Chapter 2 — MILITARY CODE.
- Section 31-2-1 Definitions.
- Section 31-2-2 Composition and administration of state militia generally.
- Section 31-2-3 Divisions of state militia; composition of organized militia and National Guard.
- Section 31-2-4 Composition of naval militia.
- Section 31-2-5 Composition of unorganized militia.
- Section 31-2-6 Persons exempted from militia service, etc.
- Section 31-2-7 Maintenance of troops in time of peace.
- Section 31-2-8 Organization, etc., of State Defense Force upon call, etc., into federal service of National Guard.
- Section 31-2-9 Powers, etc., of Governor and Adjutant General with respect to State Defense Force; State Defense Force to be free from federal control.
- Section 31-2-10 Appropriations for State Defense Force.
- Section 31-2-11 Exemption of officers and enlisted men of National Guard, etc., from state jury duty.
- Section 31-2-12 Exemption from motor vehicle license tax, etc.; distinctive National Guard license tags.
- Section 31-2-13 Service benefits for government employees, etc.
- Section 31-2-14 Bonds of persons responsible for public or military property or public funds.
- Section 31-2-15 Depositories and arsenals for military property; disposition of unexpended regular military appropriations.
- Section 31-2-16 Per diem of officers or enlisted men under military travel orders.
- Section 31-2-17 Unauthorized wearing of uniform of United States armed forces.
- Section 31-2-18 Wearing foreign uniforms - Prohibited; exceptions.
- Section 31-2-19 Wearing foreign uniforms - Penalties.
- Section 31-2-20 Unauthorized wearing of uniform while not on duty.
- Section 31-2-21 Discrimination against person wearing uniform.
- Section 31-2-22 Disloyal or insulting remarks, gestures, etc., to or about troops engaged in performance of duties, etc.
- Section 31-2-23 Arms, equipment, etc., to be deposited in armories, etc.
- Section 31-2-24 Preservation of arms, equipment, etc., by officers.
- Section 31-2-25 Accountability and responsibility of officers for military property in custody; powers and duties of Adjutant General as exclusive custodian of state military property.
- Section 31-2-26 Officers of disbanded organizations to return arms, equipment, etc., to custody of Adjutant General.
- Section 31-2-27 Unauthorized use of military property for private purposes.
- Section 31-2-28 Officers and enlisted men personally responsible for care, etc., of military property in custody.
- Section 31-2-29 Wilful or malicious destruction, etc., of military property.
- Section 31-2-30 Sale, exchange, etc., of military property; seizure, etc., of illegally acquired military property.
- Section 31-2-31 Sale, pawn; purchase or unauthorized retention of military property; seizure, etc., of unlawfully retained property.
- Section 31-2-32 Liability of officers and enlisted men for lost or damaged military property.
- Section 31-2-33 Failure of officers, etc., to make required reports concerning military arms, funds, etc.
- Section 31-2-34 Proceedings when member of armed forces unable to account for property or money.
- Section 31-2-35 Matters governed by custom and usage of United States armed forces.
- Section 31-2-36 Acceptance, etc., of commission, etc., in state armed forces and United States reserve components not incompatible with holding of civil office.
- Section 31-2-37 Annual encampments or cruises.
- Section 31-2-38 When officers, enlisted men, etc., deemed to be "in the active military or naval service of the state."
- Section 31-2-39 Emergency purchases.
- Section 31-2-40 Enforcement of sanitation laws in camps or garrisons.
- Section 31-2-41 National Guard and Naval Militia service medals.
- Section 31-2-42 Retirement of officers and enlisted men from National Guard.
- Section 31-2-43 Status of officers and enlisted men of National Guard and Naval Militia upon release from active federal service.
- Section 31-2-44 Payment of expenses by state upon call, etc., into federal service of National Guard and Naval Militia.
- Section 31-2-45 Designations of units engaged in federal service.
- Section 31-2-46 When unorganized militia may be ordered out for active service.
