The governing body of any municipality shall have the power to settle, adjust and refund any bonds of such city heretofore or hereafter issued to provide the cost of street, sidewalk or sewer improvements whereof the cost in whole or in part was assessed against the property abutting said improvements, whether such bonds have already become due and payable or are about to become due and payable or are callable according to their terms, and the said governing body deems it to the best interest of the city to call said bonds and raise funds for the payment thereof by the sale of bonds as authorized in this division; provided, however, that all sums derived from the payment of assessments and being in the hands of the city at the time of such refunding shall be first applied to the payment of the outstanding bonds, and refunding bonds shall be issued only in such amount as shall be necessary to raise the difference between the amount required for the payment of the outstanding bonds and the amount held for the payment thereof.
(Acts 1935, No. 296, p. 719; Code 1940, T. 37, §295.)