208.436. 1. (1) The Medicaid managed care organizationreimbursement allowance owed or, if an offset has been requested, thebalance, if any, after such offset, shall be remitted by the managed careorganization to the department of social services. The remittance shall bemade payable to the director of the department of revenue.
(2) The amount remitted shall be deposited in the state treasury tothe credit of the "Medicaid Managed Care Organization ReimbursementAllowance Fund", which is hereby created for the sole purposes of providingpayment to Medicaid managed care organizations. All investment earnings ofthe managed care organization reimbursement allowance fund shall becredited to the Medicaid managed care organization reimbursement allowancefund.
(3) The unexpended balance in the Medicaid managed care organizationreimbursement allowance fund at the end of the biennium is exempt from theprovisions of section 33.080, RSMo. The unexpended balance shall notrevert to the general revenue fund, but shall accumulate in the Medicaidmanaged care organization reimbursement allowance fund from year to year.
(4) The state treasurer shall maintain records that show the amountof money in the Medicaid managed care organization reimbursement allowancefund at any time and the amount of any investment earnings on that amount.The department of social services shall disclose such information to anyinterested party upon written request.
2. An offset as authorized by this section or a payment to theMedicaid managed care organization reimbursement allowance fund shall beaccepted as payment of the Medicaid managed care organization's obligationimposed by section 208.431.
(L. 2005 S.B. 189)Effective 5-13-05
Expires 9-30-11