At the said meeting or at a place and time to which the same may be adjourned, all persons whose property may be affected by the proposed improvement may appear in person or by attorney or by petition and object or protest against the said improvement, the materials to be used or the alternative types of materials or any of them from which selection is later to be made, if any, and the manner of making the same, and the board shall consider such objections and protests and may confirm, amend, modify, or rescind the original resolution.
If objections to the proposed improvement are made by a majority in frontage of the property owners to be affected thereby when the proposed improvement is to be assessed against the property fronting or abutting any street, avenue, or alley or by a majority in area of the property owners when the proposed improvement is to be assessed against the property within a defined area, the improvement shall not take place, unless ordered by a unanimous vote of those elected to the board.
(Acts 1973, No. 826, p. 1293, §7.)