- Section 9-11-1 Definitions.
- Section 9-11-2 Acquisition of lands for state game lands; erection, etc., of buildings for propagation of game, birds or fish.
- Section 9-11-3 Title and deeds to acquired lands; supervision of same.
- Section 9-11-4 State game refuges or sanctuaries; shooting preserves, game refuges, etc., in national forests, etc.
- Section 9-11-5 Commissioner, wardens, etc., constituted peace officers.
- Section 9-11-6 Violations of fish and game laws - Jurisdiction; reporting of convictions and disposition of fines.
- Section 9-11-7 Violations of fish and game laws - District attorneys to prosecute; district attorney's fee.
- Section 9-11-8 Violations of fish and game laws - Authority of enforcement officers, etc., generally; arrest without warrant.
- Section 9-11-9 Violations of fish and game laws - Service and return of warrant as to firms or corporations.
- Section 9-11-10 Violations of fish and game laws - Clerks to report results of prosecutions.
- Section 9-11-11 Violations of fish and game laws - Charging of several offenses.
- Section 9-11-12 Violations of fish and game laws - Fees of arresting officers.
- Section 9-11-13 Violations of fish and game laws - Style of proceedings.
- Section 9-11-14 Violations of fish and game laws - Procedure on appeal.
- Section 9-11-15 Violations of fish and game laws - Judgment on appeal.
- Section 9-11-16 Seizure, forfeiture and disposal of prohibited devices, etc., used in catching, killing, etc., fish or fur-bearing animals.
- Section 9-11-17 Deputy game and fish wardens; appointment; duties; authority; revocation of appointment; compensation and status.
- Section 9-11-18 Furnishing of equipment for game and fish wardens.
- Section 9-11-19 Assent to federal act relating to fish restoration and management projects; disposition of fishing license fees generally.
- Section 9-11-20 Release of turkeys into wild areas of state prohibited; exceptions; penalty.
- Section 9-11-21 Investigation of hunting deaths by grand jury; reporting of such accidents.
- Section 9-11-22 Commercial fishing equipment required to be affixed with tags.
- Section 9-11-23 Alabama Marine Resources Endowment Fund.
- Section 9-11-24 Violation of fish and game laws - Assessment of court costs.
- Section 9-11-25 Licenses and permits not transferable; penalties.
- Section 9-11-26 Penalty for offering to sell shellfish, wild fish, or farm-raised fish processed with certain banned drugs.
- Section 9-11-30 Game breeder's license - Issuance; renewal; expiration; fees.
- Section 9-11-31 Game breeder's license - Sales by licensee; nonindigenous game breeder option.
- Section 9-11-31.1 Game breeder's license - Violations
- Section 9-11-32 Duration and scope of licenses.
- Section 9-11-33 Hunting and fishing licenses generally - Numbering; delivery of blank licenses to issuing authorities; return of unused licenses and stubs.
- Section 9-11-34 Hunting and fishing licenses generally - License cards.
- Section 9-11-35 Hunting or fishing license not required of member of armed forces during war.
- Section 9-11-35.1 Licensing exception for residents on active military duty.
- Section 9-11-36 Issuance of licenses generally - Persons authorized; record.
- Section 9-11-37 Issuance of licenses generally - Issuance fee; reports.
- Section 9-11-38 Special agents for issuing hunting and fishing licenses - Application for appointment; authority.
- Section 9-11-39 Special agents for issuing hunting and fishing licenses - Bond generally; appointment.
- Section 9-11-40 Special agents for issuing hunting and fishing licenses - Bond of agents to be payable to judge of probate or license commissioner.
- Section 9-11-41 Special agents for issuing hunting and fishing licenses - Furnishing of blank licenses to agents.
- Section 9-11-42 Special agents for issuing hunting and fishing licenses - Duties generally; remittance of fees collected, etc., to probate judge or license commissioner.
- Section 9-11-43 Responsibility of judge of probate or license commissioner as to licenses; disposition of fees from sale of licenses.
