Chapter 246
- Sec. 14-1. Definitions.
- Sec. 14-1a. "Authorized emergency vehicle" defined.
- Sec. 14-2. Appointment of Commissioner of Motor Vehicles.
- Sec. 14-3. Powers and duties of commissioner.
- Sec. 14-4. Findings and rulings of commissioner.
- Sec. 14-4a. Conduct of hearings and rendering of decisions.
- Sec. 14-5. Branch offices.
- Sec. 14-5a. Ansonia branch office.
- Sec. 14-5b. Discontinuation of branch offices.
- Sec. 14-5c. Department closed or unable to perform transactions due to emergency or other reason. Extension of expiration date or period of validity of credentials issued by commissioner.
- Sec. 14-6. Coordination of enforcement activities.
- Sec. 14-7. Deputy commissioners.
- Sec. 14-8. Police authority of commissioner and inspectors.
- Sec. 14-9. Oath of office.
- Sec. 14-9a. Criminal background checks for employment with department.
- Sec. 14-10. Definitions. Records. Disclosure of personal information and highly restricted personal information. Penalty. Regulations.
- Sec. 14-11. Employment of legal assistance.
- Sec. 14-11a. Exceptional issuance of certificates and licenses for law enforcement activities. Verification by Chief State's Attorney of statements on application for such certificates and license
- Sec. 14-11b. Handicapped driver training program.
- Sec. 14-11c. Motor Carrier Advisory Council. Members. Duties.
- Sec. 14-11d. Annual safety inspection program for fire department apparatus.
- Secs. 14-11e to 14-11h.
- Sec. 14-11i. Payment of fees by credit card.
- Sec. 14-12. Motor vehicle registration. Application. Issuance by dealers. Misrepresentation. Registration number and certificate. Requirements for registration. Temporary registration.
- Sec. 14-12a. Registration of certain motor vehicles garaged or operated in Connecticut.
- Sec. 14-12b. Presentation of insurance identification card or policy and statement that minimum security will be continuously maintained required for issuance of registration. Investigation of violati
- Sec. 14-12c. Verification of security coverages. Surrender of plates, when. Penalties for failure to insure or maintain insurance and for presentation of fraudulent identification card.
- Secs. 14-12d and 14-12e. Notice of voiding or suspension of registration or operator's license; reregistration or reinvestment; proof of financial responsibility. Presumption of failure to file in
- Sec. 14-12f. Provisions inapplicable to certain vehicles.
- Sec. 14-12g. Suspension of motor vehicle registration for violation of mandatory security requirements. Suspension of motor vehicle operator's license. Consent agreements.
- Sec. 14-12h. Maintenance and compilation of record of all suspended registrations. Availability. Stop and detain procedures. Removal of plates. Seizure, impoundment and forfeiture of vehicle.
- Sec. 14-12i. Restoration fees. Reimbursement to entities returning confiscated registration number plates to the department.
- Sec. 14-12j. Agreements with qualified independent contractors to provide consulting and other services.
- Sec. 14-12k. Regulations.
- Sec. 14-12l. Collection of Social Security numbers and federal employer identification numbers. List of persons to whom motor vehicle registrations issued to be provided to Commissioner of Revenue Ser
- Secs. 14-12m and 14-12n. Forfeiture of impounded motor vehicle; proceedings; proceeds from sale. Uninsured motor vehicle forfeiture revolving account.
- Secs. 14-12o and 14-12p.
- Sec. 14-12q. Vehicle identification card.
- Sec. 14-12r. Inspection of vehicle identification number.
- Sec. 14-12s. Administrative fees.
- Sec. 14-12t. Regulations.
- Sec. 14-13. Registration certificate and insurance identification card to be carried in vehicle.
- Sec. 14-14. Registration of motor vehicles owned by minors. Proof of financial responsibility.
- Sec. 14-15. Leasing or renting of motor vehicles. Issuance of temporary transfers.
- Sec. 14-15a. Registration of vehicles leased or rented for use in Connecticut.
- Sec. 14-15b. Motor vehicle rental contracts. Required notice re collision damage waiver. Prohibited sales and advertising practice.
- Sec. 14-15c. Repossession of rented motor vehicles by rental companies.
- Sec. 14-16. Transfer of ownership. Designation of beneficiary. Fees. Penalties.
