208.221. For reimbursement or recoupment cases filed pursuant tosubsection 3 of section 208.156, jurisdiction is as outlined therein. Theadministrative hearing commission shall render a decision within threehundred days of filing the appeal. For each day the proceeding iscontinued or delayed by appellant, the time frame for rendering a decisionis extended by one day. If the commission does not render a decisionwithin three hundred days of filing, or as extended, the appellant may seekthe same appeal in the circuit court of Cole County or in the circuit courtwhere the facility is located. The circuit court performing review in lieuof the administrative hearing commission herein shall perform its reviewunder the same guidelines and restrictions as the administrative hearingcommission, except that the circuit court shall retain authority to renderfinal decisions of law.
(L. 1999 S.B. 326 ยง 14)