Chapter 15 — LIVESTOCK.
- Section 2-15-1 Department authorized to enter into contracts to perform inspection or testing services, etc., for persons, firms, etc., engaged in business of marketing livestock; charge and collectio
- Section 2-15-2 Payment of indemnification to owners of cattle slaughtered under program for eradication of tuberculosis, paratuberculosis or Bang's disease.
- Section 2-15-3 Butchers to maintain records as to cows, etc., butchered; inspection of records.
- Section 2-15-4 No implied warranty that livestock disease free.
- Section 2-15-20 Definitions.
- Section 2-15-21 Registration of brands by livestock owners; fees; certificate of registration.
- Section 2-15-22 Admissibility of certificate of registration in civil actions or criminal proceedings as to title or right of possession.
- Section 2-15-23 Renewal of brands; effect of failure to renew brand.
- Section 2-15-24 Furnishing, etc., of forms for registration, reregistration and transfer of brands by department.
- Section 2-15-25 Maintenance, publication, etc., of register of brands by department; department to determine ownership, etc., of lost, estrayed or stolen livestock and furnish said information to inte
- Section 2-15-26 Disposition of fees collected for registration, transfer, etc., of brands, etc.
- Section 2-15-27 Records required to be maintained by operators of livestock markets, livestock hide dealers, etc.
- Section 2-15-28 Promulgation of rules and regulations by commissioner for implementation of article, etc., generally; designation by commissioner of positions on which animals may be branded.
- Section 2-15-29 Prohibited acts.
- Section 2-15-30 Violations of provisions of article or rules and regulations promulgated thereunder deemed misdemeanors; disposition of fines collected for violations of article; revocation, etc., of
- Section 2-15-40 "Dealer" defined.
- Section 2-15-41 Dealer's permit required; permit fee and plates for vehicles used in hauling or transporting livestock; relation to Article 6 of chapter.
- Section 2-15-42 Forfeiture of dealer's permit.
- Section 2-15-43 Dealers to obtain, etc., bills of sale upon purchase of livestock as defined in Section 2-15-20; dealers transporting livestock for hire upon public roads or highways to issue waybills
- Section 2-15-45 Promulgation of rules and regulations as to conduct, management and operation of business of dealers.
- Section 2-15-46 Violation of provisions of article deemed misdemeanor.
- Section 2-15-47 Applicability of provisions of article.
- Section 2-15-48 Permits required by article cumulative; article not to prohibit adoption by municipalities of sanitary rules or regulations for conduct of dealer's business.
- Section 2-15-60 Definitions.
- Section 2-15-61 Permits required for operation of livestock markets; applications for permits; issuance; revocation; appeals from denial or revocation of permits.
- Section 2-15-62 Livestock market permit fees; use and disclosure of information pertaining to amount or volume of business.
- Section 2-15-63 Bonds of livestock market operators.
- Section 2-15-64 Equipment and facilities required for markets; promulgation of rules and regulations by commissioner as to operation of markets generally.
- Section 2-15-65 Issuance and disposition of bills of sale by markets; information to be shown on bills of sale.
- Section 2-15-66 Livestock market operators selling livestock at auction not to permit purchase of livestock, etc., by owners, officers, employees, etc., of market.
- Section 2-15-67 Commissioner to require markets to carry insurance on livestock accepted for sale.
- Section 2-15-68 Rules and regulations for implementation of division.
- Section 2-15-69 Right of entry and inspection by commissioner, State Veterinarian, etc.; interference with performance of duties by commissioner, State Veterinarian, etc.
- Section 2-15-70 Operation of livestock market without permit, etc.; disposition of fines; injunctive proceedings to restrain operation of livestock market in violation of provisions of division.
- Section 2-15-71 Purchase, etc., of livestock on public road, etc., within 2,500 feet of public livestock market.
- Section 2-15-80 Purpose of division.
- Section 2-15-81 Definitions.
- Section 2-15-82 Livestock market reporting requirements; provision of list of licensed dealers by Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries.
- Section 2-15-83 Inspection of records by commissioner, inspectors, etc.
- Section 2-15-84 Promulgation of rules and regulations by commissioner.
- Section 2-15-85 Penalty for violation of division; procedure to deny or revoke permit and restrain or enjoin operation of livestock market.
- Section 2-15-86 Construction of division.
- Section 2-15-90 "Livestock market" defined.
- Section 2-15-91 Permit required for operation of scales at livestock market; livestock not to be sold by weight at livestock market unless weighed by permittee.
- Section 2-15-92 Permit to be obtained from commissioner; duration; permit fee.
- Section 2-15-93 Bond of permittee.
- Section 2-15-94 Livestock markets to provide services of permittee or public weighmaster; sale by weight of livestock at markets failing to provide such services.
- Section 2-15-95 Public weighmasters exempt from provisions of division; livestock markets employing public weighmasters not required to employ permittees.
- Section 2-15-96 Operation of scales at livestock market without permit, giving of false weights, etc.; forfeiture of permit by person giving false weight of livestock for sales purposes.