- Sec. 14-16a. Inspection of older vehicles before or upon transfer of ownership. Historical or special interest fire apparatus. Antique, rare or special interest motor vehicles and modified antique mot
- Sec. 14-16b. Inspection of damaged vehicles.
- Sec. 14-16c. Insurance companies', persons', firms' or corporations' duties re totalled vehicles and certificates of title. Operation and inspection of totalled vehicles. Regulations.
- Sec. 14-17. Notice of change in appearance or equipment.
- Sec. 14-17a. Notice of change in registrant's address.
- Sec. 14-18. Display of number plates and stickers. Issuance of sample number plates. Return of number plates to commissioner.
- Sec. 14-19. Registration of fire apparatus.
- Sec. 14-19a. Regulations re issuance of special number plates to members of qualifying organizations. Issuance and renewal of collegiate special number plates. Discontinuance of special number plates.
- Sec. 14-20. Number plates for antique, rare or special interest motor vehicles. Issuance of number plates corresponding to year of manufacture. Registration. Regulations.
- Sec. 14-20a. Number plates for volunteer firefighters.
- Sec. 14-20b. Number plates for veterans.
- Sec. 14-20c. Number plates for immediate family of residents killed in action with armed forces.
- Sec. 14-21. Number plates for amateur radio licensees.
- Sec. 14-21a. "Foreign consul" registration and number plates.
- Sec. 14-21b. Issuance of reflectorized number plates. Display. Infraction.
- Sec. 14-21c. Number plates for manufacturers of automotive equipment. Proof of financial responsibility.
- Sec. 14-21d. Prisoner of war and congressional medal of honor registration and number plate.
- Sec. 14-21e. Number plates commemorating Long Island Sound. Voluntary lighthouse preservation donation. Fees. Regulations.
- Sec. 14-21f. Keep Kids Safe number plates. Fees. Regulations.
- Sec. 14-21g. Keep Kids Safe account.
- Sec. 14-21h. Number plates for animal population control. Fees. Regulations.
- Sec. 14-21i. Greenways commemorative number plates. Fees. Regulations.
- Sec. 14-21j. Amistad commemorative number plates. Fees. Regulations.
- Sec. 14-21k. Amistad commemorative account.
- Sec. 14-21l. Olympic Spirit commemorative number plates. Fees.
- Sec. 14-21m. Olympic Spirit commemorative account.
- Sec. 14-21n. State and municipal police officers killed in the line of duty memorial number plates. Fees.
- Sec. 14-21o. United We Stand commemorative number plates. Fees. Regulations.
- Sec. 14-21p. United We Stand commemorative account.
- Sec. 14-21q. Childhood cancer awareness commemorative number plates. Fees. Regulations.
- Sec. 14-21r. Childhood cancer awareness account.
- Sec. 14-21s. Wildlife conservation commemorative number plates. Fees. Regulations.
- Sec. 14-21t. Wildlife conservation account.
- Sec. 14-21u. Support Our Troops! commemorative number plates. Fees. Support Our Troops! account.
- Sec. 14-21v. Support for nursing profession commemorative number plates. Fees. Nursing account.
- Sec. 14-22. Expiration and renewal.
- Secs. 14-22a to 14-22e.
- Sec. 14-22f. Cancellation of motor vehicle registration in error or failure to maintain accurate record of registration. Remedies.
- Sec. 14-23. Refunds on registrations to persons in armed forces.
- Sec. 14-24. Heavy duty trailers. Heavy construction equipment. Gross weight of tractor-trailer units.
- Sec. 14-25. Registration not required for trailers used as parade floats.
- Sec. 14-25a. Identifying registration certificate and marker for certain construction equipment.
- Sec. 14-25b. Registration of vehicle as special mobile equipment or special mobile agriculture vehicle.
- Sec. 14-25c. Registration of motor vehicle used as a student transportation vehicle. Distinctive marker plates.
- Sec. 14-25d. Registration of DUKW or similar amphibious vehicle. Restrictions or prohibitions imposed by traffic authority.
- Sec. 14-26. Motor or service buses, taxicabs, school buses, motor vehicles in livery service and school buses used in part in livery service.
- Sec. 14-27. Number plates for public service motor vehicles.
- Sec. 14-27a. Number plates for vanpool vehicle. Minimum insurance requirements.
