Any person who takes, catches, kills, or attempts to take, catch, or kill fish by depositing in any public stream or public body of water in Alabama any poison, poisonous substance, fishberries, lime, or other deleterious or poisonous matter, or any person who takes, catches, kills, or attempts to take, catch, or kill fish in any of the public streams or public bodies of water in this state by the use of giant powder, dynamite, gunpowder, or any other explosive substance, on conviction, shall be fined not less than five hundred dollars ($500) nor more than two thousand dollars ($2,000), to be paid into the State Treasury to the credit of the Game and Fish Fund of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
(Code 1852, §206; Code 1867, §3753; Code 1876, §4211; Code 1886, §4168; Code 1896, §5588; Code 1907, §6899; Code 1923, §4060; Code 1940, T. 8, §79; Acts 1947, No. 611, p. 458, §1; Act 2008-384, p. 714, §1.)