208.147. 1. The family support division shall conduct an annualincome and eligibility verification review of each recipient of medicalassistance. Such review shall be completed not later than twelve monthsafter the recipient's last eligibility determination.
2. The annual eligibility review requirement may be satisfied by thecompletion of a periodic food stamp redetermination for the household.
3. The family support division shall annually send a reverificationeligibility form letter to the recipient requiring the recipient to respondwithin ten days of receiving the letter and to provide income verificationdocumentation described in subsection 4 of this section. If the divisiondoes not receive the recipient's response and documentation within the tendays, the division shall send a letter notifying the recipient that he orshe has ten days to file an appeal or the case will be closed.
4. The family support division shall require recipients to providedocumentation for income verification for purposes of eligibility reviewdescribed in subsection 1 of this section. Such documentation may include,but not be limited to:
(1) Current wage stubs;
(2) A current W-2 form;
(3) Statements from the recipient's employer;
(4) A wage match with the division of employment security; and
(5) Bank statements.
(L. 2005 S.B. 539)