(a) Commissions formed pursuant to this article shall have the authority to enter into joint planning agreements, contracts, or programs with adjacent counties, municipalities situated in adjacent counties, or adjacent regional planning and development commissions.
(b) If the Governor should determine that it is desirable to change the boundaries of regional planning and development districts which have been defined and designated pursuant to this article to include an adjacent county or counties within such district or districts, he shall have the authority to do so in the manner and form set forth in Section 11-85-51; provided, however, that the criteria or requirements set forth in subsection (b) of Section 11-85-51 with respect to population and numbers of contiguous counties shall not apply to a district designated by the Governor under the authority of this section, nor to any change in the boundaries of such district which the Governor may find to be desirable as provided in subsection (c) of Section 11-85-51.
(Acts 1973, No. 692, p. 1039, §3.)