- Sec. 14-28. Passenger motor vehicle plates for livery cars or taxicabs.
- Sec. 14-29. Owners of motor or service buses, taxicabs, school buses, school transportation vehicles and motor vehicles in livery service to furnish insurance or bond.
- Sec. 14-30. Public service motor vehicles registered in another state.
- Sec. 14-31. Refund of registration fees for motor vehicles with commercial registration unfit for use.
- Sec. 14-32. Commercial motor vehicle in interstate business.
- Sec. 14-33. Renewal of registration denied for failure to pay motor vehicle property tax or fines for parking violations. Collection of delinquent property tax by commissioner.
- Sec. 14-33a. Notice to commissioner of tax payment.
- Sec. 14-34. Reciprocity of registration.
- Sec. 14-34a. Reciprocal agreements apportioning the registration of commercial vehicles.
- Sec. 14-35. Transporter's registration.
- Sec. 14-35a. Restrictions on owner of motor vehicle with suspended registration.
- Sec. 14-36. Motor vehicle operator's license. Learner's permit. Limited license. Requirements. Driving history record check. Penalty. Regulations.
- Sec. 14-36a. Classification of operators' licenses. Violation. Penalty.
- Sec. 14-36b. Renewal.
- Sec. 14-36c. Specification of class of license.
- Sec. 14-36d. Acquisition and installation of equipment. Renewal without personal appearance of holder. Regulations re renewal by mail or electronic communication.
- Sec. 14-36e. (Formerly Sec. 10-24). Course in motor vehicle operation and highway safety.
- Sec. 14-36f. (Formerly Sec. 10-24d). Regulations concerning driver education programs.
- Sec. 14-36g. Restrictions on transportation of passengers and hours of operation of vehicle by holders of motor vehicle operator's licenses who are sixteen or seventeen years of age. Exceptions. R
- Sec. 14-36h. Contents and features of operator's license and identity card.
- Sec. 14-36i. Seizure and forty-eight-hour suspension of operator's license of person who is sixteen or seventeen years of age for certain violations.
- Sec. 14-36j. Commissioner to amend regulations re content of safe driving instruction courses. Attendance by parent or guardian.
- Sec. 14-37. Limited license on proof of financial responsibility by owner.
- Sec. 14-37a. Special operator's permit for employment purposes.
- Sec. 14-37b. Applicant without license from any state or United States territory. Requirements.
- Sec. 14-38. Recall, suspension or revocation of minor operator's license.
- Sec. 14-38a. Instruction manual printed in Spanish.
- Sec. 14-39. Nonresident operators. Reciprocity concerning equipment, marking and inspection of vehicles.
- Sec. 14-40. Operation of motor vehicle owned by resident of foreign country.
- Sec. 14-40a. Motor vehicle operator's license with a motorcycle endorsement; requirements. Examination. Penalty.
- Sec. 14-40b. License without examination.
- Sec. 14-40c. Hearing upon denial or suspension of operator's license.
- Sec. 14-41. Expiration and renewal of operators' licenses and permits. Vision screening. Notice.
- Sec. 14-41a. Renewal of license for persons age sixty-five or over.
- Sec. 14-42. Commissioner to furnish applications. Indication of anatomical donation.
- Sec. 14-42a. Agreement with procurement organizations. Inclusion of information re procurement organizations in driver education programs.
- Sec. 14-43. Misrepresentation renders license void.
- Sec. 14-44. License endorsement for operators of commercial motor vehicles used for passenger transportation, school buses, taxicabs, motor vehicles in livery service, motor or service buses, student
- Sec. 14-44a. Commercial driver's license required for operation of a commercial motor vehicle. Exceptions. Penalty.
- Sec. 14-44b. Prohibition re more than one driver's license.
- Sec. 14-44c. Application for commercial driver's license or commercial driver's instruction permit. Penalty.
- Sec. 14-44d. Information on commercial driver's license. Classifications.
- Sec. 14-44e. Limitations on issuance of commercial driver's license. Qualification standards. Waiver of skills test. Requirements for license endorsement to operate vehicle transporting hazardous
- Sec. 14-44f. Penalties for supplying false information to obtain commercial driver's license.
- Sec. 14-44g. Driving record information. Notification of commercial driver's license issuance. Expiration of license. License renewal procedures.
