208.230. 1. This section shall be known and may be cited as the"Public Assistance Beneficiary Employer Disclosure Act".
2. The department of social services is hereby directed to prepare aMO HealthNet beneficiary employer report to be submitted to the governor ona quarterly basis. Such report shall be known as the "Missouri Health CareResponsibility Report". For purposes of this section, a "MO HealthNetbeneficiary" means a person who receives medical assistance from the stateof Missouri under this chapter or Titles XIX or XXI of the federal SocialSecurity Act, as amended. To aid in the preparation of the Missouri healthcare responsibility report, the department shall implement policies andprocedures to acquire information required by the report. Such informationsources may include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) Information required at the time of MO HealthNet application orduring the yearly reverification process;
(2) Information that is accumulated from a vendor contracting withthe state of Missouri to identify available insurance;
(3) Information that is voluntarily submitted by Missouri employers.
3. The Missouri health care responsibility report shall provide thefollowing information for each employer who has fifty or more employeesthat are a MO HealthNet beneficiary, the spouse of a MO HealthNetbeneficiary, or a custodial parent of a MO HealthNet beneficiary:
(1) The name of the qualified employer;
(2) The number of employees who are either MO HealthNet beneficiariesor are a financially responsible spouse or custodial parent of a MOHealthNet beneficiary under Title XIX of the federal Social Security Act,listed as a percentage of the qualified employer's Missouri workforce;
(3) The number of employees who are either MO HealthNet beneficiariesor are a financially responsible spouse or custodial parent of a MOHealthNet beneficiary under Title XXI of the federal Social Security Act(SCHIP), listed as a percentage of the qualified employer's Missouriworkforce;
(4) For each employer, the number of employees who are MO HealthNetbeneficiaries, the number of employees who are a financially responsiblespouse or custodial parent of a MO HealthNet beneficiary and the number ofMO HealthNet beneficiaries who are a spouse or a minor child less thannineteen years of age of an employee under Title XIX of the federal SocialSecurity Act;
(5) For each employer, the number of employees who are MO HealthNetbeneficiaries, the number of employees who are a financially responsiblespouse or a custodial parent of a MO HealthNet beneficiary, and the numberof MO HealthNet beneficiaries who are a spouse or a minor child less thannineteen years of age of an employee under Title XXI of the federal SocialSecurity Act;
(6) Whether the reported MO HealthNet beneficiaries are full-time orpart-time employees;
(7) Information on whether the employer offers health insurancebenefits to full-time and part-time employees, their spouses, and theirdependents;
(8) Information on whether employees receive health insurancebenefits through the employer when MO HealthNet pays some or all of thepremiums for such health insurance benefits;
(9) The cost to the state of Missouri of providing MO HealthNetbenefits for the employer's employees and enrolled dependents listed astotal cost and per capita cost;
(10) The report shall make industry-wide comparisons by sortingemployers into industry categories based on available information from thedepartment of economic development.
4. If it is determined that a MO HealthNet beneficiary has more thanone employer, the department of social services shall count the beneficiaryas a portion of one person for each employer for purposes of this report.
5. The Missouri health care responsibility report shall be issued onehundred twenty days after the end of each calendar quarter, starting withthe first calendar quarter of 2008. The report shall be made available forpublic viewing on the department of social services web site. Any memberof the public shall have the right to request and receive a printed copy ofthe report published under this section through the department of socialservices.
(L. 2007 S.B. 577)