(a) At the final hearing upon a petition seeking to commit a minor or child to the department on the basis that the minor or child is a person with an intellectual disability, the juvenile court may grant the petition if clear and convincing evidence proves all of the following:
(1) The minor or child sought to be committed is a person with an intellectual disability.
(2) The minor or child is not mildly retarded, as defined by the department.
(3) The minor or child, if allowed to remain in the community, is likely to cause serious injury to himself, herself, or others, or that adequate care, rehabilitation, and training opportunities are available only at a facility provided by the department.
(b) Upon these findings, the juvenile court shall enter an order setting forth the findings, and may order the minor or child committed to the custody of the department.
(c) The commissioner of the department, or his or her designee, may designate a facility outside the department where a committed child or minor may receive care and treatment and may place the child or minor in the designated facility upon commitment to the department.
(Act 2008-277, p. 441, §23; Act 2009-721, §1.)