- Section 12-15-1 Definitions.
- Section 12-15-1.1 Alabama Juvenile Justice Act; short title; purpose clause; goals for juvenile court.
- Section 12-15-2 Circuit courts and district courts to exercise original concurrent juvenile jurisdiction; maintenance of separate juvenile docket and entry of orders and decrees as to juvenile cases i
- Section 12-15-3 Designation of juvenile judges; requirement of monthly reports by judges as to work of juvenile courts.
- Section 12-15-4 Advisory boards.
- Section 12-15-5 Exercise of authority by district attorney in juvenile proceedings generally; assistance of juvenile court by district attorney; representation of state by district attorney in cases a
- Section 12-15-6 Qualifications and appointment of referees; conduct of hearings of cases by referees; transmission of findings and recommendations for disposition of referees to judges; provision of n
- Section 12-15-7 Appointment, terms of office, etc., of probation officers; designation of chief probation officer, etc.; duties of probation officers generally; powers of probation officers and repres
- Section 12-15-8 Appointment by courts of guardians ad litem or guardians of the person for children.
- Section 12-15-9 Issuance of order to parents, etc., for payment for support, treatment, etc., of children in custody of persons other than parents generally; proceedings upon failure of parents, etc.,
- Section 12-15-10 Liability of counties for expenses of maintenance and care of children; reimbursement.
- Section 12-15-10.1 Attorney fees provisions repealed.
- Section 12-15-11 Issuance of order to parents, etc., for payment of court costs, attorney's fees and expenses for support, treatment, etc., of children; manner of payment, etc.; proceedings upon f
- Section 12-15-11.1 Order requiring parents or guardian to assist delinquent child in complying with terms of probation; penalties; exemptions.
- Section 12-15-12 Punishment for contempt of court of persons disobeying orders of court, etc., generally; limitation upon powers of courts with respect to children violating terms and conditions of or
- Section 12-15-13 Causing, etc., of delinquency, dependency or need of supervision of children.
- Section 12-15-14 Disregarding, etc., of lawful order of court or interference with custody of child under jurisdiction of court.
- Section 12-15-15 Removal, concealment, etc., of delinquent or dependent child or child in need of supervision, etc.; interference with performance of duties by probation officer, etc.
- Section 12-15-101 Purpose of the Alabama Juvenile Justice Act; short title; goals for the juvenile court.
- Section 12-15-102 Definitions.
- Section 12-15-103 Juvenile court judges may be circuit or district court judges; maintenance of separate juvenile case action summaries; promulgation of rules of procedure for juvenile courts; powers
- Section 12-15-104 Advisory boards.
- Section 12-15-105 Exercise of authority by district attorneys in juvenile court proceedings generally; assistance by district attorneys in the juvenile courts; representation of the state by district
- Section 12-15-106 Juvenile court referees' qualifications and appointment; conduct of hearings of cases by juvenile court referees; transmission of findings and recommendations for disposition of
- Section 12-15-107 Juvenile probation officers - Duties of juvenile probation officers generally; powers of juvenile probation officers as to taking into custody and placing in shelter or detention car
- Section 12-15-108 Liability of counties for expenses of maintenance and care of children under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court pursuant to this chapter; reimbursement.
- Section 12-15-109 Issuance of orders to parents for payment of court costs, fees of attorneys, and expenses for support, treatment of children under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court pursuant to
- Section 12-15-110 Punishment for contempt of court of persons disobeying orders of the juvenile court generally.
- Section 12-15-111 Contributing to the delinquency, dependency, or need of supervision of children.
- Section 12-15-112 Interference with performance of duties by juvenile probation officers.
- Section 12-15-113 Jurisdiction to make a parent or parents, legal guardians, or legal custodians parties to juvenile court proceedings.
- Section 12-15-114 Original jurisdiction - Juvenile.
- Section 12-15-115 Original jurisdiction - Civil.
- Section 12-15-116 Original jurisdiction - Criminal
- Section 12-15-117 Retention and termination of jurisdiction generally.
- Section 12-15-118 Duties of juvenile court intake officers.
- Section 12-15-119 Informal adjustment of certain cases prior to filing of juvenile petition.
- Section 12-15-120 Cases initiated by filing of petitions by juvenile court intake officers.
- Section 12-15-121 Form, contents, and execution of juvenile petitions.
- Section 12-15-122 Issuance and service of summonses generally; waiver of service of summonses.
- Section 12-15-123 Manner of service of summons.
