunding; liability thereon; security for payment of principal and interest and payment thereof gen
- Section 11-89-9 Bonds of district - Contracts to secure payment of principal and interest.
- Section 11-89-10 Bonds of district - Statutory mortgage lien to secure payment of principal and interest.
- Section 11-89-11 Bonds of district - Disposition of proceeds from sale of bonds.
- Section 11-89-12 Establishment and revision of rates, fees, and charges for services rendered by district.
- Section 11-89-13 Loans, sales, grants, etc., of money, property, etc., to district by counties, municipalities, public corporations, etc.
- Section 11-89-14 Use of rights-of-way of public roads by district.
- Section 11-89-15 Furnishing of fire protection service by district declared governmental function; immunity from tort liability of district.
- Section 11-89-16 Exemption from taxation of district and property, leases, bonds, etc., thereof; payment of fees, taxes, or costs to probate judge for incorporation, etc.
- Section 11-89-17 Authorization and procedure for dissolution of district; vesting of title to properties of district and apportionment thereof upon dissolution of district.
- Section 11-89-18 Existence of district not to prevent subsequent incorporation, etc., of another district.
- Section 11-89-19 Provisions of chapter as to incorporation of district, acquisition of property, issuance of bonds, etc., exclusive; jurisdiction over and regulation of district, etc., by State Board
- Section 11-89-30 Legislative findings.
- Section 11-89-31 Definitions.
- Section 11-89-32 Procedure to form special corporation.
- Section 11-89-33 Clarification of powers.
- Section 11-89-34 Directors.
- Section 11-89-35 Duration.
- Section 11-89-36 Dissolution.
- Section 11-89-37 Acceptances.
- Section 11-89-38 Incorporation of other powers.
- Section 11-89A-1 Legislative findings.
- Section 11-89A-2 Definitions.
- Section 11-89A-3 Filing of application for incorporation of authority; denial or authorization of incorporation by governing body of county or municipality.
- Section 11-89A-4 Incorporation procedure; contents, execution, and filing of certificate of incorporation; notice to Secretary of State.
- Section 11-89A-5 Amendments to certificate of incorporation.
- Section 11-89A-6 Board of directors of authority; election; terms of office; vacancies; qualifications; expenses; meetings; notice and waiver; resolutions; impeachment.
- Section 11-89A-7 Officers of authority.
- Section 11-89A-8 Powers of authority; location of facilities of authority.
- Section 11-89A-9 Bonds of authority, generally.
- Section 11-89A-10 Security for payment of bonds; contracts and agreements to secure.
- Section 11-89A-11 Proceeds from sale of bonds.
- Section 11-89A-12 Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-89A-13 Freedom of authority from supervision and control of state; applicability of Article 1 of Chapter 27 of Title 22.
- Section 11-89A-14 Power of eminent domain.
- Section 11-89A-15 Cooperation, aid, and agreements from and with other bodies.
- Section 11-89A-16 Exemption from taxation, etc.
- Section 11-89A-17 Exemption from usury and interest laws.
- Section 11-89A-18 Exemption from competitive bid laws.
- Section 11-89A-19 Disposition of net earnings of authority.
- Section 11-89A-20 Bonds of authority as legal investments.
- Section 11-89A-21 Dissolution of authority; vesting of title to authority's property.
- Section 11-89A-22 Incorporation of another authority by same determining subdivision.
- Section 11-89A-23 Notice of bond resolution; contest to validity of bonds, etc.
- Section 11-89A-24 Cumulative effect of chapter.
- Section 11-89A-25 Liberal construction of chapter.
- Section 11-89B-1 Public corporation given power to sell and issue bonds, to pledge for payment proceeds, revenues, etc., and to issue bonds or notes for temporary borrowing.
- Section 11-89B-2 Form, terms, denominations, etc. of bonds; execution and delivery; interest; sale; issuance of refunding bonds; liability on bonds; source of payment; use of proceeds; mortgage, deed
- Section 11-89B-3 Contracts as security for payment of principal and interest on bonds.
