(a) The written application of the incorporators shall be filed with the judge of probate, which application shall do all of the following:
(1) Contain a statement that the incorporators propose to incorporate an authority pursuant to this chapter.
(2) State the operational area of the proposed authority.
(3) State that each of the incorporators is a resident of the county of incorporation or a municipality whose corporate limits lie in whole or in part within the operational area of the proposed authority.
(4) Request that the governing body of the county of incorporation adopt a resolution declaring that it is expedient that the proposed authority be formed, approving the written application, and authorizing the incorporators to proceed to form the proposed authority by filing for record articles in accordance with this chapter.
(5) Request that the governing body of each municipality whose corporate limits lie in whole or in part within the operational area of the proposed authority adopt a resolution declaring that it is expedient that the proposed authority be formed, approving the written application, and authorizing the incorporators to proceed to form the proposed authority by filing for record articles in accordance with this chapter.
(b) Such application shall be accompanied by the form of articles of incorporation of the proposed authority.
(c) As promptly as may be practicable after the filing of the application with the judge of probate, the governing body of the county of incorporation and each municipality whose corporate limits lie in whole or in part within the operational area of the proposed authority shall review the contents of the application and the accompanying form of articles and shall adopt a resolution that does either of the following:
(1) Denies the application.
(2) Declares that it is expedient that the proposed authority be formed, approving the form of its articles, and authorizing the incorporators to proceed to form the proposed authority by filing for record articles in accordance with this chapter.
(d) It is not necessary that any such resolution be published in any newspaper or posted or be offered for more than one reading.
(e) The failure of the governing body of the county of incorporation or any municipality whose corporate limits lie in whole or in part within the operational area of a proposed authority to approve the written application of the incorporators shall invalidate the application to incorporate an authority, and the resolution denying the application of the incorporators shall be filed with the judge of probate of the county where the application of the incorporators was filed.
(Act 2009-337, §4.)