- Sec. 14-44h. Expiration and renewal of commercial drivers' licenses. Notice.
- Sec. 14-44i. Fees for commercial driver's license and tests.
- Sec. 14-44j. Notification of convictions, suspensions, revocations and cancellations by holder of commercial driver's license. Information re previous employment. Penalty.
- Sec. 14-44k. Disqualification from operation of commercial motor vehicles. Disqualification offenses. Lifetime disqualification. Mitigation of lifetime disqualification.
- Sec. 14-44l. Notification of traffic convictions.
- Sec. 14-44m. Authority to enter into agreements with other jurisdictions.
- Sec. 14-44n. Notification of violation to licensing authority of another state.
- Sec. 14-44o. Transition requirements re motor vehicle operator's licenses and commercial driver's licenses.
- Sec. 14-45. Notice of change in operator's address. IV-D support cases. Penalty.
- Sec. 14-45a. Regulations re standards for licensing of persons with health problems, referrals to medical advisory board, vision standards. Vision screenings.
- Sec. 14-46. Report of names of persons with chronic health or vision problems.
- Sec. 14-46a. Motor Vehicle Operator's License Medical Advisory Board: Definitions.
- Sec. 14-46b. Establishment of board. Membership. Compensation. Executive session.
- Sec. 14-46c. Responsibilities of board; recommendations.
- Sec. 14-46d. Confidential use of reports or records. Testimony re reports or records.
- Sec. 14-46e. Recommendations of board to be advisory. Failure to comply with requests of commissioner or board.
- Sec. 14-46f. Immunity from civil liability.
- Sec. 14-46g. Right of appeal.
- Sec. 14-47. Fees for registering motor vehicles eligible for commercial registration and tractors.
- Sec. 14-48. Fees for registering commercial tractor and semitrailer as a unit or separately.
- Sec. 14-48a. Registration of commercial truck-tractor.
- Sec. 14-48b. Registration fee of semitrailer drawn by truck-tractor.
- Sec. 14-48c. Registration of commercial motor vehicle engaged in seasonal operations.
- Sec. 14-48d. Registration of leased motor vehicle. Regulations.
- Sec. 14-49. Fees for miscellaneous registration and other fees.
- Sec. 14-49a. Fee for registration for six months or less.
- Sec. 14-49b. Registration renewal fee.
- Sec. 14-50. Fees for operator's license, passenger endorsement and examination. Waiver of operator's license and registration fees. Regulations.
- Sec. 14-50a. Fees for copies, abstracts, duplicates, replacements and searches. Restriction on use of information. Penalty.
- Sec. 14-50b. Fee for restoration of operator's license or registration.
- Sec. 14-51. Definitions.
- Sec. 14-51a. Civil penalties.
- Sec. 14-52. License required for selling or repairing motor vehicles. Surety bonds required for selling, repairing, leasing or renting motor vehicles. Penalty.
- Sec. 14-52a. Grounds for refusal to grant or renew license.
- Sec. 14-52b. Surrender of new car dealer license in event of cancellation, termination or failure to renew franchise by manufacturer. Manufacturer to operate as a dealer on a temporary basis. Issuance
- Sec. 14-53. Location of business to be approved.
- Sec. 14-54. Location to be approved by local authority.
- Sec. 14-55. Hearing.
- Sec. 14-56. Commissioner to decide if requested by local authority.
- Sec. 14-57. Appeal.
- Sec. 14-58. Application. General registration of motor vehicles. Documents to be issued to drivers. Photostatic copies of registration certificate as proof of ownership.
- Sec. 14-59. Special dealers' plates for trucks or other vehicles with commercial registration.
- Sec. 14-60. Use of dealers' and repairers' plates.
- Sec. 14-61. Dealer issuance of temporary transfer of registration. Fee.
- Sec. 14-61a. Dealer to file application for permanent registration and certificate of title by electronic transmission.
- Sec. 14-61b. Dealer records, documents and forms maintained in electronic format. Production in written format.
- Sec. 14-62. Order and invoice on sale of motor vehicle; information required. Dealer preparation charge. Conveyance or processing fee. Certificate of title on sale of used motor vehicle or sale of mot
- Sec. 14-62a. Sale of new motor vehicle; information re price.
- Sec. 14-62b. Sale of used motor vehicle parts.
