Chapter 208 Old Age Assistance, Aid to Dependent Children and General Relief
- 208.001. Citation of law--MO HealthNet created--division created--rulemaking authority.
- 208.009. Illegal aliens prohibited from receiving any state or local public benefit--proof of lawful residence required--temporary benefits permitted, when--exceptions for nonprofit organizations.
- 208.010. Eligibility for public assistance, how determined--means test--certain medical assistance benefits to include payment of deductible and coinsurance--prevention of spousal impoverishments, div
- 208.012. Payments from Agent Orange funds not to be considered income in determining eligibility.
- 208.013. Restitution payments to victims of National Socialist (Nazi) persecution not income in determining eligibility.
- 208.014. (Repealed L. 2007 S.B. 577 § A)
- 208.015. Persons not eligible for general relief--exception--specified relative, defined--unemployable persons--relief limitation.
- 208.016. Personal needs allowance to be deducted from resident's income--increase in allowance, when.
- 208.020. Eligibility not affected by involuntary conversion of real into personal property for year--receipt defined.
- 208.028. (Repealed L. 2001 S.B. 236 § A)
- 208.029. (Repealed L. 2001 S.B. 236 § A)
- 208.030. Supplemental welfare assistance, eligibility for--amount, how determined--reduction of supplemental payment prohibited, when.
- 208.040. Temporary assistance benefits--eligibility for--assignment of rights to support to state, when, effect of.
- 208.041. Children of unemployed parent eligible for aid to dependent children--unemployment benefits considered unearned income.
- 208.042. Recipients of aid to dependent children to participate in training or work projects--exceptions--refusal to participate, effect of--standards--child day care services authorized.
- 208.043. Aid to dependent children living with legal guardian who is not an eligible relative, when granted.
- 208.044. Child day care services to be provided certain persons--eligible providers.
- 208.047. Aid to dependent children in foster homes or child-care institutions, granted, when--maximum benefits.
- 208.048. Aid to families with dependent child--school attendance required--rules.
- 208.050. Aid to dependent children denied, when.
- 208.055. Public assistance recipients required to cooperate in establishing paternity--assignment of child support rights, when--public assistance defined.
- 208.060. Applications for benefits, how and where filed.
- 208.070. Applications may be made at county office and shall be investigated--decision--notice to applicant.
- 208.071. Individualized assessment of applicant--rulemaking authority.
- 208.072. Application for medical assistance, approval or denial, when--Medicaid payments to long-term care facilities, when.
- 208.075. Mental or physical examination may be required--evidence admissible at appeal hearing.
- 208.080. Appeal to director of the division of family services, when--procedure.
- 208.090. Reinstatement and payment of benefits to applicant.
- 208.100. Appeal to circuit court--procedure.
- 208.110. Appeals from circuit court.
- 208.120. Records, when evidence, restrictions on disclosure--penalty.
- 208.125. Records may be destroyed, when.
- 208.130. Benefits granted may be reconsidered.
- 208.140. Grants subject to any change of law.
- 208.143. Veterans medical services, division to determine if applicant for medical assistance is eligible.
- 208.144. Medicaid reimbursement for children participating in the Part C early intervention system (First Steps).
- 208.145. Medical assistance benefits, eligibility based on receipt of AFDC benefits, when.
- 208.146. Ticket-to-work health assurance program--eligibility--expiration date.
- 208.147. Annual income and eligibility verification required for medical assistance recipients--documentation required.
- 208.150. Monthly benefits, how determined.
- 208.151. Medical assistance, persons eligible--rulemaking authority.
- 208.152. Medical services for which payment will be made--co-payments may be required--reimbursement for services.
- 208.153. Medical assistance--regulations as to costs and manner--federal medical insurance benefits may be provided.
- 208.154. Insufficient funds, benefits to be paid pro rata.
- 208.155. Records concerning applicants and recipients of medical assistance confidential.
- 208.156. Hearings granted applicants and suppliers of services, when--class action authorized for suppliers, requirements--claims may be cumulative--procedure--appeal.
- 208.157. Discrimination prohibited--payment refused to provider of medical assistance who discriminates because of race, color or national origin.
- 208.158. Payments to be made only when federal grants-in-aid are provided.
- 208.159. Payments for nursing home services, how administered--rules.
- 208.160. Payment rolls, how prepared--checks and warrants, how issued.
- 208.161. Inpatient psychiatric hospital services, individuals under age twenty-one--nursing home service, any age, exception.
