A district may petition the appointing government to assess some or all of the land within the district for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, or installing improvements, in accordance with the following procedure:
(1) The board shall prepare plans for the acquisition, construction, or installation of the improvements. The plans shall include a reasonable description of the improvements and an estimate of the cost of the improvements.
(2) The proposed assessment of each tract in the district, based on the estimated increase in value of each tract resulting from the special benefits derived from the proposed improvements, and consistent with Section 223 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901.
(3) The petition shall further include either a document executed by each owner within the district approving the petition, or a certification that an election has been held within the district, and that the owners of 51 percent or more of the land within the district that will be subject to assessment and 51 percent or more of the residents of the district have voted in favor of the assessment.
(4) Except as provided in Section 11-99A-47, the district must comply with all state, county, and municipal laws, rules, and regulations and the district must obtain all approvals that may be required by the appointing government or the government within which the district is located.
Upon receipt of the petition by the council, the council shall determine what approvals may be required by the appointing government in addition to the approval of the council, including, but not limited to, approval of zoning, subdivision, fire regulations, and other ordinances, rules, codes, and regulations of the appointing government, and if other approvals are required, the appointing government shall forward the petition, or applicable portions thereof, to the appropriate boards and agencies to consider whether to grant the petition and to notify the district of the necessity of obtaining approvals. The petition shall be held by the appointing government in abeyance until all approvals as may be required have been received, or variances or exceptions granted.
Failure to notify the district of any required approval shall not relieve the district from complying with the required approval. No cause of action may be maintained against the appointing government, its officers, employees, servants, or agents for failure to notify the district of any required approval.
(5) Upon receipt of all required approvals, variances, or exceptions, the council shall conduct a hearing with respect to the petition, and if considered expedient by the council, the council may preliminarily assess the property within the district as proposed in the petition and shall further take any actions with respect to tax exemptions considered expedient under subsection (c) of Section 11-99A-20.
(6) In the event that the board determines that it is necessary to amend its petition to the appointing government in order to conform to its rules, regulations, and ordinances, or to obtain variances and exceptions as may be appropriate, or to obtain approval of the petition by the council, the board may do so.
(Act 99-446, p. 1013, §1.)