- Sec. 14-63. Regulations. Customer complaints. Stipulation by licensees.
- Sec. 14-64. Suspension and revocation of licenses. Civil penalties. Restitution orders.
- Sec. 14-65. Auction permit. Exception. Regulations. Penalties.
- Sec. 14-65a. Exemption of dealers in certain trailers. Authorized transactions of marine dealers.
- Sec. 14-65b.
- Secs. 14-65c and 14-65d.
- Sec. 14-65e. Motor vehicle repairs: Definitions.
- Sec. 14-65f. (Formerly Sec. 14-65b). Motor vehicle repairs, written or oral authorizations. Estimates. Claims.
- Sec. 14-65g. Waiver of estimates. Record of authorizations and of required information. Estimate of charges for diagnosis.
- Sec. 14-65h. (Formerly Sec. 14-65c). Invoice requirements for motor vehicle repair work. Return of replaced parts.
- Sec. 14-65i. (Formerly Sec. 14-65d). Signs required to be posted in motor vehicle repair shops.
- Sec. 14-65j. False statements. Charges for repairs not performed. Completion of repairs.
- Sec. 14-65k. Investigations. Subpoenas. Injunctions.
- Sec. 14-65l. Motor vehicle repairs: Notice included in appraisal or estimate.
- Sec. 14-65m. Motor vehicle repair shop participating in motor vehicle repair program established by an insurer. Written acknowledgment required.
- Sec. 14-66. Wreckers. Towing and transporting. Distinguishing number plates.
- Sec. 14-66a. Regulations.
- Sec. 14-66b. Operators of wrecker services to maintain records.
- Sec. 14-67. Qualifications of licensee; bond; fees. Solicitation of service contracts.
- Sec. 14-67a. Application for license. Requirements.
- Sec. 14-67b. Manufacturer's obligations re warranty.
- Sec. 14-67c. Suspension or revocation of manufacturer's license. Civil penalty.
- Sec. 14-67d. Manufacturer's registrations. Fees.
- Secs. 14-67e and 14-67f.
- Sec. 14-67g. (Formerly Sec. 21-15). Definitions.
- Sec. 14-67h. "Major component parts" defined.
- Sec. 14-67i. (Formerly Sec. 21-16). Certificate of approval of location; license required. Exceptions.
- Sec. 14-67j. Intermediate processors. Permit and license required. License required to transport vehicles or parts processed by intermediate processors. Records of vehicles or parts received, dismantl
- Sec. 14-67k. (Formerly Sec. 21-17). Hearing on application. Fee.
- Sec. 14-67l. (Formerly Sec. 21-18). License and fees. General registration of motor vehicles. Documents to be issued to drivers of such motor vehicles. Compliance with environmental statutes and regul
- Sec. 14-67m. (Formerly Sec. 21-18a). Record of vehicles or major component parts received, dismantled or sold. Inspection of records, vehicles, parts and premises. Receipt of certificate of title. Pen
- Sec. 14-67n. (Formerly Sec. 21-19). Use of general registration restricted. Number plates for motor vehicles being towed. Fees.
- Sec. 14-67o. (Formerly Sec. 21-20). Revocation of license upon sale or transfer of business.
- Sec. 14-67p. (Formerly Sec. 21-21). Suspension or revocation for violation.
- Sec. 14-67q. (Formerly Sec. 21-22). Commissioner may impose conditions concerning establishment and maintenance of yards.
- Sec. 14-67r. (Formerly Sec. 21-22a). Fencing.
- Sec. 14-67s. (Formerly Sec. 21-23). Ordinances creating restricted districts.
- Sec. 14-67t. (Formerly Sec. 21-24). Publication of ordinances.
- Sec. 14-67u. (Formerly Sec. 21-25). Appeal.
- Sec. 14-67v. (Formerly Sec. 21-26). Penalty. Injunction to restrain violation.
- Sec. 14-67w. (Formerly Sec. 21-26a). Scrap metal processors exempted. Receipt of motor vehicles. Required information. Inspection of premises and records. Retention of records. Regulations.
- Sec. 14-68. Definitions.
- Sec. 14-69. License to conduct school. Financial responsibility.
- Sec. 14-70. Grounds for denial of application.
- Sec. 14-71. Schedule of rates to be filed.