- Section 11-89B-4 Resolution of board of directors, etc., or trust indenture containing provisions creating statutory mortgage lien.
- Section 11-89B-5 Use of moneys derived from sale of bonds.
- Section 11-89B-6 Investment of bond proceeds.
- Section 11-89B-7 Law not to repeal existing law; construction.
- Section 11-89C-1 Legislative findings and intent.
- Section 11-89C-2 Definitions.
- Section 11-89C-3 Public corporation - Procedure for incorporation.
- Section 11-89C-4 Powers of public corporation; requirements for development or adoption of rules, procedures, ordinances, etc.
- Section 11-89C-5 Exemption of public corporation from fees and taxes.
- Section 11-89C-6 Member governing bodies granted power of eminent domain.
- Section 11-89C-7 Public corporation to be nonprofit; dissolution.
- Section 11-89C-8 Immunity of corporation, board members, and employees.
- Section 11-89C-9 Powers of governing bodies.
- Section 11-89C-10 Assessment, collection, etc., of fees, charges, or assessments.
- Section 11-89C-11 Compliance with conditions and limitations in NPDES permit deemed to be compliance with chapter.
- Section 11-89C-12 No enforcement action by governing body where ADEM has taken certain actions.
- Section 11-89C-13 Liberal construction.
- Section 11-89C-14 Effect of chapter on state entities.
- Section 11-90-1 Powers of counties and municipalities as to establishment and maintenance of free public libraries generally.
- Section 11-90-2 Library boards - Composition; appointment and terms of members; vacancies in office.
- Section 11-90-3 Library boards - Powers and duties.
- Section 11-90-4 Establishment and maintenance of joint library service.
- Section 11-91-1 Provision by governing bodies of counties and municipalities for group life, health, accident, etc., insurance, etc., for officers and employees authorized.
- Section 11-91-2 Contracting for and purchase of insurance policies generally; requirements as to amounts of insurance under policies and coverage of policies.
- Section 11-91-3 Determination of persons to be insured, amount, nature, and kind of insurance and manner of paying premiums.
- Section 11-91-4 Payment of premiums.
- Section 11-91-5 Return of premiums.
- Section 11-91-6 Appropriation of funds for implementation of provisions of chapter.
- Section 11-91-7 Validation, etc., of policies issued prior to August 16, 1947, and acts done and premiums paid in accordance therewith.
- Section 11-91-8 Health insurance, etc., programs for retired employees.
- Section 11-92-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-92-2 Legislative intent; construction of chapter generally.
- Section 11-92-3 Powers of counties and municipalities as to acquisition, development, etc., of parks generally.
- Section 11-92-4 Requirements as to acquisition and development of parks.
- Section 11-92-5 Sale, etc., by municipalities or counties of property or interests in property; ownership of parks by municipalities or counties.
- Section 11-92-6 Warrants - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; liability of counties or municipalities upon warrants; disposition of proceeds from sale.
- Section 11-92-7 Warrants - Security for payment of principal and interest.
- Section 11-92-8 Refunding warrants.
- Section 11-92-9 Investment in warrants by trustees, executors, etc.
- Section 11-92-10 Issuance of warrants and interest coupons deemed audit and allowance of claims by counties; effect thereof.
- Section 11-92-11 Applicability and effect of other provisions of law.
- Section 11-92A-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-92A-2 Legislative findings of fact and declaration of intent; construction of article.
- Section 11-92A-3 Incorporation of authority.
- Section 11-92A-4 Application for incorporation.
- Section 11-92A-5 Articles of incorporation.
- Section 11-92A-6 Reincorporation.
- Section 11-92A-7 Further authorization and procedure for reincorporation of existing industrial development authorities and boards.
- Section 11-92A-8 Recordation of articles by probate judge; probate judge to receive no fees in connection with incorporation, reincorporation, dissolution, etc., of authority.
- Section 11-92A-9 Board of directors.
- Section 11-92A-10 Directors.
