Whenever any rout, riot or mob has occurred or is in progress or is so imminent that any portion of the National Guard is, or has been, called out for the performance of any duty under the provisions of this chapter, it shall be lawful for the commanding officer of the National Guard, if it be deemed advisable in subduing or preventing such mob, riot or outbreak thereof, to prohibit all persons from occupying or passing on any street, road or place, where the same is threatened, or where the National Guard may be for the time being, and otherwise to regulate passage and occupancy of such streets and places. Any person, after being duly informed of such prohibition or regulation, who wilfully and intentionally, without lawful excuse, attempts to go or remain on such street, road or place, and fails to depart after being warned to do so, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and in such cases the officer in command of the National Guard may forthwith arrest persons so offending and turn them over to some civil magistrate.
(Acts 1936, Ex. Sess., No. 143, p. 105; Code 1940, T. 35, §169; Acts 1973, No. 1038, p. 1572, §122.)