- Sec. 14-72. Suspension, revocation or refusal to renew school license.
- Sec. 14-73. Instructor's license.
- Sec. 14-74. Suspension of or refusal to renew instructor's license.
- Sec. 14-75. Revocation or suspension of license after renewal.
- Sec. 14-76. Hearing for reinstatement or renewal. Appeal.
- Sec. 14-77. Records of licensee.
- Sec. 14-78. Regulations for conduct of schools.
- Sec. 14-79. Penalty.
- Sec. 14-80. Mechanical equipment.
- Sec. 14-80a. Maximum noise levels.
- Sec. 14-80b. Ball joints and tie rod ends. Prohibition on certain installations and attachments to.
- Secs. 14-80c to 14-80g.
- Sec. 14-80h. Brake equipment of motor vehicles. Compression brake device to be equipped with muffler. Regulations.
- Sec. 14-80i. Brake equipment and handlebars of motorcycles.
- Sec. 14-81. Brake equipment of trailers.
- Sec. 14-81a. Hydraulic brake fluid.
- Sec. 14-81b. Restrictions on used brake drums and brake discs.
- Sec. 14-82. Free-wheeling devices.
- Secs. 14-83 to 14-96. Head and rear lights; spotlights; color of lights; reflectors; turn signals; minimum standards; single-beam, multibeam and alternate road-lighting equipment; number of driving la
- Sec. 14-96a. Lighted lamps and illuminating devices required, when.
- Sec. 14-96b. Head lamps.
- Sec. 14-96c. Tail lamps. Illumination of rear registration plate.
- Sec. 14-96d. Reflectors.
- Sec. 14-96e. Stop lamps. Turn signals.
- Sec. 14-96f. Special requirements for buses, trucks, trailers, truck tractors.
- Sec. 14-96g. Colors of lamps and reflectors. Reflective sheeting on certain vehicles.
- Sec. 14-96h. Mounting of reflectors and clearance lamps.
- Sec. 14-96i. Visibility of reflectors and clearance, identification and side marker lamps.
- Sec. 14-96j. Vehicles operated in combination.
- Sec. 14-96k. Projecting loads. Carrying of animals.
- Sec. 14-96l. Sufficiency of head and rear lights. Parked vehicles.
- Sec. 14-96m. Farm tractors and equipment.
- Sec. 14-96n. General lighting requirements.
- Sec. 14-96o. Spot lamps. Fog lamps. Auxiliary passing lamps. Auxiliary driving lamps.
- Sec. 14-96p. Color of lights. Flashing or revolving lights. Authorized use of blue or green lights.
- Sec. 14-96q. Special restrictions on lamps. Flashing lights.
- Sec. 14-96r. Color of stop lamps. Turn signal lamps.
- Sec. 14-96s. Fender, backup and identification lamps. Penalties.
- Sec. 14-96t. Multiple-beam road-lighting equipment.
- Sec. 14-96u. Use of multiple-beam road-lighting equipment.
- Secs. 14-96v and 14-96w. Single-beam road-lighting equipment. Distance forward lights to illuminate.
- Sec. 14-96x. Head lamp of motorcycle.
- Sec. 14-96y. Number of head lamps. Number in combination with other lamps.
- Sec. 14-96z. Intensity of certain lamps. Location of red light.
- Sec. 14-96aa. Standards and specifications for lamps for snow-removal and highway maintenance equipment.
- Sec. 14-96bb. Operation of motor vehicles without required lighting devices.
- Sec. 14-96cc. Regulation of hazardous lighting equipment.
- Sec. 14-97. Defrosting devices on school buses and motor vehicles used to transport passengers for hire.
- Sec. 14-97a. Emergency lighting or reflecting devices on motor vehicles used to transport passengers for hire and motor vehicles with commercial registration.
- Sec. 14-97b. Lift equipment on motor buses.
- Sec. 14-98. Tires.
- Sec. 14-98a. Tires to be in safe operating condition.
- Sec. 14-99. Mirror. Motor vehicles with commercial registration to allow others to pass.
- Secs. 14-99a to 14-99e.
- Sec. 14-99f. Windshield. Obstruction of view.
- Sec. 14-99g. Definitions. Tinted or reflectorized windows. Obstruction of view prohibited. Exceptions. Sale or delivery of motor vehicles having tinted or reflectorized windows prohibited. Stickers re
- Sec. 14-99h. Etching of vehicle identification numbers. Marking of component parts. Penalty. Regulations.