- Section 31-2-47 Rules, regulations, etc., governing unorganized militia in active service; appointment, etc., of emergency officers in state militia.
- Section 31-2-48 Manner of ordering out unorganized militia; organization; appointment of officers.
- Section 31-2-49 Draft of unorganized militia.
- Section 31-2-50 Failure to appear for duty in militia.
- Section 31-2-51 Commander in Chief - Designated.
- Section 31-2-52 Commander in Chief - Powers and duties generally.
- Section 31-2-53 Personal military staff of Governor.
- Section 31-2-54 Governor's flag.
- Section 31-2-55 Appointment of officers and enlisted men of headquarters and headquarters detachment of National Guard.
- Section 31-2-56 Exhibitions, athletic matches and contests in armories, etc.
- Section 31-2-57 Assignment of headquarters and headquarters detachments of National Guard during national crisis.
- Section 31-2-58 Adjutant General - Qualifications; appointment; term; commission; rank; powers and duties generally; seal.
- Section 31-2-59 Adjutant General - Status and duties upon call, etc., into federal service of National Guard.
- Section 31-2-60 Organization of Military Department; qualifications, appointment, rank, etc., of employees of department; applicability of merit system to department officers and employees.
- Section 31-2-61 Salaries of officers and employees of Military Department.
- Section 31-2-62 Bonds of Adjutant General and other employees of Military Department.
- Section 31-2-63 Offices, furniture, stationery, etc., of Military Department.
- Section 31-2-67 Annual report by Adjutant General to Governor.
- Section 31-2-68 Audit of books, accounts, etc., of Adjutant General and other officers.
- Section 31-2-69 Standards for appointment, removal, etc., of officers of state armed forces; qualifications of federally recognized national guard.
- Section 31-2-70 Officers to have same powers and duties as officers in armed forces of United States.
- Section 31-2-71 Qualifications and appointment of National Guard staff officers headquartered in other states.
- Section 31-2-72 General officers of the line.
- Section 31-2-73 Appointment, promotion, etc., of noncommissioned officers, etc., of National Guard.
- Section 31-2-74 Enlistments, etc., in National Guard.
- Section 31-2-75 Discharge of enlisted members of National Guard.
- Section 31-2-76 Drills, encampments, maneuvers, etc.
- Section 31-2-77 Service medals and decorations authorized for wear with National Guard and Naval Militia uniforms.
- Section 31-2-78 Personal uniforms, arms, etc., of officers, enlisted men, etc., exempt from sale under execution, etc.
- Section 31-2-79 Exemption of members of militia from arrest.
- Section 31-2-80 Exemption from ad valorem taxes of property owned or leased by units of armed forces.
- Section 31-2-81 Exemption of certain post exchanges and canteens from tobacco and gasoline taxes and state and local licenses.
- Section 31-2-82 Armed forces organizations not to leave state without permission.
- Section 31-2-83 Laws applicable to militia when in active service of state; jurisdiction and powers of courts-martial as to offenses thereunder; imposition of death penalty; imprisonment.
- Section 31-2-84 Right of troops as to use of streets and highways.
- Section 31-2-85 Compensation for injury, disability and death.
- Section 31-2-86 Payment for damages caused by National Guard members acting in line of duty.
- Section 31-2-87 Supervision and command of national guard organizations jointly maintained with other states for training and instruction.
- Section 31-2-88 Pay and subsistence for National Guard and Naval Militia in active military or naval service of state.
- Section 31-2-89 Actions against members of military court, etc., as to sentences, warrants, etc.; actions against officers or enlisted men for acts performed in line of duty; defense of actions agains
- Section 31-2-90 Appointment of counsel to defend National Guard members in certain actions.
- Section 31-2-91 Security for costs in certain actions against National Guard members to be given by plaintiff.
- Section 31-2-92 Courts-martial for members of National Guard - Kinds, jurisdiction, powers, procedure, etc.; limitations on institution of courts-martial.
