(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to appear in any public place or in the public view attired in any uniform similar to that worn by the military, semimilitary, naval, police, storm troop or other official or semiofficial forces of any foreign state, nation or government, or attired in any distinctive part or parts of such a uniform, and to assemble with other persons similarly attired in any camp, drill ground or other place for the purpose of engaging in military drill or training or other military purposes.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to appear in any public place or in the public view attired in the uniform or wearing the distinctive garment of any association of persons of whatsoever nature or form which engages in, adopts or imitates the drill formations, salutes or other methods or practices or the symbols of any foreign military, semimilitary, naval, police, storm troop or similar foreign organization, and, so attired, to assemble with other persons similarly attired in any camp, drill ground or other place for the purpose of engaging in military drill or training or other military practices.
(c) It shall be unlawful for the proprietor, manager or keeper of any place of public meeting, resort or amusement to permit therein any assemblage of persons attired as prohibited in this section.
(d) This section shall not apply to the officers or members of the military, semimilitary, naval, police or other official or semiofficial forces of any foreign state, nation or government lawfully within the State of Alabama, any veterans' organization chartered by act of Congress, the Boy Scouts of America, any student of any school or academy recognized by the board of Education of the State of Alabama nor to the members of the cast of any stage or motion picture production characterizing the officials of a foreign state, nation or government; provided, however, that in any prosecution under this section, it shall be presumed that a person (1) wearing the uniform of a foreign state, nation or government or of any of its official or semiofficial forces or (2) attired in any distinctive part or parts of such a uniform, was not at the time of the alleged violation of this section a member of any of the organizations excepted in this subsection.
(Acts 1939, No. 619, p. 987, §1; Code 1940, T. 35, §18(1); Acts 1973, No. 1038, p. 1572, §18.)