- 208.162. (Repealed L. 2005 S.B. 539 § A)
- 208.163. Direct payment on request by authorized providers of services.
- 208.164. Medical assistance abuse or fraud, definitions--department's or division's powers--reports, confidential--restriction or termination of benefits, when--rules.
- 208.165. Medical assistance, payments withheld for services, when--payment ordered, interest allowed.
- 208.166. Department to facilitate cost-effective purchase of comprehensive health care, definitions--authority of department, conditions--recipient's freedom of selection of plans and sponsors not
- 208.167. Nursing home services, amount paid, computation--restrictions waived when, procedure.
- 208.168. Benefit payments for adult day care, intermediate care facilities, and skilled nursing homes--amount paid, how determined--effective when.
- 208.169. Reimbursement rate for nursing care services--not revised on change of ownership, management, operation--assignment to new facilities entering program--calculation--determination of trend fac
- 208.170. Duties of state treasurer--special funds created.
- 208.171. Effective date of certain sections.
- 208.172. Reduction or denial of benefits, basis for, restrictions on.
- 208.173. Committee established.
- 208.174. Director shall apply for amendment of waiver of comparability of services--promulgation of rules--procedure.
- 208.175. Drug utilization review board established, members, terms, compensation, duties.
- 208.176. Division to provide for prospective review of drug therapy.
- 208.177. (Repealed L. 2007 S.B. 613 Revision § A)
- 208.178. Health insurance coverage through Medicaid, eligibility--rules.
- 208.179. Receipt of medical assistance while receiving unemployment compensation, pilot project--scope of services--payment of premiums--rules, procedure.
- 208.180. Payment of benefits, to whom--disposition of benefit check of deceased person.
- 208.181. Expedited eligibility process, pregnant women.
- 208.182. Division to establish electronic transfer of benefits system--disclosure of information prohibited, penalty--benefits and verification to reside in one card.
- 208.190. Division to comply with acts of congress relating to Social Security benefits.
- 208.192. Certain Medicaid data to be made available on web site--sunset provision.
- 208.195. Medical and technical advisory committee, appointment, expenses.
- 208.197. Professional services payment committee established, members, duties.
- 208.201. Mo HealthNet division established--director, how appointed, powers and duties--powers, duties and functions of division.
- 208.202. Premium offset program, pilot project authorized, eligibility.
- 208.204. Medical care for children in custody of department, payment--division of medical services may administer funds--individualized service plans developed for children in state custody exclusivel
- 208.210. Undeclared income or property--benefits may be recovered by division of family services, when.
- 208.212. Annuities, affect on Medicaid eligibility--rulemaking authority.
- 208.213. Personal care contracts, effect on eligibility.
- 208.215. Payer of last resort--liability for debt due the state, ceiling--rights of department, when, procedure, exception--report of injuries required, form, recovery of funds--recovery of medical as
- 208.216. Attorney's fees to be paid by department for recipient appeals for federal supplemental security income benefits, when--rules, procedure.
- 208.217. Department may obtain medical insurance information--failure to provide information, attorney general to bring action, penalty--confidential information, penalty for disclosure--definitions.
- 208.220. Commissioner of administration may deduct certain amounts from state employee's compensation, when.
- 208.221. Jurisdiction, administrative hearing commission, procedure.
- 208.223. Reimbursement for ambulance service to be based on mileage.
- 208.225. Medicaid per diem rate recalculation for nursing homes, amount.
- 208.227. Psychotropic medications, access to.
- 208.230. Public assistance beneficiary employer disclosure act--report, content.
- 208.250. Definitions.
- 208.255. Missouri elderly and handicapped transportation assistance program created, purpose.
- 208.260. Funds appropriated to transportation department, duty to administer--distribution of funds, how determined.
- 208.265. Rules and procedures, developed by whom, published, where.
- 208.275. Coordinating council on special transportation, creation--members, qualifications, appointment, terms, expenses--staff--powers--duties.
- 208.300. Volunteer program for in-home respite care of the elderly--credit for service, limitation.
- 208.305. Volunteers or designated elderly beneficiaries needing respite assistance to receive, when, qualifications--paid assistance, when, rate.
- 208.307. (Repealed L. 2007 S.B. 613 Revision § A)
- 208.309. Pilot projects authorized, where--definitions.
- 208.311. Purpose of EVE projects.
- 208.313. Division of aging, duties--application, contents.
- 208.315. Expansion of projects.
- 208.325. Self-sufficiency program, targeted households--assessments--self-sufficiency pacts, contents, incentives for participation, review by director, term of pact--training for case managers--sanct
- 208.335. Community revitalization, definitions, agencies strategies, community plan components, resources, waivers required.
