The board or the commissioner, in the board's absence, as provided in Sections 2-25-4 and 2-25-5, is empowered to promulgate regulations, quarantining this state, or any portion thereof, and governing the storage or other handling in the quarantined areas of regulated articles and the movement of regulated articles into or from such areas, when he shall determine that such action is necessary, or reasonably appears necessary, to prevent or retard the spread of the boll weevil. The board is also authorized to promulgate regulations governing the movement of regulated articles from other states or portions thereof into this state when such state is known to be infested with the boll weevil. The promulgation of these regulations shall conform in all aspects to the Administrative Procedure Act, Section 41-22-1, et seq.
(Acts 1984, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 84-786, p. 170, §6.)