- Section 9-11-44 Resident license - Hunting.
- Section 9-11-44.1 Certification of completion of approved hunter education course required for issuance of license; penalty; "supervision required" status.
- Section 9-11-45 License to hunt on wildlife management areas; fee; violations.
- Section 9-11-45.1 Use of crossbows for hunting.
- Section 9-11-46 Nonresident hunting licenses - "Small game only."
- Section 9-11-47 Nonresident hunting licenses - "All game."
- Section 9-11-48 Nonresident hunting licenses - "Trip small game."
- Section 9-11-49 Nonresident hunting licenses - "Trip all game."
- Section 9-11-49.1 Establishment of bag limits, etc., for certain nonresidents.
- Section 9-11-50 Hunting by persons under 16 years of age.
- Section 9-11-51 Hunting without license, etc.
- Section 9-11-52 Dog trainer's license.
- Section 9-11-53 Resident license - Freshwater fishing.
- Section 9-11-53.1 Resident license - Saltwater fishing.
- Section 9-11-53.2 Resident annual combination saltwater-freshwater licenses; fee; disposition of fee; additional issuance fees.
- Section 9-11-53.3 Reciprocal agreement with Florida exempting persons 65 years or older from licensing requirements.
- Section 9-11-53.4 Resident seven-day trip freshwater fishing license.
- Section 9-11-53.5 Resident seven-day trip saltwater fishing license.
- Section 9-11-54 Special fishing license for totally disabled persons; period of validity; request for recertification of disability; fee of issuing authority; definitions.
- Section 9-11-55 Nonresident freshwater fishing licenses - Annual license; penalty.
- Section 9-11-55.1 Nonresident freshwater fishing licenses - Use of certain trotlines prohibited; inspection of permissible trotlines required; penalties.
- Section 9-11-55.2 Nonresident saltwater fishing license; cost; disposition of fees; penalty for violation.
- Section 9-11-55.3 Combination nonresident saltwater-freshwater license; fee.
- Section 9-11-56 Nonresident freshwater fishing licenses - Trip license; penalty.
- Section 9-11-56.1 Nonresident fishing licenses - Commercial license.
- Section 9-11-56.2 Annual "Free Fishing Day."
- Section 9-11-56.3 Public fishing pier license; fee; saltwater pier fishing license; fees.
- Section 9-11-57 Fishing without license.
- Section 9-11-58 Licenses of nonresident live fish and minnow dealers; fees of issuing authorities; disposition of fees.
- Section 9-11-59 License to capture or kill fur-bearing animals for commercial purposes; traps.
- Section 9-11-60 Disposition of funds from sale of fur catchers' licenses; report of licenses issued.
- Section 9-11-61 Transporting, etc., furs, skins, or pelts without fur catcher's license.
- Section 9-11-62 Fur dealers defined; presumptions.
- Section 9-11-63 Fur dealer's license; penalty for violations.
- Section 9-11-64 Inspection of books and records of dealers, etc.
- Section 9-11-65 Lifetime resident hunting, freshwater fishing and combination licenses.
- Section 9-11-65.1 Issuance of hunting and fishing licenses on combination license basis; fees.
- Section 9-11-65.2 Lifetime resident saltwater fishing license; combination licenses with freshwater fishing, hunting.
- Section 9-11-66 Fishing in Pike County public lake without paying admission fee.
- Section 9-11-67 Sportsman's license.
- Section 9-11-68 Cost adjustments - Hunting and fishing licenses.
- Section 9-11-69 Cost adjustments - Saltwater fishing licenses.
- Section 9-11-70 Hunting, fishing, or trapping with revoked or suspended license; licenses not transferable; penalties.
- Section 9-11-71 Wildlife heritage license.
- Section 9-11-80 Public and private waters defined.
- Section 9-11-81 Title to freshwater fish vested in state.
- Section 9-11-82 Game fish designated.
