Officers, warrant officers and enlisted personnel of the National Guard and Naval Militia, when employed in the active military or naval service of the state, as defined and provided in this chapter, are entitled to pay for such service, which will begin on the day of assembly at the armories or other designated places and will continue until the day of return thereto and proper relief. Fractional parts of a day will count as a full day. The reckoning of a day will be from midnight to the subsequent midnight. Pay of officers, warrant officers and enlisted personnel of the National Guard shall be that rate now or hereafter authorized by the Department of Defense for members of the regular armed forces of the United States while the National Guard is on active military service for the state, but no member paid under the provisions of this section shall be paid less than one and one-half times the applicable federal minimum wage computed on the basis of an eight-hour workday, which is declared to be the minimum rate of pay under this section. Each officer, warrant officer and enlisted person will be provided with subsistence or rations while in the active service. The purchase of this subsistence will be made in accordance with such regulations as the Governor may prescribe. Pay, as defined in this section, shall include length of service, pay and allowances for quarters and other entitlements. The pay and subsistence authorized by this section shall be paid out of the general treasury, and not from the regular military appropriations provided for organization, maintenance and upkeep of the National Guard and Naval Militia. Warrants in this connection will be issued by the comptroller on vouchers or payrolls, as may be required by the Governor as commander in chief, accompanied by copies of the orders authorizing service. Before payment, payrolls and vouchers shall be certified by the Adjutant General and approved by the Governor.
(Acts 1936, Ex. Sess., No. 143, p. 105; Code 1940, T. 35, §117; Acts 1947, No. 626, p. 479, §8; Acts 1973, No. 1038, p. 1572, §89.)