(a) The findings and sentence of any court-martial, under the provisions of this chapter, except sentences for contempt of court, shall be certified to the Adjutant General within 10 days after the hearing is concluded and the Adjutant General, with the advice of the legal officer on the state staff of the service involved, shall submit said findings and sentence to the Governor with recommendation that the findings be affirmed, revoked or modified, and the decision of the Governor affirming, revoking or modifying the findings and sentence of the court-martial shall be final and conclusive.
(b) No finding or sentence of any court-martial, under the provisions of this chapter, shall be executed until approved by the Governor, and whenever any sentence is so approved, the Adjutant General shall cause the proper orders to be issued to the sheriff of the proper county to carry the sentence of the court into proper effect.
(c) The proceedings of courts-martial shall not be vitiated by reason of mere irregularity, want of form or other technical defect, unless it is affirmatively made to appear, upon review, that the accused has been denied a fair hearing and has been materially injured thereby. In all cases where the sentence of a court-martial has been approved by the Governor, the jurisdiction of said court and the legality of its proceedings shall be presumed, and on review of such sentence, or in any civil proceeding, the burden of rebutting such presumption by competent evidence shall rest with the applicant or contestant in any such review or civil proceeding.
(Acts 1936, Ex. Sess., No. 143, p. 105; Code 1940, T. 35, §§133, 138; Acts 1973, No. 1038, p. 1572, §104.)