208.175. 1. The "Drug Utilization Review Board" is hereby establishedwithin the division of medical services and shall be composed of the followinghealth care professionals who shall be appointed by the governor not laterthan October 1, 1992, and whose appointment shall be subject to the advice andconsent of the senate:
(1) Six physicians who shall include:
(a) Three physicians who hold the doctor of medicine degree and areactive in medical practice;
(b) Two physicians who hold the doctor of osteopathy degree and areactive in medical practice; and
(c) One physician who holds the doctor of medicine or the doctor ofosteopathy degree and is active in the practice of psychiatry;
(2) Six actively practicing pharmacists who shall include:
(a) Three pharmacists who hold bachelor of science degrees in pharmacyand are active as retail or patient care pharmacists;
(b) Two pharmacists who hold advanced clinical degrees in pharmacy andare active in the practice of pharmaceutical therapy and clinicalpharmaceutical management; and
(c) One pharmacist who holds either a bachelor of science degree inpharmacy or an advanced clinical degree in pharmacy and is employed by apharmaceutical manufacturer of Medicaid-approved formulary drugs; and
(3) One certified medical quality assurance registered nurse with anadvanced degree.
2. The membership of the drug utilization review board shall includehealth care professionals who have recognized knowledge and expertise in oneor more of the following:
(1) The clinically appropriate prescribing of covered outpatient drugs;
(2) The clinically appropriate dispensing and monitoring of coveredoutpatient drugs;
(3) Drug use review, evaluation and intervention;
(4) Medical quality assurance.
3. A chairperson shall be elected by the board members at their firstmeeting, which shall take place not later than November 1, 1992. The boardshall meet at least once every ninety days. A quorum of eight members,including no fewer than three physicians and three pharmacists, shall berequired for the board to act in its official capacity.
4. Members appointed pursuant to subsection 1 of this section shallserve four-year terms, except that of the original members, four shall beappointed for a term of two years, four shall be appointed for a term of threeyears and five shall be appointed for a term of four years. Members may bereappointed.
5. The members of the drug utilization review board or any regionaladvisory committee shall receive no compensation for their services other thanreasonable expenses actually incurred in the performance of their officialduties.
6. The drug utilization review board shall, either directly or throughcontracts between the division of medical services and accredited health careeducational institutions, state medical societies or state pharmacistassociations or societies or other appropriate organizations, provide foreducational outreach programs to educate practitioners on common drug therapyproblems with the aim of improving prescribing and dispensing practices.
7. The drug utilization review board shall monitor drug usage andprescribing practices in the Medicaid program. The board shall conduct itsactivities in accordance with the requirements of subsection (g) of section4401 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-508). Theboard shall publish an educational newsletter to Missouri Medicaid providersas to its considered opinion of the proper usage of the Medicaid formulary.It shall advise providers of inappropriate drug utilization when it deems itappropriate to do so.
8. Office space and support personnel shall be provided by the divisionof medical services.
9. Subject to appropriations made specifically for that purpose, up tosix regional advisory committees to the drug utilization review board may beappointed. Members of the regional advisory committees shall be physiciansand pharmacists appointed by the drug utilization review board. Each suchmember of a regional advisory committee shall have recognized knowledge andexpertise in one or more of the following:
(1) The clinically appropriate prescribing of covered outpatient drugs;
(2) The clinically appropriate dispensing and monitoring of coveredoutpatient drugs;
(3) Drug use review, evaluation, and intervention; or
(4) Medical quality assurance.
(L. 1992 S.B. 721 ยง 3, A.L. 1993 H.B. 765)