Upon determination by the board that the organization meets the requirements of Section 2-19-130, the board shall certify the organization as the official cotton growers' organization. Such certification shall be for the purposes of this article only, and shall not affect other organizations or associations of cotton growers established for other purposes.
The board shall certify only one such organization; provided that the board may revoke the certification of the organization if at any time the organization shall fail to meet the requirements of this article.
The organization so certified above shall be authorized to borrow money or otherwise incur indebtedness and to expend the moneys so acquired for the purpose of destroying and eradicating the boll weevil in Alabama. Any indebtedness created pursuant to this paragraph shall be repaid from the assessments on cotton growers provided for in Section 2-19-132 or from other funds available to the certified organization and shall not constitute a debt of the State of Alabama or any department, agency, political subdivision, official, or employee thereof. Funds so borrowed shall be expended by the certified organization for the purpose of reducing the annual assessment or increasing the number of years over which cotton growers are required to pay assessments.
(Acts 1984, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 84-786, p. 170, §12; Acts 1987, No. 87-624, p. 1110, §1.)