In every county and municipality the officers charged by law with the duty of levying taxes shall annually, without further authority, levy a tax, insofar as such a tax is or may be permitted by the present or any future provisions of the Constitution, sufficient to pay:
(1) Bond interest falling due in that year of all bonds issued after March 15, 1933;
(2) The principal of all serial bonds issued after March 15, 1933 falling due during the current fiscal year;
(3) The sinking fund appropriation for the current fiscal year, if any, required by any agreement heretofore made or by any proceedings heretofore taken to establish a sinking fund for the payment of bonds now outstanding, or required by any agreement which may be made or proceedings taken after February 15, 1933, to establish a sinking fund for the payment of funding or refunding bonds issued after the last named date, except funding or refunding bonds maturing in annual series; and
(4) Such arrears of interest, principal or sinking fund payments as should have been made under this section in any prior years, but which were not so made; provided, that the amount of such annual tax shall be decreased by the amount of special assessments or other funds on hand and appropriated to the said purpose; provided further, that such county or municipality shall not be required to divert to the purposes set out in subdivisions (3) and (4) of this section the proceeds of any tax now authorized to be levied to pay for the expenses of the city government or general purposes of said county or municipality.
Such tax shall be collected like other taxes and shall be applied solely to the said purposes. Nothing contained in this section shall prevent any county or municipality from applying funds derived from other taxes or from any other source to the payment of bonds heretofore or hereafter issued or interest thereon or from establishing a sinking fund for the payment of principal of bonds heretofore issued.
This section shall not apply to revenue bonds issued under this chapter.
(Acts 1927, No. 478, p. 534; Acts 1932, Ex. Sess., No. 153, p. 172; Acts 1933, Ex. Sess., No. 70, p. 60; Code 1940, T. 37, §263.)