208.044. 1. The division of family services shall providechild day care services to any person who meets thequalifications set forth at sections 301 and 302 of the FamilySupport Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-485).
2. The division of family services shall purchase the childday care services required by this section by making paymentsdirectly to any providers of day care services licensed pursuantto chapter 210, RSMo, or to providers of day care services whoare not required by chapter 210, RSMo, to be licensed becausethey are providing care to relative children or no more than fourchildren.
3. When a person who has been eligible and receiving daycare services under this section becomes ineligible due to theend of the twelve-month period of transitional day care, asdefined in section 208.400, such person may receive day careservices from the division of family services if otherwiseeligible for such services. Until October 1, 1992, participantseligible for income eligible day care services, as defined by thedivision of family services, will continue to receive suchservices in the same proportion as that provided in fiscal year1989, subject to appropriation.
(L. 1989 1st Ex. Sess. H.B. 2)Effective 7-27-89