(a) Every butcher shall keep a record of every cow or animal of the cow kind killed, showing the color, earmarks and brand of each cow or animal of the cow kind killed or butchered and the date when killed or butchered and, if purchased, from whom purchased, the residence of the person from whom the same was purchased and when and also the approximate gross weight at the time purchased and at the time killed or butchered.
(b) Any butcher who fails to keep such record or who fails to make the required entries above specified within 24 hours after butchering any cow or animal of the cow kind shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined not more than $500.00 and may be sentenced to hard labor for the county for a period of not exceeding 12 months.
(c) All persons shall have a right to inspect at any time the book required to be kept by this section.
(Code 1907, §§6419, 6420; Code 1923, §§3483, 3484; Code 1940, T. 14, §§91, 92.)