- Section 11-92A-11 Amendment of articles.
- Section 11-92A-12 Powers of authority.
- Section 11-92A-13 Issuance and sale of bonds.
- Section 11-92A-14 Bonds of authority.
- Section 11-92A-15 Security for bonds.
- Section 11-92A-16 Use of bonds, proceeds, etc.
- Section 11-92A-17 Exemption from usury and interest laws.
- Section 11-92A-18 Exemptions from taxation.
- Section 11-92A-19 Nonapplicability of competitive bid laws.
- Section 11-92A-20 Limited liability.
- Section 11-92A-21 Transfer of funds and assets to authority.
- Section 11-92A-22 Dissolution of authority.
- Section 11-92A-23 Special reserve funds and applications for appropriations.
- Section 11-92B-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-92B-2 Legislative findings.
- Section 11-92B-3 Incorporation of an authority.
- Section 11-92B-4 Application of incorporation.
- Section 11-92B-5 Articles of incorporation.
- Section 11-92B-6 Filing of articles.
- Section 11-92B-7 Board of directors.
- Section 11-92B-8 Amendment of articles.
- Section 11-92B-9 Ethical standards.
- Section 11-92B-10 Powers and duties of authority.
- Section 11-92B-11 Accounting.
- Section 11-92B-12 Bonds of the authority.
- Section 11-92B-13 Liability for indebtedness.
- Section 11-92B-14 Liability for injuries.
- Section 11-92B-15 Liability of board members.
- Section 11-92B-16 Disposition of funds.
- Section 11-92B-17 Participation in Employees' Retirement System.
- Section 11-92B-18 Oversight committee.
- Section 11-92B-19 Conveyances to and from predecessor entities.
- Section 11-92B-20 Dissolution of authority.
- Section 11-92B-21 Exemption from taxation.
- Section 11-92B-22 Conveyance of property by county or municipality.
- Section 11-92B-23 Exemption from usury laws.
- Section 11-92B-24 Competitive bidding.
- Section 11-92B-25 Sale or lease of certain real property by state.
- Section 11-92B-26 Awarding authority.
- Section 11-92B-27 Open meetings.
- Section 11-92B-28 Diversity requirements.
- Section 11-93-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-93-2 Maximum amount of damages recoverable against governmental entities; settlement or compromise of claims not to exceed maximum amounts.
- Section 11-93-3 Liability of governmental units not extended.
- Section 11-94-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-94-2 Legislative intent; liberal construction of chapter.
- Section 11-94-3 Application for incorporation of authority; approval by local governing bodies and State Docks Department.
- Section 11-94-4 Certificate of incorporation - Contents; execution and acknowledgment.
- Section 11-94-5 Certificate of incorporation - Filing with probate judge; examination, approval, and recordation by probate judge; recordation as conclusive evidence.
- Section 11-94-6 Certificate of incorporation - Amendment procedure; recordation of amendment as conclusive evidence.
- Section 11-94-7 Board of directors of authority; election; terms of office; qualifications; vacancies; quorum; proceedings and record thereof; certified copies as evidence; expenses; impeachment; annu
- Section 11-94-8 Officers of authority.
- Section 11-94-9 Powers of authority; location of projects.
- Section 11-94-10 Bonds of authority - From what source payable; form; denominations; terms; redemption; sale; subsequent issues; negotiability.
- Section 11-94-11 Bonds of authority - Execution.
- Section 11-94-12 Bonds of authority - Indenture; lien; remedies of bondholders.
- Section 11-94-13 Bonds of authority - Application of proceeds.
- Section 11-94-14 Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-94-15 Liability of authorizing subdivisions upon bonds, obligations and agreements of authority; other actions by authorizing subdivisions to attain objectives of chapter.
- Section 11-94-16 Disposition of net earnings.
- Section 11-94-17 Bonds of authority as legal investments.
- Section 11-94-18 Dissolution of authority; vesting of title to funds and property of authority.
- Section 11-94-19 Exemption from taxation and fees.