- Section 9-11-83 Commercial or nongame fish designated.
- Section 9-11-84 Sale, transportation, etc., of game fish taken from public or private waters.
- Section 9-11-85 Game fish to be transported openly; confiscation, etc., of game fish taken or transported illegally.
- Section 9-11-86 Limitation on transportation, etc., of game fish beyond boundaries of state.
- Section 9-11-87 Means of catching game fish generally.
- Section 9-11-88 Catching game or nongame fish by use of gill, trammel, etc., nets.
- Section 9-11-89 Use of game fish for bait - Generally.
- Section 9-11-90 Use of game fish for bait - Use of sunfish.
- Section 9-11-91 Catching, etc., of fish in private ponds, lakes, pools, or reservoirs.
- Section 9-11-91.1 Unauthorized fishing from or near fish farm.
- Section 9-11-92 Preventing passage of fish up rivers or creeks.
- Section 9-11-93 Catching, killing, etc., of fish by use of poisons or explosives.
- Section 9-11-94 Catching, killing, etc., of game or nongame fish by means not expressly allowed.
- Section 9-11-94.1 Purchase of tags required for each tarpon taken, killed, or harvested.
- Section 9-11-95 Disposition of fines, forfeitures, etc.
- Section 9-11-140 Use of commercial fishing gear in public impounded waters and navigable streams - When, where, and how permitted.
- Section 9-11-141 Use of commercial fishing gear in public impounded waters and navigable streams - License - Required generally.
- Section 9-11-142 Use of commercial fishing gear in public impounded waters and navigable streams - License - Individual licenses required; exception for certain assistants.
- Section 9-11-143 Use of commercial fishing gear in public impounded waters and navigable streams - License - Issuance; fees; records; disposition of fees.
- Section 9-11-144 Use of commercial fishing gear in public impounded waters and navigable streams -License - Expiration.
- Section 9-11-145 Use of commercial fishing gear in public impounded waters and navigable streams - License - Forfeiture.
- Section 9-11-146 Disposition of proceeds from sale of licenses, etc.
- Section 9-11-147 Marking location of and identifying fishing gear.
- Section 9-11-148 Game fish taken to be returned to waters; possession of game fish by commercial fishermen.
- Section 9-11-149 Use of fishing gear within one-half mile below lock or dam.
- Section 9-11-150 Use of fishing gear within 100 yards of mouths of streams, etc., emptying into salt waters or bays.
- Section 9-11-151 Seizure, confiscation and disposition of fishing gear used in violation of article.
- Section 9-11-152 Shipment or transportation of fish taken in violation of article; seizure, confiscation and disposition of fish illegally transported or shipped.
- Section 9-11-153 Wholesale and retail freshwater nongame fish dealers' licenses.
- Section 9-11-154 Records of wholesalers and retailers of freshwater nongame fish; inspection, etc., of records.
- Section 9-11-155 Applicability of provisions of article.
- Section 9-11-156 Penalties for violations of provisions of article.
- Section 9-11-170 Spearing of commercial or nongame fish for sport - When, where and how permitted; notice of competitive events.
- Section 9-11-171 Spearing of commercial or nongame fish for sport - License - Required; issuance; fees; disposition of revenue from sale.
- Section 9-11-172 Spearing of commercial or nongame fish for sport - License - Display.
- Section 9-11-173 Regulation of seasons, hours, etc.
- Section 9-11-174 Compliance with water safety laws.
- Section 9-11-175 Possession of spear, etc., evidence of spearfishing; exception.
- Section 9-11-176 Penalty for violations.
- Section 9-11-190 Catching of nongame fish from public waters by use of wire baskets - When, where and how permitted.
- Section 9-11-191 Catching of nongame fish from public waters by use of wire baskets - License - Required; issuance; fees; disposition of fees.
- Section 9-11-192 Licenses not to be sold to persons holding commercial fishing licenses, etc.; sale or offer for sale of fish by licensees, etc.
