The authority shall have the following powers:
(1) To have succession by its corporate name until dissolved as provided in this article.
(2) To institute and defend legal proceedings in any court of competent jurisdiction and proper venue; provided, that the authority may not be sued in any trial court other than the courts of the county in which is located the principal office of the authority; provided further, that the officers, directors, and agents of the authority may not be sued for action on behalf of the authority in any trial court other than the courts of the county in which is located the principal office of the authority.
(3) To have and to use a corporate seal and to alter the seal at pleasure.
(4) To establish a fiscal year.
(5) To anticipate by the issuance of its bonds the receipt of the revenues appropriated and pledged in this article.
(6) To pledge the proceeds of the appropriations and pledges provided for in this article as security for the payment of the principal of and interest on its bonds.
(7) To contract with the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs to perform the administrative and recordkeeping functions necessary for the successful implementation of this article, which shall include but shall not be limited to the function delineated in Section 11-85-109.
(8) To appoint and employ such attorneys and agents as the authority may require to fulfill the corporate purposes of the authority and in exercising the foregoing powers.
(Act 98-195, p. 338, §6.)