Every person, firm, company or corporation having in possession or in charge as owner, agent or otherwise one or more cattle in a tick infested or quarantined county or on a tick infested or quarantined premises, range, farm or pasture that has not been released from state and federal quarantine shall dip the cattle regularly once every two weeks on the day and at the vat specified by the inspector in charge of the vat most convenient or nearest to the cattle.
The livestock inspector shall issue one printed or written dipping notice to the person or persons in charge or in possession of the cattle and shall serve said notice by leaving a copy of said notice with the person or persons in charge of or in possession of the cattle and shall make a return of said service on the original of said notice, and the serving of said dipping notice shall be legally sufficient to require the owner, agent, firm or person in charge to dip the cattle regularly every two weeks until released from quarantine, and said original dipping notice and the endorsement of the service thereon shall be received as evidence of the service thereof on the date mentioned therein in all courts, proceedings and places without further proof.
(Ag. Code 1927, §580; Code 1940, T. 2, §373.)