- Section 9-11-193 Obtaining more than four licenses or fishing with more than four baskets.
- Section 9-11-194 Marking of baskets.
- Section 9-11-195 Destruction of unmarked baskets.
- Section 9-11-196 Nongame fish only to be taken, etc., with baskets; return of game fish taken to waters.
- Section 9-11-197 Taking of fish from baskets, etc., by unlicensed persons.
- Section 9-11-198 Penalty for violations of provisions of article; revocation of licenses.
- Section 9-11-210 Agreements as to fishing in waters of Alabama and of bordering states.
- Section 9-11-211 Agreements as to fishing in waters lying between Alabama and adjoining states or partly in Alabama and partly in adjoining state.
- Section 9-11-212 Agreements to apply separately to waters lying between Alabama and each agreeing bordering state.
- Section 9-11-213 Rights and privileges granted to be exercised in accordance with Alabama laws, etc.
- Section 9-11-230 Title to wild birds and animals vested in state.
- Section 9-11-231 Permits for collection of wild animals, birds, etc., for scientific purposes, etc.
- Section 9-11-232 Possession, sale, purchase, etc., of protected wild birds, etc.
- Section 9-11-233 Enumeration of birds not protected.
- Section 9-11-234 Hunting, etc., of protected birds or animals on state or federal game sanctuaries or refuges.
- Section 9-11-235 Taking, etc., of protected birds or animals, raccoons or opossums at night; nighttime hunting of foxes with dogs.
- Section 9-11-235.1 Taking, etc., raccoons or opossums at night; weapons used.
- Section 9-11-236 Hunting, etc., or possession of protected birds or animals during closed season.
- Section 9-11-237 Sale and purchase of game birds and animals including the meat or other product thereof.
- Section 9-11-238 Hunting, etc., of wild turkeys with dogs.
- Section 9-11-240 Opening of season for hunting, etc., of female deer and unantlered male deer.
- Section 9-11-241 Hunting, trapping, etc., of wild game during day on lands of another without permission.
- Section 9-11-242 Hunting, trapping, etc., of wild game at night on lands of another without permission.
- Section 9-11-243 Hunting, trapping, etc., of fur-bearing animals within 10 feet of banks of waters on property of another without permission.
- Section 9-11-244 Taking, etc., of protected birds or animals by means of bait.
- Section 9-11-245 Unlawful methods of hunting birds or animals protected by law or regulation.
- Section 9-11-246 Penalties for violations of provisions of Sections 9-11-244 and 9-11-245.
- Section 9-11-247 Taking, keeping, etc., of raccoons for use in "coon on the log" contests.
- Section 9-11-248 Permits for holding of "coon on the log" contests.
- Section 9-11-249 Penalty for violations of provisions of Sections 9-11-247 and 9-11-248.
- Section 9-11-250 Taking, etc., of deer from public waters.
- Section 9-11-251 Taking, etc., of deer at night.
- Section 9-11-252 Penalties for violations of provisions of Sections 9-11-250 and 9-11-251.
- Section 9-11-252.1 Motor vehicle, weapons, etc., used in nighttime deer hunting declared contraband; seizure report; condemnation and forfeiture; disposition of proceeds.
- Section 9-11-253 Transportation or shipment of skins or hides of fur-bearing animals without payment of state tax; bonds of dealers.
- Section 9-11-254 Limitation as to number of traps for taking, etc., of fur-bearing animals; penalty.
- Section 9-11-255 Transportation, shipment, etc., of protected birds or game.
- Section 9-11-256 Liability of common carriers, etc., transporting, shipping, etc., protected birds or game.
- Section 9-11-257 Hunting or discharge of firearm from, upon, or across public roads, etc.
- Section 9-11-258 Persons hunting deer at night liable for killing stock.
- Section 9-11-259 Game, birds or animals to be transported openly; confiscation, etc., of game, birds or animals transported or taken illegally.