- Section 11-94-20 Exemption from usury and interest laws.
- Section 11-94-21 Construction of chapter.
- Section 11-94-22 Applicability of Article 5 of Chapter 6 of Title 8.
- Section 11-94-23 Correction of errors or omissions in incorporation.
- Section 11-94-24 Validation of incorporation of certain port authorities.
- Section 11-94-25 Revenues to be used for paying bonds of authorities.
- Section 11-95-1 Legislative intent; liberal construction of chapter.
- Section 11-95-2 Definitions.
- Section 11-95-3 Application for incorporation of public corporation; approval by local governing bodies.
- Section 11-95-4 Certificate of incorporation - Contents; execution, acknowledgment, attachments, recordation by probate judge.
- Section 11-95-5 Certificate of incorporation - Amendment procedure.
- Section 11-95-6 Board of directors of corporation; election; terms of office; qualifications; vacancies; expenses; impeachment.
- Section 11-95-7 Powers of corporation.
- Section 11-95-8 Bonds of corporation - From what source payable; pledge of revenues; execution; form, interest rate, maturity, sale, and negotiability; nature of obligation and source of payment; inve
- Section 11-95-9 Bonds of corporation - Proceeds from sale.
- Section 11-95-10 Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-95-11 Exemption from taxation and fees.
- Section 11-95-12 Liability of authorizing subdivisions.
- Section 11-95-13 Exemption from usury and interest laws.
- Section 11-95-14 Power of eminent domain.
- Section 11-95-15 Applicability of Division 2 of Article 4 of Chapter 21 of Title 22.
- Section 11-95-16 Applicability of Section 11-93-2.
- Section 11-95-17 Transfer of funds, assets, etc. to corporation.
- Section 11-95-18 Earnings of corporation.
- Section 11-95-19 Dissolution of corporation; passage of title to property of corporation.
- Section 11-95-20 Multiple corporations permitted.
- Section 11-95-21 Cumulative effect of chapter.
- Section 11-96-1 Appropriation of funds.
- Section 11-96-2 Allocation of appropriated funds in proportion to size of poverty level population served.
- Section 11-96-3 Community action agency; defined; governing board; biannual audit; delegation of responsibility; service area; consultation with neighborhood-based organizations; powers and duties.
- Section 11-96-4 Limited purpose agencies; defined; governing board; bi-annual audit; delegation of responsibility; service area; consultation and planning.
- Section 11-96-5 Community action program defined; components of program; administration.
- Section 11-96-6 Continuation of certain community action agencies.
- Section 11-96A-1 Legislative declarations.
- Section 11-96A-2 Definition of "low or moderate income person or family."
- Section 11-96A-3 Municipalities or counties empowered to take certain actions to carry out purpose of chapter.
- Section 11-96A-4 Cooperation with other municipalities, counties, etc., in exercise of powers.
- Section 11-96A-5 Powers conferred cumulative and supplemental.
- Section 11-96A-6 Construction required to be performed by licensed contractor; construction subject to state competitive bid laws.
- Section 11-97-1 Legislative declarations and findings.
- Section 11-97-2 Definitions.
- Section 11-97-3 Filing of application for incorporation of corporation; authorization of incorporation by governing body of county or municipality.
- Section 11-97-4 Incorporation procedure; contents, execution, and filing of certificate of incorporation.
- Section 11-97-5 Amendments to certificate of incorporation.
- Section 11-97-6 Board of directors of corporation; election; terms of office; vacancies; qualifications; expenses; impeachment.
- Section 11-97-7 Officers of corporation.
- Section 11-97-8 Powers of corporation; location of facilities of corporation.
- Section 11-97-9 Bonds of corporation generally.
- Section 11-97-10 Security for payment of bonds; contracts and agreements to secure.
- Section 11-97-11 Proceeds from sale of bonds.
- Section 11-97-12 Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-97-13 Freedom of corporation from supervision and control of state; applicability of certain laws regarding operation of facilities.
- Section 11-97-14 Power of eminent domain.