- Section 2-15-110 Inhumane handling or handling in violation of article prohibited.
- Section 2-15-111 Conveyances used to transport livestock to proceed to destination without delay; notice to owner of livestock of breakdown.
- Section 2-15-112 Construction of conveyances used for transporting of livestock.
- Section 2-15-113 Use of sticks, whips, chains, etc., in livestock markets; promulgation of rules and regulations by commissioner as to treatment of livestock in markets; inspections of markets for enf
- Section 2-15-114 Penalties for violations of provisions of article, rules or regulations promulgated thereunder, etc.; liability of managers, etc., of transportation agencies or livestock markets perm
- Section 2-15-115 Short title.
- Section 2-15-116 Purpose.
- Section 2-15-117 Charter required for conduct of public livestock business.
- Section 2-15-118 Definitions.
- Section 2-15-119 Creation of public livestock board; membership and duties of board; chairman; ex officio members.
- Section 2-15-120 Terms of members; power to make bylaws, rules, and regulations; per diem allowance and travel expenses.
- Section 2-15-121 Application for charter; information required; fee.
- Section 2-15-122 Application for charter; review by commissioner; notice of hearing; persons entitled to notice; factors affecting decision of board; grounds for denial of charter.
- Section 2-15-123 Public livestock markets pre-existing this article; non-transferability of charter.
- Section 2-15-124 Disposition of fees.
- Section 2-15-125 Lapse of charter upon transfer of business or failure to pay licensing fees; "transfer" defined.
- Section 2-15-126 Amendments to charter; application and notice; when application required.
- Section 2-15-127 Appeal of refusal to grant charter; court, venue, bond, and costs; stay upon appeal of suspension or revocation of charter; failure to perfect appeal.
- Section 2-15-130 Short title.
- Section 2-15-131 Definitions.
- Section 2-15-132 Dealer license required; denial or revocation of license; appeal.
- Section 2-15-133 Bonds of dealers generally; bond equivalents; furnishing of financial statements and reports, maintenance of books and records, etc., by dealers; requirement as to payment for livesto
- Section 2-15-134 Acceptance of bonds given under federal Packers and Stockyards Act.
- Section 2-15-135 Promulgation of rules and regulations for implementation of article.
- Section 2-15-136 Penalty for violations of provisions of article; injunctive proceedings to restrain operation by dealer in violation of provisions of article.
- Section 2-15-137 Applicability of article.
- Section 2-15-138 Provisions of article cumulative and supplemental to Article 3 of chapter.
- Section 2-15-150 Definitions.
- Section 2-15-151 When suppression or eradication of infectious, contagious or communicable disease to be commenced within county, etc.; appropriation of funds for same by county commission.
- Section 2-15-152 When commissioner to invite cooperation of federal government in arrest or eradication of disease within state.
- Section 2-15-153 Quarantining of lots, towns, cities, etc., where livestock infected with contagious, infectious or communicable diseases, etc.; issuance and service upon owners, etc., of livestock an
- Section 2-15-154 Transportation of livestock within or from quarantined districts.
- Section 2-15-155 Livestock brought into state to be accompanied by certificate of health; preparation and contents thereof; mailing of certificate to State Veterinarian upon arrival of livestock in st
- Section 2-15-156 Cleaning, disinfecting, etc., of quarantined livestock or places by owners, etc., upon receipt of notice from State Veterinarian, etc.
- Section 2-15-157 Cleaning and disinfecting of vehicles used in transporting animals.
- Section 2-15-158 Right of entry of State Veterinarian, livestock inspectors, etc.; interference with execution of duties, etc., by State Veterinarian, livestock inspectors, etc.
- Section 2-15-159 Permitting livestock to run at large in quarantined district.
- Section 2-15-160 Commissioner authorized to destroy animals or materials affected by or exposed to disease and indemnify owners thereof.
- Section 2-15-161 Diseased animals to be appraised prior to slaughter.
- Section 2-15-162 Reappraisal of animals.
- Section 2-15-163 Appraisal of exposed animals whose flesh can be saved for food; payment of salvage value, etc., to owner thereof.
- Section 2-15-164 Basis for appraisal of animals.
- Section 2-15-165 Appraisal of materials to be destroyed.
- Section 2-15-166 Reporting of appraisals - Animals.
- Section 2-15-167 Reporting of appraisals - Materials.
- Section 2-15-168 Destruction of condemned animals and materials and disposition thereof.
- Section 2-15-169 Sales of exposed animals.
- Section 2-15-170 Promulgation of rules and regulations for control and eradication of infectious, contagious, or communicable livestock diseases by commissioner.
- Section 2-15-171 Promulgation of rules and regulations as to transportation, disposition, etc., of quarantined livestock by State Board of Agriculture and Industries; admissibility in evidence thereof
- Section 2-15-172 Promulgation of rules and regulations as to manufacture, sale, etc., of veterinary or biological products and serums and disposal of dead carcasses, etc.