- 208.337. Accounts for children with custodial parents in JOBS (or FUTURES), conditions, limitations--waivers required.
- 208.339. Telecommuting employment options, office of administration, division of personnel, duties.
- 208.341. School programs--postponing sexual involvement--QUEST--rites of passage.
- 208.342. Earned income tax credit program, AFDC recipients.
- 208.344. Welfare reform, progress report to be submitted annually by division, content--expiration.
- 208.345. Protocols for referral of public assistance recipients to federal programs.
- 208.400. Definitions.
- 208.405. JOBS program established, duties of department.
- 208.410. Volunteers to be given priority--publicity or recruitment program--persons excused from participation--pretermination hearing required before loss of benefits or services as sanction for nonp
- 208.415. Rulemaking authority--assessment and service plan--community work experience program authorized, participation voluntary, when, required when.
- 208.420. Department to apply for and accept federal funds.
- 208.425. Welfare reform coordinating committee established.
- 208.431. Medicaid managed care organization reimbursement allowance, amount.
- 208.432. Record keeping required, submission to department.
- 208.433. Calculation of reimbursement allowance amount--notification of Medicaid managed care organizations--offset permitted, when.
- 208.434. Amount final, when--protest, procedure.
- 208.435. Rulemaking authority.
- 208.436. Remittance to the department--deposit in dedicated fund.
- 208.437. Reimbursement allowance period--notification of balance due, when--delinquent payments, procedure, basis for denial of licensure--expiration date.
- 208.453. Hospitals to pay a federal reimbursement allowance for privilege of providing inpatient care, defined--public mental hospitals exempt--elimination of allowance for certain hospitals.
- 208.455. Formula for federal reimbursement allowance established by rule--procedure.
- 208.457. Report annually by hospitals required, content--filed with department of social services.
- 208.459. Director of department of social services to determine amount of allowance--notification of amount due when--payment may be made in increments--offset by Medicaid payments due hospital on req
- 208.461. Protest by hospital, procedure--filed when--hearing--final decision due when--appeal to administrative hearing commission.
- 208.463. Documents content and form prescribed by rule.
- 208.465. Balance of reimbursement to be remitted to department of social services payable to department of revenue--federal reimbursement allowance fund created, exempt from lapse provisions--investme
- 208.467. Reimbursement allowance period, notification of balance due--delinquent when, state's lien against hospital property may be enforced--penalties.
- 208.469. Tax exempt or nonprofit status granted by state not to be affected.
- 208.471. Medicaid reimbursement payments to hospitals--FRA assessments--enhanced graduate medical education payments--alternative reimbursement payments to hospital for Medicaid provider agreements or
- 208.473. Federal reimbursement allowance requirements to apply only as long as federal participation in state's Medicaid program.
- 208.475. Effective date of allowance.
- 208.477. Medicaid eligibility, criteria used, effect when more restrictive than FY2003.
- 208.478. Graduate medical education and enhanced graduate medical education, amount of Medicaid payments--contingent expiration for federal reimbursement allowance.
- 208.479. Regulations must be provided to interested parties prior to filing with secretary of state.
- 208.480. Federal reimbursement allowance expiration date.
- 208.500. Transitional benefits demonstration project--definitions.
- 208.503. Selection of applicants--services, limit--eligibility.
- 208.505. Division to conduct research, make recommendations.
- 208.507. Acquisition of waivers--rulemaking, procedure.
- 208.530. Definitions.
- 208.533. Commission established--members, qualifications--terms--expenses.
- 208.535. Commission, duties.
- 208.550. (Repealed L. 2005 S.B. 539 § A)
- 208.553. (Repealed L. 2005 S.B. 539 § A)
- 208.556. (Repealed L. 2005 S.B. 539 § A)
- 208.559. (Repealed L. 2005 S.B. 539 § A)
- 208.562. (Repealed L. 2005 S.B. 539 § A)
- 208.565. (Repealed L. 2005 S.B. 539 § A)
- 208.568. (Repealed L. 2005 S.B. 539 § A)
- 208.571. (Repealed L. 2005 S.B. 539 § A)
- 208.574. (Repealed L. 2007 S.B. 613 Revision § A)
- 208.600. Citation of law, definitions.
- 208.603. Department of health and senior services to administer federal program.
- 208.606. Public education, at-risk elderly, purpose--action steps to be devised, preference for contacts.
