208.030. 1. The division of family services shall make monthlypayments to each person who was a recipient of old age assistance, aid tothe permanently and totally disabled, and aid to the blind and who:
(1) Received such assistance payments from the state of Missouri forthe month of December, 1973, to which they were legally entitled; and
(2) Is a resident of Missouri.
2. The amount of supplemental payment made to persons who meet theeligibility requirements for and receive federal supplemental securityincome payments shall be in an amount, as established by rule andregulation of the division of family services, sufficient to, when added toall other income, equal the amount of cash income received in December,1973; except, in establishing the amount of the supplemental payments,there shall be disregarded cost-of-living increases provided for in TitlesII and XVI of the federal Social Security Act and any benefits or incomerequired to be disregarded by an act of Congress of the United States orany regulation duly promulgated thereunder. As long as the recipientcontinues to receive a supplemental security income payment, thesupplemental payment shall not be reduced. The minimum supplementalpayment for those persons who continue to meet the December, 1973,eligibility standards for aid to the blind shall be in an amount which,when added to the federal supplemental security income payment, equals theamount of the blind pension grant as provided for in chapter 209, RSMo.
3. The amount of supplemental payment made to persons who do not meetthe eligibility requirements for federal supplemental security incomebenefits, but who do meet the December, 1973, eligibility standards for oldage assistance, permanent and total disability and aid to the blind or lessrestrictive requirements as established by rule or regulation of thedivision of family services, shall be in an amount established by rule andregulation of the division of family services sufficient to, when added toall other income, equal the amount of cash income received in December,1973; except, in establishing the amount of the supplemental payment, thereshall be disregarded cost-of-living increases provided for in Titles II andXVI of the federal Social Security Act and any other benefits or incomerequired to be disregarded by an act of Congress of the United States orany regulation duly promulgated thereunder. The minimum supplementalpayments for those persons who continue to meet the December, 1973,eligibility standards for aid to the blind shall be a blind pension paymentas prescribed in chapter 209, RSMo.
4. The division of family services shall make monthly payments topersons meeting the eligibility standards for the aid to the blind programin effect December 31, 1973, who are bona fide residents of the state ofMissouri. The payment shall be in the amount prescribed in subsection 1 ofsection 209.040, RSMo, less any federal supplemental security incomepayment.
5. The division of family services shall make monthly payments topersons age twenty-one or over who meet the eligibility requirements ineffect on December 31, 1973, or less restrictive requirements asestablished by rule or regulation of the division of family services, whowere receiving old age assistance, permanent and total disabilityassistance, general relief assistance, or aid to the blind assistancelawfully, who are not eligible for nursing home care under the Title XIXprogram, and who reside in a licensed residential care facility, a licensedassisted living facility, a licensed intermediate care facility or alicensed skilled nursing facility in Missouri and whose total cash incomeis not sufficient to pay the amount charged by the facility; and to allapplicants age twenty-one or over who are not eligible for nursing homecare under the Title XIX program who are residing in a licensed residentialcare facility, a licensed assisted living facility, a licensed intermediatecare facility or a licensed skilled nursing facility in Missouri, who makeapplication after December 31, 1973, provided they meet the eligibilitystandards for old age assistance, permanent and total disabilityassistance, general relief assistance, or aid to the blind assistance ineffect on December 31, 1973, or less restrictive requirements asestablished by rule or regulation of the division of family services, whoare bona fide residents of the state of Missouri, and whose total cashincome is not sufficient to pay the amount charged by the facility. UntilJuly 1, 1983, the amount of the total state payment for home care inlicensed residential care facilities shall not exceed one hundred twentydollars monthly, for care in licensed intermediate care facilities orlicensed skilled nursing facilities shall not exceed three hundred dollarsmonthly, and for care in licensed assisted living facilities shall notexceed two hundred twenty-five dollars monthly. Beginning July 1, 1983,for fiscal year 1983-1984 and each year thereafter, the amount of the totalstate payment for home care in licensed residential care facilities shallnot exceed one hundred fifty-six dollars monthly, for care in licensedintermediate care facilities or licensed skilled nursing facilities shallnot exceed three hundred ninety dollars monthly, and for care in licensedassisted living facilities shall not exceed two hundred ninety-two dollarsand fifty cents monthly. No intermediate care or skilled nursing paymentshall be made to a person residing in a licensed intermediate care facilityor in a licensed skilled nursing facility unless such person has beendetermined, by his own physician or doctor, to medically need such servicessubject to review and approval by the department. Residential carepayments may be made to persons residing in licensed intermediate carefacilities or licensed skilled nursing facilities. Any person eligible toreceive a monthly payment pursuant to this subsection shall receive anadditional monthly payment equal to the Medicaid vendor nursing facilitypersonal needs allowance. The exact amount of the additional payment shallbe determined by rule of the department. This additional payment shall notbe used to pay for any supplies or services, or for any other items thatwould have been paid for by the division of family services if that personwould have been receiving medical assistance benefits under Title XIX ofthe federal Social Security Act for nursing home services pursuant to theprovisions of section 208.159. Notwithstanding the previous part of thissubsection, the person eligible shall not receive this additional paymentif such eligible person is receiving funds for personal expenses from someother state or federal program.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 9407, A. 1949 S.B. 1063, A.L. 1973 S.B. 325, A.L. 1974 H.B. 1563, A.L. 1975 H.B. 197, S.B. 99, A.L. 1978 S.B. 492, A.L. 1979 S.B. 328, et al., A.L. 1980 H.B. 1613, A.L. 1981 H.B. 901, A.L. 1982 H.B. 1086, A.L. 1984 S.B. 451, A.L. 1985 H.B. 39, A.L. 1988 H.B. 960, A.L. 2007 S.B. 418)