Subject to the restrictions of the National Defense Act and other federal laws governing the armed forces, the Governor may annually order into the service of the state the whole or such portion of the armed forces of the state as he may deem proper, the period of such service to be fixed by the Governor subject to the restrictions mentioned above. When ordered into the service of the state, when rations are not furnished by the United States government, the state shall furnish rations for the officers, warrant officers and men, of the same quality as rations furnished the armed forces of the United States, and pay such other expenses of said encampment or cruise as the Governor may deem proper, including the traveling expenses of officers, warrant officers and enlisted men incurred in obeying such orders, when such expenses are not paid by the government of the United States.
(Acts 1936, Ex. Sess., No. 143, p. 105; Code 1940, T. 35, §38; Acts 1973, No. 1038, p. 1572, §38.)