- Section 2-15-173 Payment of expenses of suppression or eradication of livestock diseases and administration of article.
- Section 2-15-174 Penalty for violations of article or rules or regulations of department, commissioner, etc.
- Section 2-15-190 Purpose of article.
- Section 2-15-191 Adoption and establishment of calfhood vaccination program by state board.
- Section 2-15-192 Establishment of disease control program by state board.
- Section 2-15-193 Supervision, etc., of disease control program; right of entry and inspection, etc., of State Veterinarian, etc.; interference with performance of duties by State Veterinarian, etc.
- Section 2-15-194 Cooperation with federal agencies.
- Section 2-15-195 Expenditure of general appropriations for conduct of disease control program and indemnification of owners of cattle condemned, slaughtered or destroyed.
- Section 2-15-196 Penalty for violations of rules and regulations promulgated by state board.
- Section 2-15-197 Article cumulative.
- Section 2-15-210 Establishment, conduct and maintenance of swine disease diagnostic laboratory by department; expenditure of funds appropriated therefor.
- Section 2-15-211 Feeding of garbage to swine.
- Section 2-15-230 Definitions.
- Section 2-15-231 Possession, sale, etc., of hog cholera virus.
- Section 2-15-232 Sale of swine infected with or exposed to hog cholera.
- Section 2-15-233 Quarantining of lots, stalls, etc., where swine infected with hog cholera; disposition of bodies of hogs dying from hog cholera; moving of hogs from quarantined premises, etc.
- Section 2-15-234 Appropriation and expenditure of funds by counties for hog cholera eradication programs; employment of inspectors, etc.
- Section 2-15-235 Commissioner charged with execution and enforcement of subdivision; promulgation of rules and regulations by commissioner.
- Section 2-15-236 Penalties for violations of provisions of subdivision.
- Section 2-15-250 Department to acquire anti-hog cholera serum and other approved immunizing agents.
- Section 2-15-251 Distribution of anti-hog cholera serum and other immunizing agents by department generally; payment of cost of inoculating swine.
- Section 2-15-252 Hog cholera virus not to be purchased or distributed by department.
- Section 2-15-253 Distribution of anti-hog cholera serum and other immunizing agents by department to owners of commercial garbage-fed swine, etc.
- Section 2-15-254 Making of false representation for purpose of securing anti-hog cholera serum or other immunizing agents.
- Section 2-15-255 Serum Fund.
- Section 2-15-256 Promulgation of rules and regulations for implementation of subdivision by commissioner; adoption of swine disease control program and promulgation of rules or regulations therefor by
- Section 2-15-257 Appropriation.
- Section 2-15-270 Adoption of rules and regulations for control of manufacture, sale, etc., of hog cholera vaccines, serums, etc., by state board authorized.
- Section 2-15-271 Effective date of rules and regulations; notice to veterinarians, county agricultural extension chairmen, manufacturers, etc., of rules.
- Section 2-15-272 Rules and regulations to have force and effect of law; violations of rules or regulations deemed misdemeanors.
- Section 2-15-273 Administration and enforcement of rules and regulations.
- Section 2-15-274 Subdivision cumulative; repeal of conflicting laws.
- Section 2-15-290 When tick eradication to be commenced within county; expenditures by county upon commencement of tick eradication by state board; county commissions to make appropriations for tick er
- Section 2-15-291 State aid to counties for payment of expenses of tick eradication.
- Section 2-15-292 Counties to provide and maintain required number of dipping vats and chemicals, etc., required therefor.
- Section 2-15-293 State Veterinarian to determine and notify county commission as to number of dipping vats, inspectors, chemicals, etc., required; admissibility in evidence, etc., of copy of notice.
- Section 2-15-294 Appointment, commissioning and supervision of inspectors; inspectors to be paid by counties.
- Section 2-15-295 Dipping of cattle in tick infested or quarantined ranges, farms, etc.
- Section 2-15-296 Dipping of horses, mules, or asses kept in tick infested lots, ranges, etc.
- Section 2-15-297 Stray cattle, equine, or equidae found on quarantined or tick infested ranges, pastures, etc.; condemnation and sale; redemption.
- Section 2-15-298 Ticky cattle, equine, or equidae prohibited from entering state.
- Section 2-15-299 Inspectors provided in counties released from quarantine; disinfection of reinfested county.
- Section 2-15-310 Purpose of article.
- Section 2-15-311 Filing of statement with commissioner by owner of sire charging service fee.
- Section 2-15-312 Issuance of certificate to owner of sire upon receipt of statement by commissioner; disposition of copies of certificate generally; posting of copy of certificate by owner of sire.
- Section 2-15-313 Fee for certificate.
- Section 2-15-314 Lien of owner of sire obtaining certificate under provisions of article.
- Section 2-15-315 Enforcement of lien.
- Section 2-15-316 Annual report of commissioner as to certificates issued, etc.
- Section 2-15-317 Obtaining certificate by false pretense; giving false pedigree.
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