208.197. 1. The "Professional Services Payment Committee" is herebyestablished within the MO HealthNet division to develop and oversee thepay-for-performance payment program guidelines under section 208.153. Themembers of the committee shall be appointed by the governor no later thanDecember 31, 2007, and shall be subject to the advice and consent of thesenate. The committee shall be composed of eighteen members,geographically balanced, including nine physicians licensed to practice inthis state, two patient advocates and the attorney general, or his or herdesignee. The remaining members shall be persons actively engaged inhospital administration, nursing home administration, dentistry, andpharmaceuticals. The members of the committee shall receive nocompensation for their services other than expenses actually incurred inthe performance of their official duties.
2. The MO HealthNet division shall maintain the pay-for-performancepayment program in a manner that ensures quality of care, fosters therelationship between the patient and the provider, uses accurate data andevidence-based measures, does not discourage providers from caring forpatients with complex or high-risk conditions, and provides fair andequitable program incentives.
(L. 2007 S.B. 577)