- Section 12-15-124 Authority of juvenile court to make interlocutory or final dispositional orders in cases where parties served by publication.
- Section 12-15-125 Taking into custody of children generally.
- Section 12-15-126 Issuance of pick-up order for taking into custody.
- Section 12-15-127 Release, delivery to detention or shelter care facility, medical facility of children taken into custody generally.
- Section 12-15-128 Authority and criteria for continuation of detention or shelter care of children taken into custody beyond 72 hours.
- Section 12-15-129 Conduct of hearings generally.
- Section 12-15-130 Ordering, conduct, and certification of findings of mental and physical examinations of children; minors or children believed to be individuals with a mental illness or an intellectu
- Section 12-15-131 Issuance of orders restraining conduct of parties to proceedings.
- Section 12-15-132 Proceedings against children violating terms of probation or aftercare; disposition of these children.
- Section 12-15-133 Filing and inspection of records.
- Section 12-15-134 Maintenance and inspection of law enforcement records.
- Section 12-15-135 Taking and disposition of fingerprints, photographs, blood samples.
- Section 12-15-136 Proceedings for sealing legal and social files and records of courts, pertaining to certain persons and effect thereof.
- Section 12-15-137 Proceedings for destruction of legal and social files and records of juvenile courts pertaining to certain persons and effect thereof.
- Section 12-15-138 Power of juvenile courts to enter protection or restraint ex parte order; when order may be entered; purpose of order.
- Section 12-15-139 Requisites for order; notice and hearing; evidentiary standard; showing of necessity to protect health or safety of child subject to a juvenile court proceeding, best interests of th
- Section 12-15-140 Content of order; order may set forth reasonable conditions of behavior for parents, persons responsible for care; enumeration of certain specific requirements which may be included
- Section 12-15-141 Emergency ex parte orders authorized upon showing of verified evidence of abuse or neglect; evidence required; hearing required within 72 hours of issuance of order.
- Section 12-15-142 Modification, extension, or termination of order after notice and hearing for person subject thereto; findings required concerning best interests of the child subject to a juvenile c
- Section 12-15-143 Violations of orders punished as contempt; willful conduct rendering violator responsible for court costs and attorney fees.
- Section 12-15-144 Construction of sections; sections to be read in pari materia with certain other laws.
- Section 12-15-30 Original jurisdiction generally - Children.
- Section 12-15-31 Original jurisdiction generally - Minors and adults.
- Section 12-15-32 Retention and termination of jurisdiction generally.
- Section 12-15-33 Transfer of cases to juvenile court from other courts; transfer provisions inapplicable to certain offenders.
- Section 12-15-34 Transfer of cases from juvenile court to criminal court.
- Section 12-15-34.1 Acts for which minor who has attained age 16 shall be charged, arrested, and tried as adult; removal of person from jurisdiction of juvenile court.
- Section 12-15-35 Venue generally.
- Section 12-15-36 Transfer of proceedings between juvenile courts within state.
- Section 12-15-201 Definitions.
- Section 12-15-202 Rights of the child.
- Section 12-15-203 Transfer of cases from juvenile court.
- Section 12-15-204 Acts for which person who has attained age 16 shall be charged, arrested, and tried as adult; removal of person from jurisdiction of juvenile court.
- Section 12-15-205 Venue generally.
- Section 12-15-206 Transfer of delinquent and child in need of supervision proceedings between juvenile courts within the state.
- Section 12-15-207 Filing of petition and conduct of hearing as to necessity for continuation of detention or shelter care of a child; violation of probation and aftercare.
- Section 12-15-208 Facilities to be used for detention or shelter care of children generally; when child may be detained in jail or other facility for detention of adults; notification of juvenile cour
- Section 12-15-209 Children to be released when full-time detention or shelter care not required; conditions imposed upon release; amendment of conditions or return of child to custody upon failure to
- Section 12-15-210 Notification to children of right to counsel; appointment of counsel by juvenile court.
- Section 12-15-211 Suspension of proceedings and continuation of cases under terms and conditions agreed to by parties.
- Section 12-15-212 Conduct of delinquency and child in need of supervision hearings.
- Section 12-15-213 Children charged with delinquent acts or alleged to be in need of supervision to be accorded privilege against self-incrimination; admissibility in evidence of extrajudicial statemen
- Section 12-15-214 Ordering and preparation of study and written report concerning child; ordering, conduct, and certification of findings of physical or mental examination of child prior to hearing on
- Section 12-15-215 Disposition of delinquent children or children in need of supervision generally.
