Exhibitions of various kinds and boxing, sparring, wrestling and other athletic matches and contests may be held in the armories or on the adjacent grounds of any National Guard or Naval Militia Unit or post, under supervision and control of the board of control of such armory, provided such use does not interfere with the military or naval use of such armory or grounds. All revenues derived from the operation of such exhibitions, matches or contests, or from the lease of armories or adjacent grounds for such purposes, shall be covered into the proper unit or station board of control fund in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Adjutant General. Units of the National Guard or Naval Militia shall not be required to obtain any authority, permission or license from any agency of the state or any political subdivision thereof to conduct or hold any such exhibitions, matches or contests, or to lease armories or grounds to any person for the holding of such, and all such exhibitions, matches and contests so held under authority of this chapter shall be exempt from the payment of any and every form of license or taxation, either state, county or municipal. It shall be the duty of the Adjutant General to promulgate and enforce rules and regulations governing such use of armories and grounds, leases thereof for such purposes and the admissions or rentals to be charged therefor.
(Acts 1939, No. 509, p. 774; Code 1940, T. 35, §65; Acts 1947, No. 626, p. 479, §4; Acts 1973, No. 1038, p. 1572, §57.)