- Sec. 14-100. Safety glass. Use of plastics.
- Sec. 14-100a. Seat safety belts. Child restraint systems. Wheelchair transportation devices.
- Sec. 14-100b. Air pollution control devices required on certain passenger motor vehicles.
- Sec. 14-100c.
- Sec. 14-101. Turn signals.
- Sec. 14-102. View in and exits from motor vehicles used to transport passengers for hire.
- Sec. 14-102a. Inspection of student transportation vehicles.
- Sec. 14-103. Inspection of motor vehicles.
- Sec. 14-103a. Inspection of reassembled, altered or reconstructed vehicles.
- Sec. 14-103b. High-mileage vehicles, regulations re safety and performance standards.
- Sec. 14-103c. Vehicles using liquid propane gas as fuel.
- Sec. 14-103d. Vehicles using any pressurized gas as fuel. Regulations. Class C misdemeanor.
- Sec. 14-104. Fenders and other wheel protectors.
- Sec. 14-105. Television screens or similar devices prohibited. Video display for instrumentation permitted. Certain devices installed by motor vehicle manufacturer permitted. Exceptions for refuse col
- Sec. 14-106. Air conditioning equipment.
- Sec. 14-106a. Tamper-resistant odometer required. Mileage reading required on registration application.
- Sec. 14-106b. Properly functioning odometer required. Tampering with odometer prohibited.
- Sec. 14-106c. Headerboards required on commercial van-type motor vehicles.
- Sec. 14-106d. Sale or offer for sale of fake air bag prohibited. Unfair or deceptive trade practice. Penalty.
- Sec. 14-107. Liability of owner, operator, lessee.
- Sec. 14-108. Report of accidents.
- Sec. 14-108a. Uniform investigation of accident report. Requirements and policy for identifying and notifying person's family or household member of motor vehicle accident in which person was kill
- Secs. 14-108b, 14-108c and 14-109. Statistical information based on reports. Report of accident involving unlicensed operator under instruction. Coroner to investigate fatal motor vehicle accidents.
- Sec. 14-110. Oaths and subpoenas. False statements or reports.
- Sec. 14-111. Suspension or revocation of registration, license or right to operate.
- Sec. 14-111a. Possession of alcoholic liquors in motor vehicles by underage persons.
- Sec. 14-111b. Suspension of operator's license following conviction for speeding.
- Secs. 14-111c and 14-111d. Driver License Compact. Definitions applicable to Driver License Compact; comparable convictions to be reported; report of suspension or revocation action to department.
- Sec. 14-111e. Suspension or delay of issuance of operator's license for misuse of license to procure liquor or possession of liquor by minor on public street or highway or other public or private
- Sec. 14-111f. Suspension of operator's license for possession of counterfeit or altered license.
- Sec. 14-111g. Operator's retraining program.
- Sec. 14-111h. Definitions applicable to driver license agreement.
- Sec. 14-111i. Entry into driver license agreement. Regulations.
- Sec. 14-111j. Findings and declarations re driver license agreement.
- Sec. 14-111k. Application for a motor vehicle operator's license from applicants in other member jurisdictions.
- Sec. 14-111l. Driver control record. Record of convictions and administrative actions.
- Sec. 14-111m. Notice of failure to comply with a citation.
- Sec. 14-111n. Reports of comparable convictions. Suspension of operator's license.
- Sec. 14-111o. Form and use in evidence of records received from other member jurisdictions. Electronic transmission.
- Sec. 14-111p. Validity of reports or records received from members of the Driver License Compact.
- Sec. 14-111q. Hearing.
- Sec. 14-112. Proof of financial responsibility.
- Secs. 14-113 to 14-115. Financial responsibility of motor vehicle owners and operators required after accident; definitions. Administration by Motor Vehicle Commissioner; hearings; appeals. Abstract o
- Sec. 14-115a. Request for abstract of operating record.
- Secs. 14-116 to 14-128. Accident reports. Determination of amount of security; suspension of license and registration; exceptions; liability policy or bond. Release in behalf of minor. Exceptions. Dur
- Sec. 14-129. Self-insurance.
- Sec. 14-130.
