Whenever any county or municipal corporation through its governing body shall vote to take advantage of the authority granted in this article, as a condition to the exercise of such authority it shall call an election, at which election the question of whether or not such county or municipality will enter upon the undertaking proposed by the governing body of the county or municipal corporation will be voted upon. If the majority of the voters shall vote in the affirmative, then the county or municipal governing body shall proceed with the proposed undertaking in conformity with the provisions of this article and the law of the state pertinent thereto; otherwise, it shall not. Such election shall be ordered, held, canvassed and may be contested in the same manner as is or may be hereafter provided by the law applicable to the authorization of municipal or county bonds.
(Acts 1933, Ex. Sess., No. 107, p. 100; Code 1940, T. 37, §354.)