- Section 11-97-15 Contacts; cooperation; aid and agreements from other bodies.
- Section 11-97-16 Utility services agreements; incurring indebtedness by governmental users; enforceability of utility services agreements.
- Section 11-97-17 Prior approval of utility services agreements and related agreements with governmental users; notice and public hearing.
- Section 11-97-18 Exemption from taxation.
- Section 11-97-19 Exemption from usury and interest laws.
- Section 11-97-20 Exemption from competitive bid laws.
- Section 11-97-21 Disposition of net earnings of corporation.
- Section 11-97-22 Bonds of corporation as legal investments.
- Section 11-97-23 Dissolution of corporation; vesting of title to corporation's property in determining subdivision.
- Section 11-97-24 Incorporation of another corporation by same determining subdivision.
- Section 11-97-25 Notice of bond resolution; contest to validity of bonds, etc.
- Section 11-97-26 Provisions cumulative.
- Section 11-97-27 Liberal construction.
- Section 11-98-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-98-2 Communications districts; creation; composition; powers and duties.
- Section 11-98-3 The digits 911 established as primary emergency telephone number.
- Section 11-98-4 Board of commissioners.
- Section 11-98-5 Emergency telephone service charge.
- Section 11-98-5.1 Maximum tariff rates.
- Section 11-98-6 Definitions.
- Section 11-98-7 Commercial Mobile Radio Service - Board created; powers and duties; Sunset provision.
- Section 11-98-7.1 Phase II Enhanced 911 Implementation Fund; reimbursement of costs; disposition of funds.
- Section 11-98-7.2 Alabama Emergency Communication District Long-Range Study Commission.
- Section 11-98-8 Commercial Mobile Radio Service - Duties of providers; service charges.
- Section 11-98-9 Technical proprietary information.
- Section 11-98-10 Restrictions on 911 use; secondary backup emergency number authorized; certain automatic alerting devices connected to network prohibited; possible penalties for misuse.
- Section 11-98-11 Methods of response to emergency calls.
- Section 11-99-1 Legislative findings and declarations.
- Section 11-99-2 Definitions.
- Section 11-99-3 Powers of municipalities and counties.
- Section 11-99-4 Creation of tax increment districts and approval of project plans.
- Section 11-99-5 Determination of tax increment base; aggregate valuation of taxable property; redetermination of tax increment base upon amendment to original project plan; presumption that certain pr
- Section 11-99-6 Allocation of positive tax increments; payment to local finance officer; tax increment fund.
- Section 11-99-7 Termination of tax increment districts.
- Section 11-99-8 Financing of project costs.
- Section 11-99-9 Overlapping tax increment districts.
- Section 11-99-10 Equalized valuation for apportionment of property taxes.
- Section 11-99A-1 Name.
- Section 11-99A-2 Definitions.
- Section 11-99A-3 Conduct of hearings.
- Section 11-99A-4 Establishment of districts.
- Section 11-99A-5 Validity of petition to form or amend district.
- Section 11-99A-6 Powers of a district.
- Section 11-99A-7 Immunity.
- Section 11-99A-8 Internal operations of a district.
- Section 11-99A-9 Appointment of board members.
- Section 11-99A-10 Annexation incidental to formation of district.
- Section 11-99A-11 Assessment of district land.
- Section 11-99A-12 Contracting for improvements.
- Section 11-99A-13 Final assessment.
- Section 11-99A-14 Payment of assessments.
- Section 11-99A-15 Issuance of bonds by districts; terms and assessments.
- Section 11-99A-16 Exemptions of district - Usury and interest laws.
- Section 11-99A-17 Pledge of assessments.
- Section 11-99A-18 Refundings.
- Section 11-99A-19 Excess funds.
- Section 11-99A-20 Exemption from taxation.
- Section 11-99A-21 Failure to pay assessments.
- Section 11-99A-22 Amendments of district.
- Section 11-99A-23 Conduct of elections.
- Section 11-99A-24 Dispute as to ownership.
- Section 11-99A-25 Failure to provide notice.
