208.042. 1. In households containing recipients of aid tofamilies with dependent children benefits, each appropriatechild, relative or other eligible individual sixteen years of ageor over shall be referred by the division of family services tothe United States Secretary of Labor or his representative forparticipation in employment, training, work incentive or specialwork projects when established and operated by the secretary, toafford such individuals opportunities to work in the regulareconomy and to attain independence through gainful employment.
2. The division of family services, pursuant to applicablefederal law and regulations, shall determine the standards andprocedures for the referral of individuals for employment,training, work incentive and special work projects, which shallnot be refused by such individuals without good cause; but norecipient or other eligible individual in the household shall berequired to participate in such work programs if the person is
(1) Ill, incapacitated, or of advanced age;
(2) So remote from the location of any work or trainingproject or program that he cannot effectively participate;
(3) A child attending school full time;
(4) A person whose presence in the household on asubstantially continuous basis is required because of illness orincapacity of another member of the household.
3. The division of family services shall pay to the UnitedStates Secretary of Labor or his representative up to twentypercent of the total cost, in cash or in kind, of the workincentive programs operated for the benefit of the eligiblepersons referred by the division of family services; and thedivision of family services shall pay an amount to the secretaryfor eligible persons referred to and participating in specialwork projects not to exceed the maximum monthly paymentsauthorized under sections 208.041 and 208.150 for recipients ofpublic assistance benefits. An allowance in addition to themaximum fixed by section 208.150 may also be made by the divisionof family services for the reasonable expenses of any needy childor needy eligible relative which are attributable to hisparticipating in a work training or work incentive program.
4. If an eligible child or relative refuses without goodcause to participate in any work training or work incentiveprogram to which he has been referred, payment to or on behalf ofthe child or relative may be continued for not more than sixtydays thereafter, but in such cases payments shall be madepursuant to subsection 2 of section 208.180. If a relative hasrefused to so participate, payments on behalf of the eligiblechildren cared for by the relative shall be made pursuant tosubsection 2 of section 208.180.
5. The division of family services is authorized to expendfunds to provide child day care services, when appropriate, forthe care of children required by the absence of adult personsfrom the household due to referral and participation inemployment, training, work incentive programs or special workprojects.
(L. 1967 1st Ex. Sess. p. 900, A.L. 1969 H.B. 678, H.B. 804, A.L. 1973 S.B. 325, A.L. 1981 H.B. 901)Effective 6-16-81