- Section 12-15-216 Legislative intent.
- Section 12-15-217 Notice of delinquent acts.
- Section 12-15-218 Order requiring parent, legal guardian, or legal custodian to assist child in complying with terms of probation; penalties; exemptions.
- Section 12-15-219 Serious juvenile offenders; disposition; serious juvenile offender review panel; facility and programs.
- Section 12-15-220 Orders of disposition not to be deemed convictions, impose civil disabilities, etc.; disposition of child and evidence in hearing not admissible in another court.
- Section 12-15-221 Modification, extension or termination of orders of custody or probation generally.
- Section 12-15-50 Cases initiated by filing of petitions by intake officers.
- Section 12-15-51 Informal adjustment of certain cases prior to filing of petition.
- Section 12-15-52 Form, contents, and execution of petitions.
- Section 12-15-53 Issuance and service of summonses generally; endorsements upon summonses; waiver of service of summonses.
- Section 12-15-54 Manner of service of summons.
- Section 12-15-55 Authority of court to make interlocutory or final dispositional orders in cases where parties served by publication.
- Section 12-15-56 Taking into custody of children generally.
- Section 12-15-57 Issuance of order for taking into custody and bringing before court of child upon failure of parents, etc., to bring child before court upon request.
- Section 12-15-58 Release, delivery to detention or shelter care facility, medical facility, etc., of children taken into custody generally.
- Section 12-15-59 Authority and criteria for continuation of detention or shelter care of children taken into custody.
- Section 12-15-60 Filing of petition and conduct of hearing as to necessity for continuation of detention or shelter care.
- Section 12-15-61 Definitions; facilities to be used for detention or shelter care of children generally; when delinquent child, etc., may be detained in jail or other facility for detention of adults;
- Section 12-15-62 Child to be released when full-time detention or shelter care not required; conditions imposed upon release; amendment of conditions or return of child to custody upon failure to conf
- Section 12-15-63 Notification of children, parents, guardians, etc., of right to counsel; appointment of counsel by court.
- Section 12-15-64 Suspension of proceedings and continuation of cases under terms and conditions agreed to by parties.
- Section 12-15-65 Conduct of hearings and disposition of cases generally; special procedure for possible multiple needs child; reasonable efforts.
- Section 12-15-66 Children charged with delinquent acts or alleged to be in need of supervision to be accorded privilege against self-incrimination; admissibility in evidence, etc., of extra judicial s
- Section 12-15-68 Granting of continuances in cases.
- Section 12-15-69 Ordering and preparation of predisposition study and report concerning child, family, etc.; ordering, conduct, and certification of findings of physical or mental examination of child
- Section 12-15-70 Ordering, conduct and certification of findings of mental and physical examinations of children; proceedings as to minors or children believed to be mentally ill or retarded generally
- Section 12-15-71 Disposition of dependent children, delinquent children, multiple needs children, or children in need of supervision generally; evaluative role of children's services facilitation
- Section 12-15-71.1 Serious juvenile offenders; disposition; serious juvenile offender review panel; facility and programs.
- Section 12-15-72 Orders of disposition, etc., not to be deemed convictions, impose civil disabilities, etc.; disposition of child and evidence in hearing not admissible in another court.
- Section 12-15-73 Issuance of orders restraining conduct of parties to proceedings.
- Section 12-15-74 Modification, extension or revocation of orders of custody, probation or protective supervision generally.
- Section 12-15-75 Proceedings against children violating terms of probation, aftercare or protective supervision; disposition of such children.
- Section 12-15-76 Procedure and dispositions in cases involving minors or adults.
- Section 12-15-301 Definitions.
- Section 12-15-302 Venue generally.
- Section 12-15-303 Transfer of dependency proceedings between juvenile courts within the state.
- Section 12-15-304 Appointment by juvenile courts of guardians ad litem.
- Section 12-15-305 Right to counsel for petitioners or respondent parents, legal guardians, or legal custodians in dependency proceedings.
- Section 12-15-306 Removing a child from the custody of a parent, legal guardian, or legal custodian.
- Section 12-15-307 Notice and right to be heard to be given to relatives, preadoptive parents, or foster parents.
- Section 12-15-308 Filing of petition and conduct of 72-hour hearing as to necessity for continuation of shelter care of a child.
- Section 12-15-309 Alleged dependent child to be released when continued shelter care not required; conditions imposed upon release; amendment of conditions or return of child to custody upon failure t
- Section 12-15-310 Conduct of adjudicatory hearings.