- Section 9-11-260 Acquisition of lands, expenditure of revenues, etc., by commissioner for propagation of game birds, game and fur-bearing animals.
- Section 9-11-261 Permits for propagation of game birds, and game or fur-bearing animals for private purposes.
- Section 9-11-262 Opening or closing of season for killing of beaver; payment of bounty for killing of beaver.
- Section 9-11-263 Consent to acquisition of lands, etc., for establishment of migratory bird reservations.
- Section 9-11-264 Liability for injury or damage to persons or domestic animals of persons using traps, etc., to take, capture, etc., fur-bearing animals; exemption of Lawrence County.
- Section 9-11-265 Trapping on or from right-of-way of state highway; exemption of Lawrence County.
- Section 9-11-265.1 Sections 9-11-264 and 9-11-265 inapplicable in Limestone County.
- Section 9-11-266 Checking of traps; hanging or suspending of bait over or within 25 feet of steel trap.
- Section 9-11-267 Filing of reports as to animals trapped, purchased, etc., by persons licensed to trap fur-bearing animals and by fur dealers.
- Section 9-11-268 Penalty for violations of provisions of Sections 9-11-265, 9-11-266 and 9-11-267.
- Section 9-11-269 Protection of flattened musk turtle.
- Section 9-11-270 Interference with persons legally hunting or fishing.
- Section 9-11-271 Activities prohibited.
- Section 9-11-272 Obeying order of peace officer.
- Section 9-11-273 Limited application.
- Section 9-11-274 Penalties.
- Section 9-11-275 Construction of article.
- Section 9-11-280 Agreements as to hunting and taking of waterfowl from waters of Alabama and of bordering states.
- Section 9-11-281 Agreements as to hunting and taking of waterfowl from waters lying between Alabama and adjoining states or partly in Alabama and partly in adjoining states.
- Section 9-11-282 Agreements to apply separately to waters lying between Alabama and each agreeing bordering state; hunting privileges limited to waterfowl.
- Section 9-11-283 Rights and privileges granted to be exercised in accordance with Alabama laws, etc.
- Section 9-11-300 Establishment.
- Section 9-11-301 Fixing of boundaries; promulgation of special rules and regulations for management and protection of areas.
- Section 9-11-302 Closing of land or water in areas to hunting and fishing.
- Section 9-11-303 Searches and seizures.
- Section 9-11-304 Carrying or possession of firearms.
- Section 9-11-305 When dogs permitted in areas; liability of owners of dogs at large in areas.
- Section 9-11-306 Impoundment of dogs; redemption or destruction of impounded dogs.
- Section 9-11-307 Penalties for violations of provisions of article, etc.
- Section 9-11-320 Definitions.
- Section 9-11-321 Possession of wildlife in captivity for public exhibition purposes.
- Section 9-11-322 Appointment of committee to study and recommend standards for care and treatment of captive wildlife.
- Section 9-11-323 Promulgation of regulations prescribing standards for care and treatment of captive wildlife.
- Section 9-11-324 Permits to possess wildlife for public exhibition purposes; contents of applications for permits.
- Section 9-11-325 Condition in permits to allow inspections; notice of and abatement of violations.
- Section 9-11-326 Enforcement of article, standards and provisions of permits.
- Section 9-11-327 Penalties for violations of article, standards or provisions of permits.
- Section 9-11-328 Applicability of provisions of article.
- Section 9-11-340 "Pen-raised quail" defined.
- Section 9-11-341 Persons, etc., authorized to engage in propagation, etc., of pen-raised quail.
- Section 9-11-342 Commercial quail breeder's license.
- Section 9-11-343 Licensees to obtain markers or marking devices.
- Section 9-11-344 Carcasses to be marked before sale; quail to be killed otherwise than by shooting.
- Section 9-11-345 Invoices to be attached to packages of carcasses.
- Section 9-11-346 Packages of carcasses to be shipped with invoices attached.
