A regional planning and development commission established pursuant to this article may perform the following:
(1) Carry on continuous, comprehensive planning for the region, assessing needs, resources, and development opportunities and formulating goals, objectives, policies, and standards to guide physical, economic, and human resource development.
(2) Prepare a regional plan consistent with state comprehensive planning and reflecting plans and programs of the participating governmental units which shall set forth policies for the development of the region in accordance with present and future needs and resources including policies for patterns of urbanization, for the use of land and resources for commerce, industry, recreation, transportation, forestry, and agriculture, for the development of human resources and for administrative measures in support thereof.
(3) Prepare an annual regional development program to implement the policies contained in the regional plan, which program shall contain an analysis of the current status of regional development in relation to the regional plan and prior regional development programs, a review of trends affecting regional development, schedules of major program expenditures and activities, and capital improvements together with financing plans and recommendations for new programs or elimination or change of existing programs and for changes in administrative organization or procedures.
(4) Prepare and publish studies of the region's resources.
(5) Provide planning and technical assistance to governmental units and planning and development agencies within the region and coordinate regional planning activities with those of the state, of governmental units within the region and in neighboring regions, and with the programs of federal departments and agencies and regional commissions.
(6) Borrow money and apply for and receive grants-in-aid, contributions, and any other forms of financial or other assistance from any sources, public or private, for the purposes of this article subject to applicable provisions of state law.
(7) Review and comment on applications by governmental units within the region for state or federal loans, grants-in-aid, or other financial assistance and indicate their relationship to the regional plan and development program and provide information regarding state and federal grants and assistance programs in the region.
(8) Adopt bylaws and issue rules and regulations for the conduct of its business.
(9) Make and enter into contracts and agreements.
(10) Acquire and dispose of real and personal property subject to applicable provisions of state law.
(11) Promote industrial and economic growth for the region by means of advertisement, recruitment, or by whatever method deemed appropriate and approved by the commission.
(12) Charge fees for services provided by the commission.
(13) Employ a director and other employees and consultants, prescribe their duties, and fix their compensation.
(14) Perform other activities in furtherance of this article not inconsistent or contrary to state law.
(15) Determine the name by which the commission shall be called and certified.
(Acts 1969, No. 1126, p. 2084, §5; Acts 1994, No. 94-574, p. 1047, §1.)