Sec. 14-65g. Waiver of estimates. Record of authorizations and of required
information. Estimate of charges for diagnosis. (a) A customer may waive his right
to the estimate of the costs of parts and labor required by section 14-65f, only in writing
in accordance with this section. Such a waiver shall include an authorization to perform
reasonable and necessary repairs to remedy the problems complained of, at a cost not
to exceed a fixed dollar amount. The waiver shall be signed by the customer and the
customer shall be given a fully completed copy of the waiver at the time it is signed.
No repair shop shall use waivers to evade its duties under sections 14-65e to 14-65j,
(b) Every waiver shall be substantially in the following form:
I voluntarily request that repairs be performed on my vehicle without an advance
estimate of their cost. By signing this form, I authorize reasonable and necessary costs
to remedy the problems complained of up to a maximum of $..... The repair shop may
not exceed this amount without my written or oral consent.
Identification of Vehicle ....
Date ....
Time ....
Customer's Signature
(c) The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles shall determine the size, type face and
arrangement of the waiver form, consistent with subsection (b) of this section.
(d) Each repair shop shall maintain a written record of oral consents and authorizations, which may be recorded on the invoice.
(e) Prior to performing any repairs on a customer's vehicle, a repair shop shall
record on the invoice in writing the following information: (1) The name and address
of the customer and the telephone number at which the customer may be reached during
normal working hours; (2) the date and approximate time the customer's vehicle was
delivered to the repair shop; (3) the year, make and registration number of the customer's
vehicle; (4) the odometer reading on the customer's vehicle; and (5) the specific repairs
requested by the customer. If the customer has not requested specific repairs, the shop
shall record a brief description of the nature of the problem that requires repair.
(f) Any repair shop that charges for an estimate or diagnosis shall inform the customer of the amount of such charge before making the estimate or diagnosis and shall
obtain the customer's consent, which consent shall be written if requested by the customer or if such charge is fifty dollars or more.
(P.A. 80-425, S. 3-6; P.A. 96-167, S. 13.)
History: P.A. 96-167 amended Subsec. (e) to require that information in Subdivs. (1) to (5), inclusive, be recorded "on
the invoice".