The official charged with the duty of collecting assessments shall keep all sinking funds in some bank or banks paying interest on time deposits to be designated by the board, and shall provide and keep a separate sinking fund account for each bond issued.
If the said officer shall fail to provide and keep the said separate sinking fund account for each such bond issue in the said bank or banks or shall divert any of such funds to other uses or shall fail to pay any bond or bonds or the interest thereon properly payable from the said funds when available, any user of the improvements financed thereby or any holder of bonds of the series affected by such diversion or failure shall have the right to apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for a writ of mandamus requiring the said official to take such action and the said court shall on proof issue and enforce the said writ.
(Acts 1973, No. 826, p. 1293, §67.)