208.013. 1. The following amounts received by an individual orreturns and payments to an individual shall not be considered income,resources or assets when determining the amount of, or eligibility for, anypublic assistance, benefit, entitlement or tax relief to such individualpursuant to any state or state-assisted program:
(1) Amounts received as reparations or restitution for the loss ofliberty or life or damage to health by the victims of National Socialist(Nazi) persecution;
(2) Returns of tangible or intangible property seized,misappropriated or lost as a result of National Socialist (Nazi) actions orpolicies and any cash values in replacement of such property;
(3) Payments of insurance policies purchased prior to December 31,1945, by the victims of National Socialist (Nazi) persecution; and
(4) Any accumulated or accrued interest on such amounts, returns orpayments.
2. The nonconsideration of the amounts, returns or payments asincome, resources or assets of an individual shall only apply if suchindividual was a victim of National Socialist (Nazi) persecution, actionsor policies or is the spouse or descendant of a victim of NationalSocialist (Nazi) persecution, actions or policies and such family member isthe first recipient of such amounts, returns or payments.
3. As used in this section, "National Socialist (Nazi) persecution,actions and policies" means persecution, actions or policies taken byGermany and other countries, or by organizations, institutions andcompanies within those countries, against the victims of the NaziHolocaust.
(L. 2000 H.B. 1452 ยง 208.750)