208.313. 1. The division shall review applications and make grantawards to three community provider organizations who meet the criteria andrequirements set forth in subsection 2 of this section. One of thecommunity provider organizations shall be located in a city not within acounty and the second shall be located in a city with a population of morethan three hundred fifty thousand inhabitants which is located in more thanone county and the third shall be located in region 2 of the Missouri areaagencies on aging.
2. In order to be considered for selection as a demonstration projectsite a community provider organization shall file an application with thedivision and present the following information:
(1) A proposed program, including the approximate number of elderlycitizens that the project is designed to reach in a specifically definedneighborhood;
(2) A proposed budget;
(3) A proposed program to recruit, train and retain volunteers ascase managers and advocates for the low-income elderly of the definedneighborhood;
(4) A proposed client eligibility and screening process; and
(5) A proposed format to file an annual external audit and annualcomprehensive evaluation of the services provided to the low-income elderlyto the division of aging for consideration of potential statewideimplementation.
(L. 1996 S.B. 884 & 841)