All public ginneries in this state, when requested so to do by the owner, shall keep both the lint cotton and cotton seed of each owner and each lot of cotton so separated by the owner separate from that of every other owner or lot, so that each owner may receive his own lint cotton and cotton seed unmixed with that of other owners and so that each owner may separate his own cotton into different lots and have each lot ginned separate and the lint and seed therefrom kept separate and apart from the lint and seed of his other lots of cotton. To this end, all public ginneries shall entirely clean their gin heads of all cotton containing seed before commencing to gin the cotton of different owners or of different lots belonging to the same owners when so requested and separated into different lots by the owners and shall clean the lint rooms of lint cotton as near as may be so that the lint and seed of each lot of cotton may be kept separate and apart from that of other lots of cotton. The party demanding that the roll be cleaned shall pay to the ginner $.50 per bale for so doing.
(Acts 1919, No. 755, p. 1116; Code 1923, §7305; Code 1940, T. 2, §164.)