- Section 11-99A-26 Multiple assessments.
- Section 11-99A-27 Dissolution and liquidation.
- Section 11-99A-28 Reimbursement of appointing government costs.
- Section 11-99A-29 Resolutions not permanent.
- Section 11-99A-30 Methods of allocating assessments.
- Section 11-99A-31 Recordation of notice of lien.
- Section 11-99A-32 Apportionment of liens.
- Section 11-99A-33 Non-effect of errors.
- Section 11-99A-34 Irregularly shaped lots.
- Section 11-99A-35 Enjoining of assessments.
- Section 11-99A-36 Pledge of assessments to bonds.
- Section 11-99A-37 Appropriations by public persons.
- Section 11-99A-38 Merger of improvement districts.
- Section 11-99A-39 Feasibility as a condition.
- Section 11-99A-40 Land owned by public persons.
- Section 11-99A-41 Use of improvements by persons not assessed.
- Section 11-99A-42 Reassessments.
- Section 11-99A-43 Temporary bonds.
- Section 11-99A-44 Bonds in series.
- Section 11-99A-45 Parity bonds.
- Section 11-99A-46 Assumption of municipal or county actions.
- Section 11-99A-47 Limited exception from regulations.
- Section 11-99A-48 Additional security for bonds.
- Section 11-99A-49 Investments in bonds.
- Section 11-99A-50 Provisions cumulative.
- Section 11-99A-51 Disposition of net earnings.
- Section 11-99B-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-99B-2 Intent.
- Section 11-99B-3 Filing of application for incorporation of district; adoption of resolutions approving or denying application by governing bodies.
- Section 11-99B-4 Filing of certificate of incorporation and copies of resolutions of governing bodies with judge of probate; contents and execution of certificate of incorporation; notification of Sec
- Section 11-99B-5 Authorization and procedure for amendment of certificate of incorporation.
- Section 11-99B-6 Board of directors.
- Section 11-99B-7 Powers of district generally; power of district to acquire and operate projects; provisions in schedules of rates and charges generally.
- Section 11-99B-8 Bonds of district - Form, terms, denominations; sale; execution and delivery; refunding; liability thereon; security for payment of principal and interest and payment thereof generall
- Section 11-99B-9 Contracts to secure payment of principal and interest.
- Section 11-99B-10 Disposition of proceeds from sale of bonds.
- Section 11-99B-11 Establishment and revision of rentals, licenses, rates, fees, and charges for services or facilities rendered by district.
- Section 11-99B-12 Loans, sales, grants, guarantees, contractual or lease obligations of money or property, to district by counties, municipalities, and public corporations.
- Section 11-99B-13 Use of rights-of-way of public roads by district.
- Section 11-99B-14 Exemption from taxation of district and the property, leases, and bonds thereof; payment of fees, taxes, or costs to judge of probate for incorporation.
- Section 11-99B-15 Authorization and procedure for dissolution of district; vesting of title to properties of district and apportionment thereof upon dissolution of district.
- Section 11-99B-16 Existence of district not to prevent subsequent incorporation of another district.
- Section 11-99B-17 Provisions of chapter as to incorporation of district, acquisition of property, issuance of bonds, exclusive; jurisdiction over and regulation of district, by State Board of Health,
- Section 11-99B-18 This chapter is cumulative.
- Section 11-100-1 Short title.
- Section 11-100-2 Legislative findings.
- Section 11-100-3 Definitions.
- Section 11-100-4 State assistance payments; application; procedures; determination of base number of convention delegates; appropriations; quarterly requests; amount of payments.
- Section 11-100-5 Alabama Convention Facilities Fund.
- Section 11-100-6 Termination of state assistance payments; return of moneys held.
- Section 11-100-7 Faith and credit of state not pledged; appropriations to be made only from additional state lodging tax generated by eligible facilities.
- Section 11-100-8 Application of payments and credits; refunding or refinancing of bonds.
- Section 11-101-1 Purpose.
- Section 11-101-2 Definitions.
