The State Board of Agriculture and Industries is authorized and empowered to adopt and establish a calfhood vaccination program whereby persons owning cattle or calves in Alabama shall have such animals vaccinated against brucellosis at a time and in such a manner and under conditions as may be prescribed pursuant to rules and regulations adopted and promulgated by the State Board of Agriculture and Industries for this purpose; provided, however, that any calfhood vaccination program as may be adopted under this section shall be limited to the vaccination of calves between the ages of four to eight months, inclusive; provided further, that any such rules and regulations for a calfhood vaccination program shall prescribe a method to properly and adequately identify animals which have been vaccinated hereunder by the use of ear tags, brands, tattooing or any other suitable or recommended method. The State Board of Agriculture and Industries, pursuant to any rules and regulations authorizing or requiring a calfhood vaccination program, shall be authorized to exempt certain animals from vaccination requirements where it is found not to be necessary to require the vaccination of these animals for an effective calfhood vaccination program.
(Acts 1961, No. 1036, p. 1621, §2.)