- Secs. 14-131 to 14-133. Discharge in bankruptcy not to release judgment debtor. Relief under other statutes. Penalties.
- Sec. 14-134. Appeals from commissioner.
- Sec. 14-135. Attorney General to act when commissioner is disqualified.
- Sec. 14-136. First complaint.
- Sec. 14-137. Authority to make regulations and certify or limit the use of devices and equipment.
- Sec. 14-137a. Point system for motor vehicle violations.
- Sec. 14-138. State police to assist.
- Sec. 14-139. Conviction to be endorsed on license.
- Sec. 14-140. Release on own recognizance. Report of failure to appear or to pay fine or fee, surcharge or cost. Reciprocal agreements. Opening of judgment.
- Sec. 14-140a. Automobile club bail bond certificates, when acceptable as bail.
- Sec. 14-141. Courts to report convictions and other dispositions to commissioner.
- Sec. 14-142. Proceedings against negligent court clerk.
- Sec. 14-143. Expenses in unsuccessful prosecutions by state police.
- Sec. 14-144. No fees for arrests for motor vehicle violations.
- Sec. 14-145. Towing or removal of motor vehicle from private property.
- Sec. 14-145a. Express instruction of property owner or lessee required for towing or removal of motor vehicle. Rebate prohibited.
- Sec. 14-145b. Storage and release of towed motor vehicles.
- Sec. 14-145c. Liability of property owner or lessee for improper towing or removal of motor vehicle.
- Sec. 14-146. Objects not to be thrown at motor vehicles.
- Sec. 14-147. Improper use of marker, registration or license.
- Sec. 14-147a. Theft or illegal possession of number plate or sticker.
- Sec. 14-148. Abandoned markers.
- Sec. 14-149. Mutilated or removed vehicle identification, factory or engine number. Discovery of vehicle reported as stolen or of vehicle or major component part with mutilated or missing identificati
- Sec. 14-149a. Ownership or operation of chop shop.
- Sec. 14-150. Abandoned or unregistered motor vehicles and motor vehicles which are a menace to traffic. Notice. Removal. Storage. Hearing. Lien. Sale.
- Sec. 14-150a. Removal of abandoned motor vehicles by municipalities. Notice.
- Sec. 14-150b. Municipal Abandoned Vehicle Trust Fund.
- Sec. 14-151. State marshals and constables to enforce law concerning abandoned motor vehicles.
- Sec. 14-151a. Report by owner or person in lawful possession of theft of motor vehicle. Regulations re uniform procedure. Report as condition precedent to settling insurance claim.
- Sec. 14-152. Report by law enforcement agencies of theft or recovery of motor vehicle.
- Sec. 14-153. Renting of motor vehicles.
- Sec. 14-153a. Exemption. Penalty.
- Sec. 14-153b. Proof of credit.
- Sec. 14-154. Liability of owner for damage caused by rented or leased car.
- Sec. 14-154a. Liability of owner for damage caused by rented or leased motor vehicle. Exceptions.
- Sec. 14-155. Fines and forfeitures to be paid to commissioner.
- Sec. 14-156. Receipts of Department of Motor Vehicles to be credited to Special Transportation Fund.
- Sec. 14-156a. Payment of State Police Department expenditures from Highway Fund.
- Sec. 14-157.
- Sec. 14-158. Fines and forfeitures paid to commissioner to be receipts of General Fund.
- Sec. 14-159. Refund of money paid to commissioner.
- Sec. 14-160. Reservation of license numbers. Fee for low numbers.
- Sec. 14-161. Impersonation of inspector or agent.
- Sec. 14-162. Ordinances.
- Sec. 14-163. Commissioner to furnish lists of motor vehicle and snowmobile owners to town assessors.
- Sec. 14-163a. Driving on ice.
- Sec. 14-163b. Motor vehicles formerly used as ambulances.
- Sec. 14-163c. Motor carrier safety regulations for intrastate or interstate commerce. Variations or exemptions. Enforcement powers of police officers and motor vehicle inspectors.
- Sec. 14-163d. Owners of certain motor vehicles in intrastate or interstate commerce to provide evidence of security requirements and to file a motor carrier identification report. Suspension of motor
- Sec. 14-164. General penalty.
- Sec. 14-164a. (Formerly Sec. 29-143). Motor vehicle racing.
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