- Section 11-101-3 Application to incorporate authority.
- Section 11-101-4 Incorporation of authority.
- Section 11-101-5 Amendment to certificate of incorporation.
- Section 11-101-6 Board of directors.
- Section 11-101-7 Officers.
- Section 11-101-8 Powers of authority.
- Section 11-101-9 Eminent domain.
- Section 11-101-10 Powers of authorizing subdivision.
- Section 11-101-11 Sale of securities.
- Section 11-101-12 Refunding securities; limitations.
- Section 11-101-13 Signature and seal.
- Section 11-101-14 Securities payable out of revenues from projects, properties, etc.; indenture may contain agreements; liens.
- Section 11-101-15 Use of proceeds.
- Section 11-101-16 Obligations rest with authority.
- Section 11-101-17 Securities are legal investments.
- Section 11-101-18 Exemption from usury laws.
- Section 11-101-19 Authorization of securities.
- Section 11-101-20 Investments.
- Section 11-101-21 Exemption from taxation.
- Section 11-101-22 Exemption from provisions of Articles 2 and 3 of Chapter 16, Title 41.
- Section 11-101-23 Public corporation.
- Section 11-101-24 Dissolution.
- Section 11-101-25 Effect of formation or dissolution on incorporation of another authority.
- Section 11-101-26 Authorities governed exclusively by chapter.
- Section 11-101-27 Construction of chapter.
- Section 11-101A-1 Legislative intent.
- Section 11-101A-2 Definitions.
- Section 11-101A-3 Application to incorporate authority.
- Section 11-101A-4 Incorporation of authority.
- Section 11-101A-5 Amendment to certificate of incorporation.
- Section 11-101A-6 Board of directors.
- Section 11-101A-7 Officers.
- Section 11-101A-8 Powers of authority.
- Section 11-101A-9 Eminent domain.
- Section 11-101A-10 Powers of authorizing subdivision.
- Section 11-101A-11 Sale of securities.
- Section 11-101A-12 Refunding securities; limitations.
- Section 11-101A-13 Signature and seal.
- Section 11-101A-14 Securities payable out of revenues from projects, properties, etc., indenture may contain agreements; liens.
- Section 11-101A-15 Use of proceeds.
- Section 11-101A-16 Obligations rest with authority.
- Section 11-101A-17 Securities are legal investments.
- Section 11-101A-18 Exemption from usury laws.
- Section 11-101A-19 Authorization of securities.
- Section 11-101A-20 Investments.
- Section 11-101A-21 Exemption from taxation.
- Section 11-101A-22 Applicability of certain competitive bidding provisions.
- Section 11-101A-23 Public corporation.
- Section 11-101A-24 Dissolution.
- Section 11-101A-25 Effect of formation or dissolution on incorporation of another authority.
- Section 11-101A-26 Authorities governed exclusively by chapter.
- Section 11-101A-27 Construction of chapter.
- Section 11-102-1 Joint exercise of powers or services authorized.
- Section 11-102-2 Contract specifications.
- Section 11-102-3 Approval of contract.
- Section 11-102-4 Implementation.
- Section 11-102-5 Taxing and zoning contracts excepted.
- Section 11-102-6 Construction.
- Section 11-102-7 Performance of contract.
- Section 11-102-8 Solid waste contracts excepted.
- Section 11-103-1 Authorization of payment by credit cards.
- Section 11-103-2 Agreements with credit card issuers, etc.
- Section 11-103-3 Liability for final payment.
- Section 11-103-4 Acceptance of credit cards by individual offices, agencies, etc.
- Section 11-103-5 Applicability.
- Section 11-104-1 Short title.
- Section 11-104-2 Definitions.
- Section 11-104-3 Establishment of trust or participation in multiple-employer trust; management and control; taxation; validity; termination.
- Section 11-104-4 Trustees.
- Section 11-104-5 Funding; trust investments.
- Section 11-104-6 Applicability of chapter
- Section 11-104-7 Construction with other laws.
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