- Section 31-2-93 Courts-martial for members of National Guard - Convening and powers of punishment of general courts-martial.
- Section 31-2-94 Courts-martial for members of National Guard - Appointment and powers of punishment of special courts-martial.
- Section 31-2-95 Courts-martial for members of National Guard - Convening and powers of punishment of summary courts-martial.
- Section 31-2-96 Courts-martial for members of National Guard - Powers of presidents and summary court officers.
- Section 31-2-97 Courts-martial for members of National Guard - Manual of courts-martial, etc., to govern proceedings.
- Section 31-2-98 Courts-martial for members of National Guard - Evidence.
- Section 31-2-99 Courts-martial for members of National Guard - Employment of court reporter.
- Section 31-2-100 Courts-martial for members of National Guard - Subpoena of witnesses.
- Section 31-2-101 Courts-martial for members of National Guard - Punishment of persons disrupting proceedings, etc.
- Section 31-2-102 Courts-martial for members of National Guard - Payment of expenses.
- Section 31-2-103 Courts-martial for members of National Guard - Review of findings and sentence by Governor; approval of Governor prerequisite to execution of sentence; presumption of jurisdiction and
- Section 31-2-104 Courts-martial for members of National Guard - Persons authorized to execute processes and sentences.
- Section 31-2-105 Courts-martial for members of National Guard - Delivery of certificate to sheriff for execution of sentence; disposition of fines.
- Section 31-2-106 Courts-martial for members of National Guard - Compensation of civil officers for execution of process, etc.
- Section 31-2-107 Courts of inquiry.
- Section 31-2-108 Appropriations for operation, support, etc., of National Guard organizations; quarterly allowances to commanders.
- Section 31-2-109 Ordering out of troops - Authority of Governor.
- Section 31-2-110 Ordering out of troops - Restrictions.
- Section 31-2-111 Ordering out of troops - Request to Governor by local officials.
- Section 31-2-112 Ordering out of troops - Issuance of order by Governor; authority of local civil authorities to order out troops.
- Section 31-2-113 Ordering out of troops - Commanding officers may require written instructions from civil authorities; compliance with instructions.
- Section 31-2-114 Ordering out of troops - Reports to Governor when troops ordered by civil authorities.
- Section 31-2-115 Dispersion of mob, etc. - Order to disperse.
- Section 31-2-116 Dispersion of mob, etc. - Order to disperse - Failure to obey order.
- Section 31-2-117 Dispersion of mob, etc. - Authority to act to disperse mob, etc.
- Section 31-2-118 Right of National Guard members, etc., under indictment, etc., for injuries to persons or property incurred during performance of duties to change of venue of trial.
- Section 31-2-119 Assault on National Guard members, etc., assembled for performance of duties.
- Section 31-2-120 Protection of National Guard troops, etc., from assault, etc.
- Section 31-2-121 Duty to disperse when shot fired, etc., at National Guard.
- Section 31-2-122 Regulation of passage and occupancy on streets, etc., during riot, etc.
- Section 31-2-123 Commanders of National Guard troops may prescribe boundaries around jails, public buildings, etc., from which public excluded.
- Section 31-2-124 Commanders of National Guard troops may order closing of certain places and forbid sale of certain commodities.
- Section 31-2-125 Unauthorized military organizations.
- Section 31-2-126 Commanders may incarcerate and detain persons interfering with performance of troops; abatement of menaces to health or safety of command.
- Section 31-2-127 Enforcement of attendance of officers and enlisted men called into active military service of state.
- Section 31-2-128 Dropping allowance.
- Section 31-2-129 Counties or municipalities may appropriate funds for military purposes for local National Guard and Naval Militia units.
- Section 31-2-130 Counties or municipalities may sell, etc., real estate and buildings to local National Guard units for military purposes.
- Section 31-2-131 Revolving fund.
- Section 31-2-132 Regular military appropriations.
- Section 31-2-133 Special appropriations for National Guard in active military service of state.
- Section 31-2-134 National Guard Challenge Program.
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