208.415. 1. The division shall adopt rules and regulationspursuant to chapter 536, RSMo, to administer such program. Suchrules shall include procedures for referral of individuals foreducation, employment, job search, training including on-the-jobtraining, and special work projects. Such rules may implementany optional provision of the Family Support Act of 1988.
2. An initial assessment of the educational, child care, andother supportive services needs as well as the skills, prior workexperience, and employability of each participant in the programincluding a review of the family circumstances shall be completedfor all participants. This assessment shall be completed inconsultation with the participant.
3. On the basis of the assessment, the division, inconsultation with the participant, shall develop a service planfor the participant. The service plan shall explain the servicesthat will be provided by the state agency and the activities inwhich the participant will take part under the program, includingchild care and other supportive services, shall set forth aservice goal for the participant, and shall, to the maximumextent possible and consistent with sections 208.400 to 208.425,and section 452.311, RSMo, reflect the respective preferences ofsuch participant. The plan shall take into account theparticipant's supportive services needs, available programresources, and local employment opportunities. The plan shallinclude a description of the rights, duties, and responsibilitiesof the participant and the division.
4. The division may operate a community work experienceprogram in accordance with section 201 of P.L. 100-485. Theprogram shall be voluntary for thirty-six months after July 27,1989, after which time those individuals who have received AFDCbenefits for thirty-six of the preceding sixty months may berequired to participate in the community work experience program.
(L. 1989 1st Ex. Sess. H.B. 2 ยง 4)Effective 7-27-89