Chapter 19 — COTTON.
- Section 2-19-1 Making of deductions from actual weight of cotton by persons buying or selling baled cotton; use of untested weights in weighing cotton.
- Section 2-19-2 Corporations, etc., operating, etc., places for storing, weighing or dealing in cotton to maintain records of bale cotton weighed, etc.
- Section 2-19-3 Mutilation, etc., of marks, brands, etc., on cotton or concealment of cotton by ginners, warehouse proprietors, etc.
- Section 2-19-4 Appropriation of cotton from bale, etc., by factor, commission merchant, etc., having custody thereof.
- Section 2-19-5 Taking of cotton from bale without consent of owner, consignee, etc.
- Section 2-19-6 Conversion, etc., of cotton samples.
- Section 2-19-7 Buying or receiving cotton taken from bale without consent of owner, consignee, etc.
- Section 2-19-8 Opening, sampling, etc., of bale of cotton without consent of owner, consignee, etc.
- Section 2-19-9 Failure of purchaser of cotton to maintain record as to name of seller, etc.
- Section 2-19-10 Failure of cotton broker, etc., to pay for cotton purchased and disposed of.
- Section 2-19-11 Fraudulent packing or baling of cotton.
- Section 2-19-12 Exhibition of false samples of cotton, etc.
- Section 2-19-13 Removal, etc., from state of cotton subject to purchase money lien.
- Section 2-19-14 Removal from bale of cotton, etc., of ginner's tag.
- Section 2-19-15 Ginners to maintain registers of cotton ginned; contents and inspection thereof.
- Section 2-19-16 Marking, tagging, etc., of cotton by ginners.
- Section 2-19-17 Charging of different price for ginning, etc., cotton to person selling seed therefrom to ginner.
- Section 2-19-18 Violation of laws as to classification, stapling or sampling of cotton.
- Section 2-19-19 Replacement, etc., of cotton removed from warehouse for reweighing, resampling or examining upon rejection by purchaser, etc.
- Section 2-19-20 Removal of cotton from bale for sampling.
- Section 2-19-21 Removal of cotton from place where sold prior to weighing without consent of seller.
- Section 2-19-22 Implied warranty as to packing of cotton.
- Section 2-19-23 Ginneries to keep lint cotton and cotton seed and lots of cotton separate upon request of owners.
- Section 2-19-24 Liability of ginneries for failure to comply with provisions of Section 2-19-23.
- Section 2-19-25 Applicability of provisions of Sections 2-19-23 and 2-19-24.
- Section 2-19-26 Applicability of laws relative to inspection, suspension from sale, seizure, etc.
- Section 2-19-40 Maintenance of record book as to purchases, etc., by persons trafficking in seed cotton - Required generally.
- Section 2-19-41 Maintenance of record book as to purchases, etc., by persons trafficking in seed cotton - Exceptions.
- Section 2-19-42 Effect of failure to maintain record book.
- Section 2-19-43 Purchase of seed cotton from person other than owner, etc., of land on which same grown.
- Section 2-19-60 Purpose of article.
- Section 2-19-61 Permit required; fee and delinquency penalty.
- Section 2-19-62 Promulgation of rules and regulations by commissioner.
- Section 2-19-63 Enforcement of rules and regulations, etc.; denial or revocation of permits.
- Section 2-19-64 Operation of gin without permit.
- Section 2-19-80 Cotton standards of United States adopted.
- Section 2-19-81 Grade of cotton to be indicated by names, designations, etc., used in official standards.
- Section 2-19-82 Cotton to be classed on request of storer.
- Section 2-19-83 Admissibility in evidence of certificate of classification of cotton.
- Section 2-19-100 Definitions.
- Section 2-19-101 Required.
- Section 2-19-102 Application; fee.
- Section 2-19-103 Registration of applicant by commissioner.
- Section 2-19-104 Duration of registration.
- Section 2-19-105 Publication, etc., by commissioner of list of registered cotton buyers.
- Section 2-19-106 Disposition of funds.
- Section 2-19-120 Legislative findings and purpose.
- Section 2-19-121 Definitions.
- Section 2-19-122 Cooperative programs authorized.
- Section 2-19-123 Entry of premises; eradication activities; inspections.
- Section 2-19-124 Reports of cotton growers required.
- Section 2-19-125 Quarantine.
- Section 2-19-126 Authority to designate elimination zones; authority to prohibit planting of cotton and to require participation in eradication program.
- Section 2-19-127 Authority for destruction or treatment of cotton in elimination zones; when compensation payable.
- Section 2-19-128 Authority to promulgate appropriate regulations.
- Section 2-19-129 Penalties.
- Section 2-19-130 Certification by board of cotton growers' organization authorized; requirements.
- Section 2-19-131 Certification; revocation.
- Section 2-19-132 Cotton growers assessment referendum authorized; assessments generally.
- Section 2-19-133 Conduct of referendum.
- Section 2-19-134 Subsequent referendums.
- Section 2-19-135 Failure to pay assessments.
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