- Section 9-11-347 Invoices to be kept attached to packages of carcasses during storage.
- Section 9-11-348 Resale or disposition of quail by persons other than retail vendors.
- Section 9-11-349 Records of licensees; inspection of records and premises of licensees.
- Section 9-11-350 Article applicable to persons, etc., shipping quail into state.
- Section 9-11-351 Penalty for violations of provisions of article.
- Section 9-11-370 "Nonresident" defined; burden of proof as to residence.
- Section 9-11-371 Promulgation of rules and regulations as to taking of mussels or mollusks from fresh waters.
- Section 9-11-372 Mussel catcher's license.
- Section 9-11-373 Mussel buyer's license.
- Section 9-11-374 Disposition of proceeds of sale of licenses.
- Section 9-11-375 Charge for buying or otherwise obtaining freshwater mussels; disposition of revenues; violation as a misdemeanor.
- Section 9-11-390 Short title.
- Section 9-11-391 Definitions.
- Section 9-11-392 Legislative findings and declaration of policy.
- Section 9-11-393 Imposition of moratorium on taking of marine mammals and marine mammal products; exceptions.
- Section 9-11-394 Taking, transportation, sale, etc., of marine mammals, etc., in violation of provisions of article, etc.
- Section 9-11-395 Promulgation of rules and regulations.
- Section 9-11-396 Penalties for violations of provisions of article, etc.; powers of law enforcement officers, etc., as to enforcement of article, etc.; custody and disposition of equipment, etc., seiz
- Section 9-11-397 Funding of programs established under article.
- Section 9-11-398 Applicability of provisions of article.
- Section 9-11-410 License required; rules and regulations.
- Section 9-11-411 Site of preserve; marking of boundaries; proximity to other preserves or management areas; turkey shooting prohibited.
- Section 9-11-412 Fowl to be hunted; minimum stock released for hunting.
- Section 9-11-413 License fee; application procedures; disposition of fees.
- Section 9-11-414 Limits on harvest; exception of "pen-raised quail"; hunting period for "pen-raised birds."
- Section 9-11-415 Tagging of bob-white quail; operators to cooperate with Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources; tagging generally.
- Section 9-11-416 Records of hunters and amount and species of game taken; inspection.
- Section 9-11-417 Hunting licenses required of preserve patrons; seven-day license; operators as agent vendors of licenses.
- Section 9-11-418 Enforcement of game and fish laws; inspection of preserves.
- Section 9-11-419 Violations; license revocation.
- Section 9-11-430 Definitions.
- Section 9-11-431 Construction of article; purpose thereof.
- Section 9-11-432 Stamp required for hunting migratory waterfowl; form; procedure.
- Section 9-11-433 Issuance of stamp; cost; disposition of fees; issuing agents; refund for unsold stamps.
- Section 9-11-434 Revenue used in preservation of wetlands; contracts with non-profit organizations for project outside United States.
- Section 9-11-435 Requirements for approval of outside United States projects.
- Section 9-11-450 Permit required; rules and regulations.
- Section 9-11-451 Site of fee fishing ponds; marking of entrance.
- Section 9-11-452 Ponds to be stocked with farm or hatchery produced fish.
- Section 9-11-453 Application procedure.
- Section 9-11-454 Fishing license not required; letter permit prominently displayed.
- Section 9-11-455 Creel limits.
- Section 9-11-456 Selling of fish caught.
- Section 9-11-457 Violations; fines.
- Section 9-11-480 Legislative findings.
- Section 9-11-481 Prohibited activities; exceptions; applicability; penalties.
- Section 9-11-500 Definitions.
- Section 9-11-501 Hunting of native game animals under certain conditions prohibited.
- Section 9-11-502 Hunting of tame game animals prohibited.
- Section 9-11-503 Hunting of nonindigenous animals prohibited.
- Section 9-11-504 Hunting of pen-raised birds.
- Section 9-11-505 Penalties.
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