208.225. 1. To implement fully the provisions of section 208.152,the division of medical services shall calculate the Medicaid per diemreimbursement rates of each nursing home participating in the Medicaidprogram as a provider of nursing home services based on its costs reportedin the Title XIX cost report filed with the division of medical servicesfor its fiscal year as provided in subsection 2 of this section.
2. The recalculation of Medicaid rates to all Missouri facilitieswill be performed as follows: effective July 1, 2004, the department ofsocial services shall use the Medicaid cost report containing adjustedcosts for the facility fiscal year ending in 2001 and redetermine theallowable per-patient day costs for each facility. The department shallrecalculate the class ceilings in the patient care, one hundred twentypercent of the median; ancillary, one hundred twenty percent of the median;and administration, one hundred ten percent of the median cost centers.Each facility shall receive as a rate increase one-third of the amount thatis unpaid based on the recalculated cost determination.
(L. 2004 S.B. 1123, A.L. 2005 S.B. 539)