- Section 12-15-311 Dispositional hearing.
- Section 12-15-312 Reasonable efforts in judicial determinations; situations in which reasonable efforts are not required to be made.
- Section 12-15-313 Ordering and preparation of report concerning a child and family; ordering, conduct, and certification of findings of physical or mental examination of child prior to hearing on peti
- Section 12-15-314 Dispositions for dependent children.
- Section 12-15-315 Permanency hearing for Department of Human Resources cases only.
- Section 12-15-316 Modification, extension, or termination of orders of custody or protective supervision generally.
- Section 12-15-317 Who may file petition.
- Section 12-15-318 Service of process.
- Section 12-15-319 Grounds for termination of parental rights; factors considered; presumption arising from abandonment.
- Section 12-15-320 Dispositions.
- Section 12-15-321 Periodic review of efforts to achieve adoption of child in custody of another after parental rights terminated.
- Section 12-15-322 Authority of one in custody to place child for adoption or consent to adoption.
- Section 12-15-323 Appeals of dependency and termination of parental rights cases.
- Section 12-15-324 Applicability.
- Section 12-15-90 Authority and procedure.
- Section 12-15-401 Definitions.
- Section 12-15-402 Authority and procedure.
- Section 12-15-403 Review of the petition by the juvenile court.
- Section 12-15-404 Service of the petition.
- Section 12-15-406 Determination of placement of the minor or child.
- Section 12-15-407 Probable cause hearings for temporary confinement of the minor or child.
- Section 12-15-408 Conducting hearings to commit the minor or child.
- Section 12-15-409 Role of attorney as advocate; designation of facilities.
- Section 12-15-410 Evidence in commitment proceedings for minor and child with an intellectual disability.
- Section 12-15-411 Discharge of the minor or child from custody of the department.
- Section 12-15-412 Retention of jurisdiction.
- Section 12-15-413 Combining probable cause and final hearings.
- Section 12-15-100 Filing and inspection of records, etc.
- Section 12-15-501 Definitions.
- Section 12-15-502 Referral of multiple needs child case to county team.
- Section 12-15-503 Recommendation by county team; decision by juvenile court of multiple needs child.
- Section 12-15-504 Creation of Executive Council of the State Team; membership; duties.
- Section 12-15-505 State Team established; membership; term; duties; hiring authority.
- Section 12-15-506 County teams established; appointments; meetings; duties.
- Section 12-15-507 Reimbursement available for team member expenses.
- Section 12-15-508 State Multiple Needs Children Fund established; use; limitations; accounting system to be maintained; provisions for yearly audit.
- Section 12-15-509 Executive Council to adopt allocation guidelines; granting role of State Team; eligible recipients; prerequisites to maintaining funding; penalty for noncompliance; reporting require
- Section 12-15-601 Appeals from judgments and orders of juvenile courts.
- Section 12-15-151 Requisites for order; notice and hearing; evidentiary standard; showing of necessity to protect health or safety of child, child's best interest.
- Section 12-15-150 Power of courts exercising juvenile jurisdiction to enter protection or restraint order; when order may be entered; purpose of order.
- Section 12-15-152 Content of order; order may set forth reasonable conditions of behavior for parents, persons responsible for care, etc.; enumeration of certain specific requirements which may be inc
- Section 12-15-153 Emergency ex parte orders authorized upon showing of verified evidence of abuse or neglect; evidence required; hearing required within 72 hours of issuance of order.
- Section 12-15-154 Modification, extension or termination of order after notice and hearing for person subject thereto; findings required concerning child's best interests.
- Section 12-15-155 Violations of orders punished as contempt; wilful conduct rendering violator responsible for court costs and attorney fees.
- Section 12-15-156 Construction of article; article to be read in pari materia with certain other laws.
- Section 12-15-170 Creation of Executive Council of the Alabama Children's Services Facilitation Team; membership; duties.
- Section 12-15-171 Children's Services Facilitation Team established; membership; term; duties; hiring authority.
- Section 12-15-172 County facilitation teams established; appointments; meetings; duties.
- Section 12-15-173 Reimbursement available for team member expenses.
- Section 12-15-174 State Multiple Needs Children Fund established; use; limitations; accounting system to be maintained; provisions for yearly audit.
- Section 12-15-175 Council to adopt allocation guidelines; granting role of state team; eligible recipients; prerequisites to maintaining funding; penalty for noncompliance; reporting requirement.
- Section 12-15-176 Effect of other laws on this article; compulsory school age attendance statute to remain in full force and effect.
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