- 208.609. Coordination of existing transportation services--voluntary transportation systems--emergency food services.
- 208.612. One-stop shopping for elderly citizens to apply for programs.
- 208.615. Unmet needs report.
- 208.618. Program to address mental health needs.
- 208.621. Program, at-risk elderly.
- 208.624. Invest in caring, model program--intergenerational care and training program.
- 208.627. Report, delivery of case management services, contents--delivery of report.
- 208.630. Council on special transportation, coordination of existing transportation reports--compilation, contents, delivery.
- 208.631. Program established, terminates, when--definitions.
- 208.633. Eligible children, income limits of parents or guardians.
- 208.636. Requirements of parents or guardians.
- 208.640. Co-payments required, when, amount, limitations.
- 208.643. Rules, compliance with federal law.
- 208.646. Waiting period required, when.
- 208.647. Special health care needs, waiver of waiting period for coverage.
- 208.650. Studies and reports required by department of social services.
- 208.655. Abortion counseling prohibited, exceptions.
- 208.657. Rules, effective when, invalid when.
- 208.659. Revision of eligibility requirements for uninsured women's health program.
- 208.660. (Repealed L. 2002 H.B. 1926 § A)
- 208.670. Practice of telehealth, rules--definitions.
- 208.690. Citation of law--definitions.
- 208.692. Program established, purpose--asset disregard--departments duties--rules.
- 208.694. Eligibility--discontinuance of program, effect of--reciprocal agreements.
- 208.696. Director's duties--rules.
- 208.698. Reports required.
- 208.700. Title--definitions.
- 208.705. Work first program, participants deemed employees, benefits.
- 208.710. Supplemental wage assistance employment position created--violations, procedure.
- 208.715. Refusal of employment, exceptions to sanctioning of recipient.
- 208.720. Employer list maintained for supplemental wage assistance programs--list available to public.
- 208.750. Title--definitions.
- 208.755. Family development account program established--proposals, content--department--duties--rulemaking authority.
- 208.760. Eligibility--withdrawal of moneys, when.
- 208.765. Forfeiture of account moneys, when--death of account holder, effect of.
- 208.770. Tax exemption, credit, when.
- 208.775. Independent evaluation--report.
- 208.780. Definitions.
- 208.782. Missouri Rx plan established, purpose--rulemaking authority.
- 208.784. Coordination of prescription drug coverage with Medicare Part D--enrollment in program--Medicaid dual eligibles, effect of.
- 208.786. Authority of department in providing benefits--start of program benefits, when.
- 208.788. Program not an entitlement--payer of last resort requirements.
- 208.790. Applicants required to have fixed place of residence, rules.
- 208.792. Advisory commission established, members, duties.
- 208.794. Fund created.
- 208.798. Contingent termination date--sunset provision.
- 208.819. Transition grants created, eligibility, amount--information and training developed--rulemaking authority.
- 208.850. Title.
- 208.853. Findings and purpose.
- 208.856. Council created, expenses, members, terms, removal.
- 208.859. Powers and duties of the council.
- 208.862. Consumer rights and employment relations.
- 208.865. Definitions.
- 208.868. Federal approval and funding.
- 208.871. Severability clause.
- 208.895. Referral for services, department duties.
- 208.900. Definitions.
- 208.903. Financial assistance for personal care, eligibility requirements.
- 208.906. Determination of eligibility--personal care service plan to be developed--reevaluation required.
- 208.909. Responsibilities of recipients and vendors.
- 208.912. Abuse and neglect reporting--investigation procedures--content of reports--employee disqualification list maintained.
- 208.915. Misappropriation of consumer's property or funds, report to the department--content of report--investigation procedures--employee disqualification list maintained.
- 208.918. Vendor requirements, philosophy and services.
- 208.921. Denial of eligibility, applicant entitled to hearing.
- 208.924. Discontinuation of services, when.
- 208.927. Rulemaking authority.
- 208.930. Consumer-directed personal care assistance services, reimbursement for through eligible vendors--eligibility requirements--documentation--service plan required--premiums, amount--annual reeva
- 208.950. Plans required--participant enrollment--survey to assess health and wellness outcomes--health risk assessments required.
- 208.951. Request for proposals.
- 208.952. Committee established, members, recommendations.
- 208.955. Committee established, members, duties--issuance of findings--subcommittee designated, duties, members.
- 208.975. Fund created, use of moneys--rules.
- 208.978. Report on fund--recommendations--expiration date.
- 208.985. Legislative budget office to conduct forecast, items to be included.
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