524.544 CHANGE OF CONTROL -- CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL -- SHARES AS SECURITY -- REPORTS. 1. Whenever any person proposes to purchase or otherwise acquire directly or indirectly any of the outstanding shares of a state bank, and the proposed purchase or acquisition would result in control or in a change in control of the bank, the person proposing to purchase or acquire the shares shall first apply in writing to the superintendent for a certificate of approval for the proposed change of control. The superintendent shall grant the certificate if the superintendent is satisfied that the person who proposes to obtain control of the bank is qualified by character, experience and financial responsibility to control and operate the bank in a sound and legal manner, and that the interests of the depositors, creditors and shareholders of the bank, and of the public generally, will not be jeopardized by the proposed change of control. A person which will become a bank holding company upon completion of an acquisition shall make application to the superintendent for a certificate of approval as provided in this section. Any other bank holding company shall comply with section 524.1804 in lieu of seeking a certificate of approval under this section. In any situation where the president or cashier of a bank has reason to believe any of the foregoing requirements have not been complied with, it shall be the duty of the president or cashier to promptly report in writing such facts to the superintendent upon obtaining knowledge thereof. As used in this section, the term "control" means the power, directly or indirectly, to elect the board of directors. If there is any doubt as to whether a change in the ownership of the outstanding shares is sufficient to result in control thereof, or to effect a change in the control thereof, such doubt shall be resolved in favor of reporting the facts to the superintendent. 2. Whenever twenty-five percent or more of the outstanding voting shares of a state bank is used as security for any transaction, the person or persons owning such shares shall promptly report such transaction to the superintendent in writing. 3. The reports required by subsections 1 and 2 of this section shall contain information (to the extent known by the person making the report) relative to the number of shares involved, the names of the sellers and purchasers (or transferors and transferees), the purchase price, the name of the borrower, the amount, source, and terms of the loan, or other transaction, the name of the bank issuing the shares used as security, and the number of shares used as security. 4. The superintendent may require, at such times as the superintendent deems appropriate, the submission of a financial statement from a shareholder or shareholders of a state bank possessing, directly or indirectly, control of such state bank. Section History: Early Form [C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 524.519] Section History: Recent Form CS 95, §524.544 99 Acts, ch 6, §1